Issue 30 – January 2000

(Stop Mind control And Ritual abuse Today)
P. O Box 1295,
Easthampton, MA 01027-1295 USA


Issue 30 – Jan. 2000

The purpose of this newsletter is to help stop secretive organizations and groups from abusing others and to help those who allege they have been abused by such organizations and groups.

This newsletter is not a substitute for other ways of recovering from ritual abuse. Readers should use caution while reading this newsletter. If necessary, make sure other support systems are available during and after reading this newsletter.

The resources mentioned in this newsletter are for educational value only. Reading the books cited may or may not help your recovery process, so use caution when reading any book or contacting any resource mentioned in this newsletter. Some may have a religious or other agenda that may be separate from your own recovery process. Others may have valuable information on the Masons and other organizations, but have triggers or be somewhat sympathetic to those organizations. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the views expressed in this newsletter constitute expressions of opinion, and readers are cautioned to form their own opinions and draw their own conclusions by consulting a variety of sources, including this newsletter. Resources listed, quoted and individual
articles, etc. and their writers do not necessarily support all or any of the views mentioned in this newsletter. Also, the views, facts and opinions
mentioned in this newsletter are solely the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily the opinions of this newsletter or its editor.

Copyright 1999 and 2000. All rights reserved.

No reproduction of any material without written permission from the editor and individual authors.

The dates for next year’s conference are August 5 and 6, 2000. Registration information will be available at: or by writing us via E-mail or regular mail.

99 Conference presentation tapes are now available, see

“It is difficult to know when to say something and when not to say something. If people get hurt because of my silence, then that is not a good thing. But if people get hurt because of my words, then that is not a good thing either. Sometimes both things happen. This makes speaking or not speaking a difficult choice sometimes.”

Propaganda & Mind Control

The following article was written by the editor. Please use caution while reading this article. It may be triggering.

After seeing a variety of articles and letters on and off the web that I believed either knowingly or unknowingly used propaganda and/or mind control techniques, I thought it would be a good idea to print an article about this, so that survivors would be able to recognize these techniques and protect themselves against them or avoid them.

Please note: I haven’t listed all techniques below. Please refer to the articles listed following the article for additional techniques.

Name Calling

This can include being called negative names (used inappropriately) like liar, psychotic, paranoid, crazy, communist, etc. The purpose, intentional or
unintentional, of the usage of these names is to discredit the person they are being used on, without discussing the facts of the debate or topic. Sometimes names are used to shock the listener, which may put the listener into a more susceptible mind state and not critically think about the topic but simply accept the negative name or opinion subliminally.

Glittering Generalities

Democracy, capitalism or other ideas are often discussed in these terms. These terms may be described positively without a critical analysis of all sides of the issue. The important thing is to look at the ideas behind the terms and analyze them critically. A group may also only discuss the positives of the organization, ignoring any negative criticism about the group. The important thing is to check out any group or organization as completely as possible before joining. But I believe it is also important to trust people when they are safe, so that we can recover by sharing and connecting.


A user of propaganda may use terms like “many,” “a lot,” “numerous,” or “a few” without backing up these numbers or statistics. The usage of these words may make a person or organization look better or worse without data or substantial proof.

Emotional Manipulation

Sometimes it is important to look at the argument(s) with as little emotion as possible, and try to see the facts only.

From, “…there are four elements to a successful fear appeal: 1) a threat, 2) a specific recommendation about how the audience should behave, 3) audience perception that the recommendation will be effective in addressing the threat, and 4) audience perception that they are capable of performing the recommended behavior.” Groups may also use these techniques on their members. They may say, “If you don’t do
this, then the world will end, we will close our doors, etc.” For members that are very needy or attached to the organization or person making the statement, this threat may be very difficult to ignore.

In E-mail, this may be caused by the use of numerous brackets in bold or the use of capital letters. The writer may say things like, “apples are always red,” and then, “apples are always blue,” to cause confusion in the reader and make them
more susceptible to the ideas in the Email. While the mind is trying to figure out which statement is true, the reader’s mind may become more susceptible to the suggestion or idea.

Sutphen in his article talks about “Shock and Confusion,” how people go into a meditative state when scared and are more likely to be compliant to the second suggestion. If people are made to feel guilty that they were given something, they are more likely to follow the next command, like give money, etc.

