(Stop Mind control And Ritual abuse Today)
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Home page: https://ritualabuse.us/
Issue 164 – May 2022
The purpose of this newsletter is to help stop secretive organizations and groups from abusing others and to help those who allege they have been abused by such organizations and groups. This newsletter is not a substitute for other ways of recovering from ritual abuse. Readers should use caution while reading this newsletter. If necessary, make sure other support systems are available during and after reading this newsletter.
The resources mentioned in this newsletter are for educational value only. Reading the books cited may or may not help your recovery process, so use caution when reading any book or contacting any resource mentioned in this newsletter. Some may have a religious or other agenda that may be separate from your own recovery process. Others may have valuable information on secretive organizations, but have triggers or be somewhat sympathetic to those organizations. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the views expressed in this newsletter constitute expressions of opinion, and readers are cautioned to form their own opinions and draw their own conclusions by consulting a variety of sources, including this newsletter. Resources listed, quoted and individual articles, etc. and their writers do not necessarily support all or any of the views mentioned in this newsletter. Also, the views, facts and opinions mentioned in this newsletter are solely the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily the opinions of this newsletter or its editor.
Copyright 2022 – All rights reserved. No reproduction of any material without written permission from the editor and individual authors.
Information in this issue includes: The 2022 Online Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference, ritualabuse.us, Judith Herman, Trauma and Recovery, The Modern False Memory Syndrome Movement, pseudoscientific theories, memory and dissociation, harassment of survivors and therapists, Neil Brick, child abuse and ritual abuse newsletter, S.M.A.R.T., A History of Ritual Abuse, Dr. Randy Noblitt, Should I seek freedom?, Wendy Hoffman, mind controlled victim, Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Conference, International Evidence of Ritual Abuse Conference, Organized Ritual Violence in Germany, Claudia Fischer, Hannah C. Rosenblatt, Dr. Rainer Hermann Kurz, complex trauma, Extreme Abuse, Dr. Rainer Hermann Kurz, Ritual Abuse Survivors Experience of Research, Dr. Laurie Matthew OBE, Scotland, Eighteen And Under, childhood trauma, Shelby Rising Eagle, Mormon Church, satanic worship, pedophile sex ring, Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, false memories, Michael Salter, Ruth Blizard, Elizabeth Loftus, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Harvey Weinstein, child trafficker, Ghislaine Maxwell, Bessel van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score, The Power of False Memory Rhetoric, Lynn Crook, The Myth that Made Capturing the Friedmans Persuasive, Ross Cheit, Judith Herman, Trauma and Recovery, Southern Baptist Convention, sexual assault, sexual abuse survivors
The 2022 Online Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference – August 20 – 21, 2022
Judith Herman: “In order to escape accountability for his crimes, the perpetrator does everything in his power to promote forgetting. If secrecy fails, the perpetrator attacks the credibility of his victim. If he cannot silence her absolutely, he tries to make sure no one listens.” Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence – From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror
The Modern False Memory Syndrome Movement in the United States – Neil Brick The modern FMS movement borrows most of its history, techniques and research from prior false memory movements. These erroneous theories include memory implantation into survivors’ minds by therapist, pseudoscientific theories about memory and dissociation and the harassment of survivors and therapists and their support groups. The modern FMS movement also differs from prior movements in several ways. The modern FMS movement uses religion and prayer to promote its theories. The modern FMS theories, while they may quote the old false memory movements pseudoscientists of the 1990s, they do not usually use modern scientists in the field to back their organizations’ beliefs.
Neil Brick is a survivor of ritual abuse and mind control. His work continues to educate the public about child abuse, trauma and ritual abuse crimes. His child abuse and ritual abuse newsletter S.M.A.R.T. https://ritualabuse.us has been published for over 27 years. http://neilbrick.com
A History of Ritual Abuse – Dr. Randy Noblitt
This two-hour presentation traces the history of ritual abuse, and critically evaluates the chronology and evolution of this topic in the scholarly literature. We will review and discuss the definition of ritual abuse from the APA Dictionary of Psychology along with other definitions and conceptualizations. We will consider ritual abuse allegations in the context of the backlash movement to including the false memory syndrome and sociocognitive theories. We will review contemporary international allegations of ritual abuse, also exploring historic accounts of ritual abuse. We will examine the frequently noted psychological sequelae in ritual abuse.
