(Stop Mind control And Ritual abuse Today)
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Home page: https://ritualabuse.us/
Issue 163 – March 2022
The purpose of this newsletter is to help stop secretive organizations and groups from abusing others and to help those who allege they have been abused by such organizations and groups. This newsletter is not a substitute for other ways of recovering from ritual abuse. Readers should use caution while reading this newsletter. If necessary, make sure other support systems are available during and after reading this newsletter.
The resources mentioned in this newsletter are for educational value only. Reading the books cited may or may not help your recovery process, so use caution when reading any book or contacting any resource mentioned in this newsletter. Some may have a religious or other agenda that may be separate from your own recovery process.
Others may have valuable information on secretive organizations, but have triggers or be somewhat sympathetic to those organizations. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the views expressed in this newsletter constitute expressions of opinion, and readers are cautioned to form their own opinions and draw their own conclusions by consulting a variety of sources, including this newsletter. Resources listed, quoted and individual articles, etc. and their writers do not necessarily support all or any of the views mentioned in this newsletter. Also, the views, facts and opinions mentioned in this newsletter are solely the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily the opinions of this newsletter or its editor.
Copyright 2022 – All rights reserved. No reproduction of any material without written permission from the editor and individual authors.
Information in this issue includes: Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Trauma, Dissociation, Eileen Aveni, Bennett Braun, Neil Brick, Wendy Hoffman, Ellen Lacter, Elizabeth Loftus, Alison Miller, Lucien Greaves, Douglas Mesner, Grey Faction, Satanic Temple, Randy Noblitt, Michael Salter, Valerie Sinason, Bessel van der Kolk, The Satanic Temple, Daniel K. Buntovnik, organized abuse, dissociative disorders, Claudia Fischer, Hannah C. Rosenblatt, Claudia Fischer, Dr. Rainer Hermann Kurz, Extreme Abuse Survey, Dr. Laurie Matthew OBE, Shelby Rising Eagle, Black Axe Nigerian mafia members, trafficking, Jeffrey Epstein
The New Name Index for Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Trauma and Dissociation
https://ritualabuse.us/smart/name-index-for-ritual-abuse-mind-control-trauma-and-dissociation Eileen Aveni, Bennett Braun, Neil Brick, Wendy Hoffman, Ellen Lacter, Elizabeth Loftus, Alison Miller, Lucien Greaves, Douglas Mesner, Grey Faction, Satanic Temple, Randy Noblitt, Michael Salter, Valerie Sinason, Bessel van der Kolk
Anatomy of a Crypto-Fascist Sect: The Unauthorized Guide to “The Satanic Temple” Daniel K. Buntovnik’s latest work is a major investigative exposé of crypto-fascism, white supremacism, anti-psychiatry fanaticism, historical revisionism, and sexism and misogyny within the “new religious movement” known as modern Satanism and its foremost proponents inside The Satanic Temple. https://danielkbuntovnik.wordpress.com/anatomy-of-a-crypto-fascist-sect/
Survivorship Webinar 2022:
Healing the Unimaginable: A Ten-Session Course in Treating Survivors of Organized and Extreme Abuse – Alison Miller, Ph.D., Retired Psychologist https://survivorship.org/survivorship-webinar-2022-healing-the-unimaginable-a-ten-session-course/
Alison Miller, Ph.D. is a retired clinical psychologist who practised in Victoria, B.C., Canada and worked with survivors of organized abuse, including ritual abuse and mind control from 1990 to 2017. She has twice chaired the RAMCOA (ritual abuse/mind control/organized abuse) special interest group of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. She is the author of Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control (for therapists), Becoming Yourself: Overcoming Mind Control and Ritual Abuse (for survivors), and co-author with survivor Wendy Hoffman of From the Trenches: A Victim and Therapist Talk about Mind Control and Ritual Abuse. She has published several other book chapters and articles, as well as being the originator of the LIFE Seminars parent education programs.
Each online presentation will be 60 minutes. Following each presentation there will be a 40 minute confidential question and answer session.
The course will only be open to licensed professionals in the mental health field. Please write info@survivorship.org with your registration information prior to payment for approval.
This course is based on Dr. Miller’s 2012 book Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control. It incorporates other material from Dr. Miller’s more recent publications and those of others.
The ten sessions are:
1. Understanding dissociative disorders and organized abuse – Thursday February 17th 2022
2. The therapeutic relationship – Thursday March 10th 2022
3. Engineered personality systems resulting from organized abuse – Thursday April 7th 2022
4. Internal parts and their assigned functions – Thursday May 5th 2022
5. Stabilization (internal safety) – Thursday June 2rd 2022
6. Working with internal leaders – Thursday July 7th 2022
7. Present-day physical safety – Thursday August 4th 2022
8. Working through the traumatic memories – Thursday September 8th, 2022
9. Confronting the spiritual issues – Thursday October 13th, 2022
10. Healing the unimaginable – Thursday November 10, 2022
(The times for each session are: Thursday 10 am PT, 1 pm EST, 6 pm UK.)
The Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Mind Control 2022 Online Conference
The International Evidence of Ritual Abuse Conference
Clinician’s Conference
Friday May 20, 2022 – “Does Ritual Abuse Occur Internationally?” The clinical conference will present empirical evidence of ritual abuse.
Survivor Conference – Saturday and Sunday May 21 – 22, 2022 – The weekend survivor conference for survivors and their supporters will discuss breaking the global silence of ritual abuse and will provide resources and support for survivors.
Conference Speakers
Organized Ritual Violence in Germany – Claudia Fischer and Hannah C. Rosenblatt
In May 2017 we opened up a German website (https://www.infoportal-rg.de) with cases and evidence for organized ritual abuse and violence. We collect verdicts and publicly proven cases of cults that are involved in sexual violence and ideologically based homicides. In our presentation, we will
• share the concept and obstacles of this website
• share information about the survivors’ community in Germany
• give some examples of German cases and the state of public discussion in Germany
Claudia Fischer is a German journalist (TV, radio, print and online) with 20 years of expertise in investigating stories about ritual abuse and sexual trauma. She invented the https://www.infoportal-rg.de website. She coordinates a group of survivors and other experts (lawyers, therapists, social workers) behind this project as chief editor.
Hannah C. Rosenblatt is a German survivor of organized violence. After their freeing, they started documenting their life with DID at einblogvonvielen.org which was followed by the podcast “Viele-Sein” in 2015. They educate about trauma and violence against people with disabilities, fight for needs-based psychotherapy and assist Claudia Fischer in the Infoportal project.
Should I seek freedom? Should I go through with recovery? A workshop to help you decide and a discussion of its benefits – Wendy Hoffman
If you’re living as an unaware mind controlled victim, you’re living in a vapor, seeing yourself and life through an indistinct veil of mist. You have strong emotions that can break through numbness, but you don’t know who you are or why you react the ways you do. You may also feel trapped in hurtful and unloving relationships and not able to mature into who you really are. All that can be changed if you are willing to go through with a recovery. It is hard work. It can be exhilarating. The enemy group will try to stop you. But if you want, you can find out who you are and what your life has been and can be in the future. This presentation explores some of the benefits of relinquishing slavery and learning who you are. Self-knowledge is the way out.
Wendy Hoffman had amnesia for most of her life. When she regained memory, she wrote books about her forgotten life. Wendy has published three memoirs, The Enslaved Queen, White Witch in a Black Robe and in 2020, A Brain of My Own. The Enslaved Queen has been translated into German. Her book of poetry, Forceps, was also published along with a book of essays, From the Trenches, written with Alison Miller. Her most recent memoir, After Amnesia, is published on the SmartNews website. It is presently being translated into German. What gives her life meaning is helping other surviving victims.
Complex Trauma Assessment Problems – Dr. Rainer Hermann Kurz
This presentation addresses serious assessment issues related to complex trauma in an extreme abuse setting that had life changing consequences. Many of the incidents observed by Becker, Karriker, Overkamp, & Rutz (2008) in their Extreme Abuse Survey (EAS) apply to this case. In a court setting the textbook of Miller (2012) and the Epstein, Schwartz & Schwartz (2011) book of UK case vignettes were drawn upon to explain the ‘unbelievable’ sequence of events that had unfolded.
An Advocate’s Journey into Extreme Abuse – Dr. Rainer Hermann Kurz
This presentation provides an autobiographical account of advocacy in a case of global significance. A mother emailed a warning to the advocate in his multiple roles as a psychologist, faith leader, and family man. She alleged that her father sexually assaulted her toddler son (i.e. his grandson) and that authority representatives took her child into care as three Psychiatrists had found her ‘delusional.’ On a final session with a 4th court appointed expert (a Clinical Psychologist) the advocate was allowed to sit in the back of a session and found the mother reasonable, clear, and fluent in her responses. Disclosures before and after the session raised the possibility that the mother was a victim of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA), and that the sexual assault was meticulously planned to re-victimise her, destroy her credibility as a potential witness/complainant, and gain control of the toddler.
Rainer Kurz is a Chartered Psychologist based in London. Since 1990 Rainer has worked in Research & Development roles for leading test publishers. His PhD dissertation was on enhancing the validity and utility of ability testing. Rainer developed 50+ psychometric tests and authored more than 100 publications. He is a Consultant Editor for Test Reviews at the Psychometric Testing Centre (PTC) of the BPS. In an entirely private volunteer advocate capacity Rainer has been investigating a chilling ‘Child Smuggling’ case since 2012. He presented 30+ posters on trauma, dissociation and healing at international peer-reviewed conferences that are available here: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rainer_Kurz2
Ritual Abuse Survivors Experience of Research – Dr. Laurie Matthew OBE
This presentation will explore the background and ongoing work of two survivor led and innovative non-profit organisations based in Scotland. Ritual Abuse Network Scotland (RANS) has provided support and information to adult survivors of ritual abuse for 20 years now and Eighteen And Under has worked for almost 30 years with young abuse survivors who are under 18. Both organisations have been at the frontier of raising awareness about ritual abuse in the UK and beyond. She will also share findings from recent research investigating ritual abuse survivors’ experiences when seeking help from agencies and research exploring the needs of young abuse survivors for confidential services. The importance of survivor led participatory research will also be discussed in the presentation.