For survivors, I think the important thing is to realize when these techniques are being used on us. To fight the second suggestion and not follow it blindly. This may entail leaving the area immediately and going to a safe spot. Online this may mean reading certain E-mails with support people present. And to avoid those that may use these suggestions on us whenever possible. Learning how to develop safe
support systems and safe resources can help with this. I believe it is dangerous to believe that we can’t be MC’ed.

Guilt may also be used as a technique, especially on survivors. Making people feel like they haven’t done enough for a particular group or organization, asking people to do things without considering all sides of the issue or their own needs.

Neediness can also be used. Survivors may be looking for approval, acceptance and a place to discuss their feelings. So they may not be able to critically decide what support systems may be the safest for them. Groups will first be very nice or overly nice to them (love bombing), but this will often disappear later and emotional manipulation and threats or guilt may be used to try to cause the
desired behavior. Abusers will often apologize after their behavior, but I believe a sincere apology would be to try and change the behavior.

Subliminal Commands

The techniques used to create subliminal commands can vary. I believe they usually create a meditative state in the individual. I have heard that TV can cause these states. “Glassy eyed stares” or “being spaced out” are often used to describe this state. Shock or fear or other extreme emotional states may also be used to create meditative states. These commands may help the writer bypass the reader’s conscious mind.

Specific triggers may be used on survivors. These may sound like the ideas of those that do not believe in the existence of recovered memory or ritual abuse. These can include calling a person paranoid, psychotic or crazy (see “name calling”) and allude to the fact that a person’s paranoia is connected to a psychotic disorder, which, I believe, usually isn’t the case. This can be used to try and get the survivor to doubt their own reality and the reality of their memories. (See SMART issue #27 for the low rate (less than 5 percent) of “false” memories.)

Subliminal triggers may also be used intentionally or unintentionally to remind a survivor of a specific ritual or past program. Repeated use (or the one time use) of the terms, “ass*ss*n*tion” or “c*t thr*at” in terms of describing another’s actions may qualify as triggers. The writer may be using these terms to
scare or trigger the reader.

A colleague of mine wrote me and told me that she uses three criterion to determine online if a person may be a perpetrator of MC.

1) If the person uses guilt.
2) If the person tells them to “f_ off.” (Could be considered a technique to shock the reader.)
3) Using lots of triggers to control their actions.

I think the one thing that all 3 above have in common is they entail some sort of emotional manipulation and/or trigger.

Changing the Topic

Rather than deal with the specific topic, a group or person may try to change the topic, or discredit the other side, rather than deal with the criticisms or
arguments in the debate. A variety of propaganda techniques may be used to try and do this. This technique has occasionally been used by politicians and others.


One way of remembering something is to constantly repeat it. This is one way we learn to remember new words and songs. Rather than debating the points of the debate, a debater may simply continue calling a person a liar or crazy or a
traitor, etc. (see “name calling”) without backing up their statements. How often is an idea in an argument presented without a source or logical backing. This is one place in a debate or argument where a debater may show their “true colors.”
Are they interested in debating the points of the argument or are they using propaganda and mind control techniques?


Individuals that are not qualified to discuss the particulars (the specific facts) of a debate or product may join the debate or ad campaign and make statements that may have little or no logical backing or factual basis. Organizations and
companies may use a variety of techniques to encourage such participation.

Band Wagon

The user of propaganda may encourage people to join the cause without asking them to think about the facts and other side of the argument. This may include a kind of hero worship, including fancy clothes, high expenditures, claims of a large
following, etc. I think the most important thing is to follow your instincts and recovery, not someone else. Other people may have valid and helpful things to say, but I believe our recovery has to be our own.

Logical Fallacies

These will be intentionally used by the user of propaganda to manipulate opinion.

Example: John likes apples.
Hitler liked apples.
John likes Hitler.

This can be used in politics. Equating communism to fascism because one or several communist governments may have been fascist is an example of this. A person may agree with someone on one topic and disagree with the same person on another topic. The user of propaganda may try to lump the two people or a group of people together that disagree with them, suggesting a conspiracy, when it may only be people agreeing on a certain topic.