Randy Noblitt is a clinical psychologist and professor of clinical psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) at Alliant International University, Los Angeles. He is the principle author of Navigating Social Security Disability Programs: A Handbook for Clinicians and Advocates (2020) as well as Cult and Ritual Abuse: Narratives, Evidence and Healing Approaches, 3rd Edition (2014). He is the co-editor and a contributor to Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-first Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social and Political Considerations (2008).
Should I seek freedom? Should I go through with recovery? A workshop to help you decide and a discussion of its benefits – Wendy Hoffman
If you’re living as an unaware mind controlled victim, you’re living in a vapor, seeing yourself and life through an indistinct veil of mist. You have strong emotions that can break through numbness, but you don’t know who you are or why you react the ways you do. You may also feel trapped in hurtful and unloving relationships and not able to mature into who you really are. All that can be changed if you are willing to go through with a recovery. It is hard work. It can be exhilarating. The enemy group will try to stop you. But if you want, you can find out who you are and what your life has been and can be in the future. This presentation explores some of the benefits of relinquishing slavery and learning who you are. Self-knowledge is the way out.
Wendy Hoffman had amnesia for most of her life. When she regained memory, she wrote books about her forgotten life. Wendy has published three memoirs, Enslaved Queen, White Witch in a Black Robe and in 2020, A Brain of My Own. The Enslaved Queen has been translated and published in Germany. Her book of poetry, Forceps, also published along with a book of essays, From the Trenches, written with Alison Miller. Her most recent memoir, After Amnesia, is published on the SmartNews and Survivorship websites. and has been translated into German. What gives her life meaning is helping other surviving victims.
Survivorship Celebrates Its Tenth International Conference Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Conference
Survivorship – For survivors of ritual abuse, mind control and torture and pro-survivors.
International Evidence of Ritual Abuse Conference
The conference was an excellent conference again this year. Attendees included participants from Europe, Canada, and the US.
The Clinician’s Conference discussed “Exposing Ritual Abuse Internationally” and presented empirical evidence of ritual abuse and complex trauma.
The Survivor Conference discussed breaking the global silence of ritual abuse and provided resources and support for survivors.
Organized Ritual Violence in Germany – Claudia Fischer and Hannah C. Rosenblatt German website (https://www.infoportal-rg.de ) with cases and evidence of organized ritual abuse and violence.
Claudia Fischer is a German journalist with 20 years of expertise in investigating stories about ritual abuse and sexual trauma.
Hannah C. Rosenblatt is a German survivor of organized violence. They documented their life with DID at http://einblogvonvielen.org and the podcast https://vielesein.de/
Should I seek freedom? Should I go through with recovery? A workshop to help you decide and a discussion of its benefits – Wendy Hoffman
If you’re living as an unaware mind-controlled victim…you can find out who you are and what your life has been and can be in the future. https://ritualabuse.us/smart/wendy-hoffman/
Complex Trauma Assessment Problems – Dr. Rainer Hermann Kurz
This presentation addresses serious assessment issues related to complex trauma in an extreme abuse setting that had life changing consequences.
An Advocate’s Journey into Extreme Abuse – Dr. Rainer Hermann Kurz
Rainer Kurz is a Chartered Psychologist based in London. Rainer developed 50+ psychometric tests and authored more than 100 publications. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rainer_Kurz
Ritual Abuse Survivors Experience of Research – Dr. Laurie Matthew OBE
This presentation explored the background and ongoing work of two survivor led and non-profit organizations based in Scotland. https://www.rans.org.uk/ http://www.18u.org.uk
A History of Ritual Abuse – Dr. Randy Noblitt
This two-hour presentation traces the history of ritual abuse, and critically evaluates the chronology and evolution of this topic in the scholarly literature.
Randy Noblitt is a clinical psychologist and a professor of clinical psychology. https://ritualabuse.us/smart/randy-noblitt/
Journal of Trauma & Dissociation – The science and politics of false memories
Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, Volume 23, Issue 2 (2022)
The guest editors are Michael Salter and Ruth Blizard.