You might hear that we can’t trust anyone if certain people aren’t safe. This is a logical fallacy and isn’t true. It may take time for the survivor to trust again, but I think we need to keep trying to trust safe people, so we can heal.

Unwarranted Extrapolation

This is another logical fallacy. A person receiving a criticism may claim that a critique of themselves or their group may cause divisiveness in society or their movement. (“Love it or leave” is an example of this.) The repetition of this idea may reinforce the idea in the reader’s mind. An alternative way of looking at this is that the same critique could also make the movement stronger, by encouraging
people to think about their choices and use caution before making those choices. It may encourage all those in the movement to become healthier, making the movement even stronger.

In all logical fallacies, and in terms of propaganda in general, try to see the other possible conclusions of the argument, not simply those presented by the user of propaganda.

How to Avoid Blindly Accepting Propaganda and Being Mind Controlled

(Please note: these are only suggestions. You may want to analyze each of them to see if they have any value to you and if necessary, add some of your own.)

From FactNet (about Coercive Persuasion listed under sources): “The subjects easiest to influence are usually young, trusting, gullible, and noncritical people from protective backgrounds or people who may be particularly vulnerable because of some recent unsettled transition (my note: survivors may
also fit in this category)…the rejects are likely to be individuals who have easy access to accurate, critical, or counterbalancing information. Insolent,
selfcentered, streetwise, highly critical or recalcitrant individuals are generally culled out…” Though everyone is susceptible to some degree.

1) Try to find out both sides of the story.

2)Learn about propaganda and mind control techniques and learn how to recognize them. If necessary, learn to avoid those using these techniques (this may be online or offline.) The media and advertisements may be a good place to start either learning about these techniques or avoiding them. At times, advertisements don’t even discuss the product or its attributes at all.

3) When in a potential situation where you can be MC’ed or propagandized, learn how to recognize the feelings of going into a meditative state and learn some of the techniques for getting out of these states. (Details are at “Conference trigger management and safety” are available via Email, snail mail (for $1.00 US only) or at I believe that avoidance of these situations is usually the best way to keep from
being MC’ed or propagandized.

4) The user of propaganda or mind control techniques may exhibit a “lack of morals,” lying and/or disregarding the rules of the debate, list, group or society. This is similar to the “us vs them” or may be justified by “the ends justify the means” arguments organizations may use, see SMART #29 (Cult Information Article.)

5) Try to use your gut feelings. If something doesn’t feel right, step back or remove yourself from the situation. I believe that a legitimate group or organization will give an individual the time and room to make their own choices (see “Emotional Manipulation” above).

I believe the following statement also applies to being MC’ed and/or fooled by propaganda. From FactNet, “No one “joins a cult.” People recruited into destructive groups think they are doing something else, something beneficial and
worthwhile. Anyone can be recruited given the right sales pitch and the right conditions in one’s life. We are all potential victims.” While I believe it is
necessary to learn from our mistakes, I think that feeling too much guilt doesn’t help. It may be necessary to make an amends when safe. This may be simply by getting healthy and possibly educating others.

As always, please use your own judgement and try to research everything as fully as possible. Don’t accept anything anyone says simply because they say it or claim to be an expert or whatever. Try to check it out for yourself. I am not an expert, and I am continually learning new things about myself and the above topics.


Please note: These sources are listed for educational information only. We are not necessarily recommending them as resources for survivors.

“The Battle for Your Mind,” by Dick Sutphen, “Persuasion and Brainwashing Techniques Being Used on the Public Today,” is at

“Propaganda Techniques,” by Aaron Delwiche and linked pages at (pictures may be triggering)

“Q & A on mind control,” FactNet, Inc., rancho2.htm#one
(Please note: at (which may be triggering) FactNet lists names on their cult experts page, SMART has heard allegations about a couple of these people and several may not be pro-survivor.)

Stockholm Syndrome Article

The following article was sent to us by K Sullivan. It is also available on the web at The author can be reached via E-mail at: Please use caution while reading. It may be triggering. This article is not intended as therapy. You may want to talk to your
therapist before following any of the suggestions in the article.

Stockholm Syndrome Information for Trauma Survivors

Stockholm Syndrome is common in survivors of humanly perpetrated trauma, particularly battering (emotional, mental or physical), sexual assault, kidnaping, ritual abuse, and govt. mindcontrol experimentation and slavery. Stockholm Syndrome develops when a victim is in a situation where he or she is in the presence of and cannot escape a person who is at least temporarily stronger or more powerful, and seems or is threatening. The victim has no choice but to focus on the face, voice and mannerisms of the captor or abuser. The victim begins to find ways, at least on a subconscious level, of pleasing and appeasing the captor or abuser. The victim does this as a natural, inbred means of surviving the trauma, with the hope of not being hurt. The victim, by focusing on the captor or
abuser, begins to find and focus on “good” things about the perpetrator. This is also called “identification with the aggressor.” In extreme cases, the victim may develop alterstates that are based on the captor’s or abuser’s face, voice and
mannerisms. While focusing on the captor or abuser, the victim avoids his or her own pain and terror, by trancing and thereby dissociating from these unpleasant sensations and emotions.

Dealing with Stockholm Syndrome is a problem when a victim becomes a recovering survivor. He or she may still be sympathetic towards, or may still identify with, the perpetrator. If the survivor has M.P.D. (Multiple Personality Disorder) or D.I.D. (Dissociative Identity Disorder), he or she may
also discover that he or she has perpetrator alterstates based on the former captor’s or abuser’s perceived personality. If the survivor is severely dissociative and has such alterstates, the survivor must learn not to judge or be harsh or dismissive towards those alterstates. By learning how the alterstates were originally created, and by understanding their original purposes to keep the survivor from feeling pain and expressing and rage and terror, and to stay alive and possibly unharmed the survivor can begin to accept those alterstates as part of his or her original whole personality.

Understanding the motivations and belief systems of a former abuser or captor can also help the
survivor understand why he or she was targeted and terrorized or hurt. This analytical process, however, should always be done away from the presence of the former abuser or captor, unless the confrontation is done in a safe and therapeutic setting. To be in the presence of the perpetrator once again can be dangerous, because the survivor may revert to “Stockholming” and may again try at least on a subconscious level to appease and gain the approval of the perpetrator. Such analytical work is best done in the presence of a safe therapist or counselor.

Stockholm Syndrome is an inborn dynamic that subconsciously develops in us when we are in danger of being hurt by a person we cannot physically remove ourselves from. This human dynamic is nothing to be ashamed of. Trauma survivors should, however, seek help if they find themselves unable to break free of the mental and emotional trap of identifying with the perpetrators. The deepest emotions terror and anger that survivors have suppressed to stay alive in the potentially dangerous situations, will need to be discovered and expressed to begin full healing. Once survivors are able to feel their anger at the aggressors, the survivors are less likely to be entrapped in the same type of abusive or
dangerous dynamic with their former abusers or captors, again. The bonus of such recovery work is that we also will be more likely to discover, and avoid, abusers and dangerous people who are similar in personality to those who already terrified
and/or harmed us. We will recognize the perpetrators’ type of personality, and will be able to walk away more quickly, if that is possible. Severely dissociated survivors will also be able to therapeutically convert perpetrator alterstates into helper alterstates, which can further help protect us from being harmed as much, or as quickly, again.

In reference to articles from Issue #29

The following article was written by the editor, Neil Brick.

Several articles from Issue #29 created lively debates on the Internet. In reference to Article #1, SMART has received additional written verification
backing up parts of the article.

Letters were written to SMART in rebuttal of two of these articles. For legal and ethical reasons, SMART is unable to publish these letters. However, the offer for rebuttal articles was made privately via E-mail and publicly by SMART through an online list to the representatives of the organizations mentioned in the articles and no reply was received by SMART. An offer by SMART on a public list was also made in mid-November to discuss having a rebuttal article linked to Issue #29. This offer was also ignored.

A two sided “debate” that was on a public list called mindcontrol-l (on the ISP Sonic) from the dates of 11/14 to 11/22/99. This debate included myself and several members of the organization mentioned in Articles #1 and #2, as well as one of the author writers. I found this debate to be very interesting. I believe that hidden (or not so hidden) triggers may have been placed intentionally or unintentionally in at least a few of the E-mails posted. I also believe that several of the techniques mentioned in the first article of this newsletter were used by some of the debaters.

During the debate mentioned above several allegations were made against myself and the way I moderate an online list for survivors (PSL). This list has no real connection to either this newsletter or the conferences it sponsors.