Editorial False memories and the science of credibility: Who gets to be heard? Michael Salter and Ruth Blizard
“Consistently, and persistently, theories of false memories have been aptly available for the exculpation of the wealthy and the powerful. This point is illustrated by a brief overview of some of the cases where prominent false memory researcher Professor Elizabeth Loftus has appeared: in the defense of a Bosnian-Croatian soldier for aiding and abetting the rape of a Muslim woman, to exculpate a senior aide to then-Vice President Dick Cheney for misleading investigators regarding the leak of the name of a CIA operative, to question the credibility of Professor Christine Blasey-Ford when she complained about an alleged sexual assault as a teenager by current Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, for the defense team of the convicted sex offender Harvey Weinstein and for accused child trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell.
Most recently, in Australia, allegations of false memories were revived when it emerged that a woman known only as “Kate” (who, sadly, died by suicide in 2019) claimed to have been sexually assaulted by the Australian politician Christian Porter (and, at the time of the allegation, Attorney General) when they were both teenagers (MItchell et al., 2021). Porter, like Kavanaugh, vigorously denied the allegation. There was no court case but instead a journalist speculated that Kate suffered from “recovered memories,” on the basis that she had apparently read Bessel van der Kolk’s The Body Keeps the Score prior to her allegations becoming public knowledge (Hardaker, 2021). By this logic, merely reading a book that mentions child sexual abuse could be the trigger for a false allegation; never mind that Kate diarized the alleged assault while still a teenager, or that she had described the incident to friends decades prior to reading van der Kolk.
In a sign of how much has changed since the 1990s, the response to this argument was not agreement but outrage. This outrage was evident across social media but also from within journalism itself. The media outlet who ran the original piece quickly assigned another journalist to cover the story from a more sympathetic angle, while Australian media outlets ran multiple pieces rebutting the false memory proposition. One journalist wrote about his own diagnosis of complex post-traumatic stress disorder and its impact on his capacity to recall traumatic events and correctly label them as harmful (Morton, 2021).
Undoubtedly, the emergence of the false memory movement three decades ago had a negative effect on professional and social understandings of trauma and dissociation. However, it also provoked researchers, practitioners, survivors, and advocates to redouble their efforts to develop the evidence base for trauma therapy. Reinders and Veltman’s recent editorial in the British Journal of Psychiatry laid out the cumulative neurobiological evidence for the trauma model of DID. The diagnosis that the FMSF insisted, a quarter century ago, was a passing fad with no scientific foundation is now out of the shadows (Reinders & Veltman, 2021). Meanwhile, the forms of betrayal, abuse, and violation that false memory syndrome sought to explain away as mere confabulations are now recurrent features of media and policy commentary. Multiple criminal cases and public inquiries have substantiated the seriousness of child sexual abuse and exploitation, institutional tendencies toward denial and cover-up, and the inadequacies of the current policy response.”
The Power of False Memory Rhetoric – Lynn Crook
Hyping Hypnosis: The Myth that Made Capturing the Friedmans Persuasive -Ross Cheit
The Policy Alignment of the British False Memory Society and the British Psychological Society – Ashley Conway and David Pilgrim
The history and politics of ‘false memories’: The Australian Experience – Kate McMaugh and Warwick Middleton
Attachment and Memory Stability – Paula Thomson and S. Victoria Jacque
“The ordinary response to atrocities is to banish them from consciousness. Certain violations of the social compact are too terrible to utter aloud: this is the meaning of the word unspeakable. Atrocities, however, refuse to be buried.”
Judith Herman, Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence–from Domestic Abuse to Political Terror.
Bombshell 400-page report finds Southern Baptist leaders routinely silenced sexual abuse survivors Robert Downen, John Tedesco Staff writers May 22, 2022
For 20 years, leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention — including a former president now accused of sexual assault — routinely silenced and disparaged sexual abuse survivors, ignored calls for policies to stop predators, and dismissed reforms that they privately said could protect children but might cost the SBC money if abuse victims later sued.
Those are just a few findings of a bombshell, third-party investigation into decades of alleged misconduct by Southern Baptist leaders that was released Sunday, nearly a year after 15,000 SBC church delegates demanded their executive committee turn over confidential documents and communications as part of an independent review of abuse reports that were purportedly mishandled or concealed since 2000. Htps://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/investigations/article/Bombshell-400-page-report-finds-Southern-Baptist-17190816.php
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