While running this online list, I had to make several difficult decisions in terms of removing a couple of people from the list. One of the people I removed later sent private PSL list correspondence, which is directly against PSL list rules, to a member of the organization mentioned in Articles 1 and 2 of Issue #29. She also sent one of my own private E-mails to this member without my permission. This member then posted these articles on another public list on the Internet.

Those on private confidential survivor lists probably know why it is so important that list posts remain confidential. Often survivors will discuss very
confidential information looking for support.

Being a list moderator means sometimes having to make difficult decisions. Whenever I have had to remove someone from the PSL list, I have always removed them as politely as possible and offered them additional resources.

Additional allegations were made about the questionnaire we used to screen members before joining the PSL list. This questionnaire was developed by the members of the PSL list to screen out possible list problems and to make sure that anyone joining the list knew upfront about list rules and policies. We were also trying to screen out people who would possibly join the list under aliases to either send list information to others or to disrupt the list.

Please feel free to write us at anytime at either our E-mail address or regular address listed at the beginning of this newsletter if you have any questions or comments about this article or any articles written in this newsletter. We are always looking for feedback.


The following poem is from a subscriber. Please use caution while reading. It may be triggering.

Won’t you come and walk with me,
I’m tired and afraid.
Won’t you come and hold my hand
And help me through today?

I feel so alone right now
I’m angry and confused.
I’m hurting deep down inside,
I really do need you.
It happened so long ago,
I stuffed it all away.
Too much for a child to grasp
And still live day to day.

I’ve been told that deep inside
In a place I can’t see,
I’ve reached a place of safety
To set memories free.

But I don’t feel safe right now
With memories pouring in,
Sensations in my body
Is where this all begins.

Post Traumatic Stress it’s called,
I’ve walked this road before
So I know I’m not crazy
Though I feel out of control.

I know that all those memories
With panic in their wake;
Are on the road to healing
And this is what it takes.

Talking about the memories
And all that I now feel;
Holding on from hour to hour
As I begin to heal.

Holding onto my feelings
Without abusing me,
Often means a cry for help
Before I can break free.

Won’t you please come walk with me
I need a hand’s safe touch.
Without someone beside me
This all would be too much.

by Cherilyn


Please note: Listing of these resources does not necessarily constitute our endorsement of them. They are for educational value only and some may be triggering.

Please also note. Some of the conferences listed may not necessarily be safe for all survivors. S.M.A.R.T. recommends always bringing a support person to all conferences. If you are a survivor of mind control and/or ritual abuse, S.M.A.R.T. recommends that you try to bring a support person that is familiar with mind control techniques.

Measuring the Impact of Media Exposure and Hospital Treatment on Patients Alleging Satanic Ritual Abuse by Frank Leavitt, Ph.D. From Treating Abuse Today 8(4), July/Aug 1998, pp. 2829. Quotes from the article: “This study provides evidence that clients who report SRA exhibit a set of associations to SRA-related words that cannot be explained by exposure to the popular media or from inpatient treatment.” “Reports of … (SRA) often come to clinical attention based on testimony of patients about events remembered from childhood (Hill & Goodwin,
1989; Young, Sachs, Braun, & Watkins, l991). These memories, …contain intriguing similarities suggesting a special information base… similarity of detail and recurrence of patterns in patient accounts often serve to weigh these accounts in
favor of personal experience…patients making the allegations come from vastly distant geographic regions, yet share an unique knowledge base, … adds to the sense of credibility (Van Benschoten, 1990; Young, Sachs, Braun & Watkins, 1991).”
“individuals in the SRA group with low media exposure produced a greater number of satanic associations than did individuals reporting high media exposure to satanic ritual abuse content.” from

Pro-survivor list (an E-mailing list group) will help provide information for survivors of ritual abuse and mindcontrol. This is not a list for skeptics or those that do not believe in the existence of mind control or ritual abuse. If
interested, please register at: /subscribe/psl After
registering, we will send you a questionnaire developed by list members to fill out. This questionnaire is to let prospective members know about the rules and policies of the list and to help us keep the list safe for survivors.

ACHES-MC now has chat rooms and a message board on Delphi. This is a private list so please write to Email: with a brief introduction. The URL is This may be triggering for some survivors, so please use caution.

The site J.J. Freyd’s Trauma, Memory and Betrayal Trauma Research at ~jjf/trauma.html has informattion on J.J. Freyd’s “Betrayal Trauma: The Logic of forgetting childhood abuse” (1996) Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. ISBN: 067406805; 0674068068 and Freyd, Jennifer J.
“Betrayal trauma: Traumatic amnesia as an adaptive response to childhood abuse” (1994) Ethics & Behavior 4 (4) 307-329. “Describes psychogenic amnesia as an adaptive response to childhood abuse based on betrayal trauma theory…. Victims may need to remain unaware of the trauma not to reduce suffering but rather to
promote survival. Amnesia enables the child to maintain an attachment with a figure vital to survival, development, and thriving…” To order Ethics & Behavior call LEA, 1-800-9BOOKS9, Email: Freyd, Jennifer J., David H. Gleaves (1996).

A description of “The Science of Memory: Apply with Caution” Jennifer J. Freyd, Ph.D. Dept. of Psychology, U of Oregon, Eugene, at

“Multiple Personality Gift, A workbook for you and your inside family” by Jacklyn M. Pia at Please use caution at this site. It may be triggering.

Two URL’s I was told about that are good finding out of print books are: and (new and old)

J. Herman, author of “Trauma and Recovery” replies to Ethan Watters “Doors of Memory” (Jan./Feb. ’93) in Mother Jones, “…once survivors have completed the process of recovering their memories, their stories are both internally consistent and often externally verifiable. In my own study of fifty-three survivors in group therapy, three out of four women were actually able to corroborate their memories with evidence from independent sources.”

“Dissociation, Trauma, & Recovered Memories, a Collection of Useful Internet Links
and Other References” is available at

Articles on trauma are at: or add “pg6.htm” D.
Baldwin, PhD, Eugene, OR USA, 541-686-2598

“Child Abuse And Multiple Personality Disorder,” P. Coons, M.D., Dept. of Psychiatry. Ind. Univ. School of Medicine, Ind., IN 46223, “The syndrome of multiple personality is associated with a high incidence of physical and/or sexual abuse in childhood.” asarc/mpd.html

“Leaping upon the Mountains” Mike Lew’s 2nd book (“Victims No Longer” was the first), focuses on the reality of recovery, the information comes from male survivors. Small Wonder Books, P O Box 1146, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130,

BPS Report: Recovered Memories British Psychological Society, January, 1995, at has information on recovered memory. Quotes include: “Complete or partial memory loss is a frequently reported consequence of experiencing certain kinds of psychological traumas including childhood sexual abuse… memories are sometimes fully or partially recovered after a gap of many years. Memories may be recovered within or independent of therapy. Memory recovery is reported by highly experienced and well qualified therapists who are well aware of the dangers of inappropriate suggestion and interpretation.” Please refer to the article for their full position. BPS, St. Andrew House, 48, Princess Road, Leicester, LE1 7DR, United Kingdom

Rick Carlson is an alleged survivor of CIA sponsored LSD experiments in Canadian prisons when he was young. He is currently being prosecuted for bank robbery which some believe he did not do, and with an additional dangerous offender diagnosis he may end up in prison for a long time. For info. on how to help Rick,
please contact: Patty Rehn, US ACHES-MC contact, E-mail:, PMB #131 1972 NE 3rd St., Bend, Oregon 97701.

Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 4, 2, 1997, Brunner/Mazel.Inc. c 1997, TRAUMATIC AMNESIA: The Evolution of Our Understanding From a Clinical and Legal
Perspective by C. Whitfield, M.D. at Quotes include: “… have identified 51 studies (as of 11/98) that prove the reality of traumatic amnesia
in childhood sexual abuse and other traumas ….workers in the field of trauma psychology have accumulated solid empirical evidence over the past 100 years that it does occur and is common ….Many who are accused and some who are convicted of child molestation, …have made a number of claims, principal among them being that traumatic amnesia does not exist…. they have blitzed the media and tried to influence the clinical, academic, and legal professions with what is mostly (allegedly) disinformation (Hovdestad, 1996; Pope, 1995, 1996; Pope & Brown, 1996; Whitfield, 199Sa, 1996c)…the past 100 years, we have accumulated a sizable amount of information about the frequency and dynamics of traumatic amnesia
(traumatic forgetting, also called dissociative amnesia), … our clinical understanding of it has sharpened during the past 15 years.”

Helen McGonigle, Esq. has given SMART permission to distribute a mini-article about hypnosis, lie detectors and “regression therapy.” Please send a S.A.S.E. envelope or write us via Email to get a copy of the article.

“How People Forget: The Truth About Delayed Memory” by Becky Bradway originally pub. in “Coalition Commentary,” pub. by the National Coalition Against Sexual Assault; for info. call (217) 7534117, at ttp:// Quotes include: …Herman, “Clinical experience shows that these (traumatic) memories are
formed in an altered state of consciousness induced by terror….B. A. van der Kolk, “Dissociation is adaptive; it allows relatively normal functioning for the duration of the traumatic event… there is biological evidence in brain functioning that there may be amnesia for the specifics of the trauma, but not for the associated feelings…victims with repressed memories will experience depression, shame, fear, somatic disorders… without being aware of the source of their emotional turmoil….In a survey of 450 adults in treatment for child sexual abuse, 59% had periods in which they could not remember the abuse. (Briereand Conte, in press)”

Aerial MindControl The Threat to Civil Liberties by Judy Wall, Editor/Publisher of Resonance Newsletter of the MENSA Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group NEXUS Magazine, Oct-Nov 99 Vol. 6, No. 6,

Abuse, Memory, Science, Therapy, Ethics & Malpractice by K. Pope, Ph.D. “This site(has) … peer-reviewed research and other articles…tables summarizing research data…. topics included are: delayed memories of child abuse (i.e., the false memory or recovered memory controversy)…”

Several URLs on the Internet have information for male survivors,, “Sexual Identity Issues for Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Qualitative Study” by Maryln Gill and Leslie M Tutty, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse ISSN: 10538712, Volume 6 Number 3, 1997, The Haworth Press Inc., 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904 USA Doubting Thomas, Male sexual abuse, for male survivors of childhood sexual abuse., a bibliography (recommended for the biblio. only)

The article “CIA Experiments with Mind Control on Children” by Jon Rappoport is
available at (may be very triggering)

Neurological Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation Bioelectromagnetics Research Laboratory, Department of Bioengineering, School of Medicine and College of Engineering, U. of WA, Seattle, WA, USA Paper presented to the Workshop on possible biological and health effects of RF electromagnetic fields. Mobile Phones and Health, Symposium, October 2528, 1998, U. of Vienna, Austria,

“Exposing the nation to doctors’ radiation sickness,” by Steve Sternberg, USA TODAY, “On July 18, 1947, doctors at the University of California at San Francisco drew a bull’s eye on Elmer Allen’s left calf and injected radioactive plutonium into the center of the circle,” “one of 18 people injected with plutonium in government-financed experiments between 1945 and 1947.” A book recommended by the article is “The Plutonium Files,” by Eileen Welsome, The Dial Press at:

“Prisoners used for `frightening’ tests, new papers show,” by Tracey Tyler, Toronto Star Legal Affairs Reporter, “Ottawa approved using inmates to test
everything …while Canada’s prison system operated as a research lab, federal documents show. The documents are contained in long-buried government files uncovered in the wake of a $5 million lawsuit filed by Dorothy Proctor, one of 23
inmates involved in LSD experiments at Kingston’s Prison for Women from 1960-63.” (this article may be triggering) “Recovered Memory Lawsuit Sparks Litigation” by Michael Jonathan Grinfeld. Psychiatric Times Dec. 1999 Vol. XVI Issue 12, “…Braun has decided to fight back. In June, a 22-page complaint filed on his behalf… claimed that Braun’s defense lawyers, the insurance companies and their claims managers settled the Burgus litigation without his consent, even though it was “totally defensible as to Dr. Braun.” This is in reference to the “October 1997 settlement totaling $10.75 million…lawsuit…brought against … (Braun) by a former patient who later retracted memories of recovered abuse.” Attorney Kopka said “The reason it did settle was because there was a substantial body of evidence which continued to grow… which would have resulted in a very severe verdict against Dr. Braun, probably exceeding his policy limits.” SMART wishes Dr. Braun the best of luck in his case.