Dr. Laurie Matthew OBE is founder and Manager of Eighteen And Under an award winning charity providing confidential support services to young people who have been abused. She is also a founder member and advisor to Izzy’s Promise the UK’s leading charity for survivors of organised and ritual abuse and of the Ritual Abuse Network Forum (RANS). She is the author of several books about ritual abuse and the Violence Is Preventable abuse prevention programmes for children and young people. She has over 40 years experience of directly supporting abuse survivors. Her recently published research has included participatory research with adult ritual abuse survivors and participatory research with young survivors of sexual abuse who were unknown to authorities. www.18u.org.uk www.violenceispreventable.org.uk
A History of Ritual Abuse – Dr. Randy Noblitt
This two-hour presentation traces the history of ritual abuse, and critically evaluates the chronology and evolution of this topic in the scholarly literature. We will review and discuss the definition of ritual abuse from the APA Dictionary of Psychology along with other definitions and conceptualizations. We will consider ritual abuse allegations in the context of the backlash movement to including the false memory syndrome and sociocognitive theories. We will review contemporary international allegations of ritual abuse, also exploring historic accounts of ritual abuse. We will examine the frequently noted psychological sequelae in ritual abuse.
Randy Noblitt is a clinical psychologist and professor of clinical psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) at Alliant International University, Los Angeles. He is the principle author of Navigating Social Security Disability Programs: A Handbook for Clinicians and Advocates (2020) as well as Cult and Ritual Abuse: Narratives, Evidence and Healing Approaches, 3rd Edition (2014). He is the co-editor and a contributor to Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-first Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social and Political Considerations (2008).
Healing from Trauma by Shelby Rising Eagle
Shelby will discuss the steps she took to heal from her childhood trauma. “Your healing is for you to pursue and claim. Each and every one of you has your path to walk and you have it inside you to heal. It may work or it may not, but either way as your path unfolds you will get there.”
Shelby Rising Eagle was born in the SF Bay Area raised in the Mormon Church. Mother was a multi-generational Mormon; father was a convert. She reports both parents participated in satanic worship, pedophile sex ring in the church. She has done over 20 years of recovery work. She is the writer of two books – How Would You Know? & How Would You Know My Whole Story? She owns and operates a Martial Arts School and is a Master in her style of martial arts and now testing for her 6th degree black belt. She is a master gardener and loves growing vegetables and flowers. She does workshops with therapists on working with victims with DID and the recovery process. She practices meditation for centering her life and progress towards a better life. She is committed to helping to up lift others in their recovery work. She teaches that everyone that they can recover and claim their life back from extreme abuse.
We recommend that survivors bring a safe support person to the online conference who is familiar with the issues ritual abuse survivors may need help with. None of the material on this page, on linked pages or at the conference is meant as therapy, or to take the place of therapy.
After Amnesia and during – a memoir by Wendy Hoffman https://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/books/after-amnesia-and-during-a-memoir-by-wendy-hoffman Copyright 2021, Wendy Hoffman
This memoir’s eight essays cover sex trafficking and political-party-rituals attended by famous figures, emotions suffered because of criminal mind control, childhood writings from the time of severe abuses; body memories; how to improve diminished self-esteem—the backbone of recovery; grief, mourning and life after amnesia ends. The essays depict how perpetrators’ oppression can turn into survivors’ resistance, and how living with truth is so very much preferable to living with imposed lies. After Amnesia is written in Hoffman’s usual literary style and is aimed at helping survivors become who they really are. Information about Wendy Hoffman and her publications https://ritualabuse.us/smart/wendy-hoffman
Italian police arrest alleged Black Axe Nigerian mafia members over trafficking Four arrests of cult-like criminal gang members made in southern Italy after Nigerian woman forced into prostitution comes forward
Lorenzo Tondo in Palermo Wed 19 Jan 2022
Four alleged members of the Nigerian mafia have been arrested in southern Italy after a young sex trafficking survivor spoke out against them.
The men, who were arrested in Palermo and Taranto in the early hours of Tuesday, allegedly belong to the feared Black Axe, a cult-like criminal gang that emerged in the 1970s at the University of Benin, according to police.
Investigators in Palermo who led the operation said the woman, who is also Nigerian, was forced into prostitution after taking part in an occult ritual bound up with traditional spiritual beliefs, known as juju, which bond victims to their traffickers and to any debts they will incur.
“The suspects were charged with slavery, human trafficking, kidnapping and pandering [recruiting prostitutes],” the police said.
The woman, whom investigators said was convinced by a Pentecostal cleric to report her captors to police, had been imprisoned, raped, blackmailed and forced into prostitution to pay a debt of about €15,000 (£12,500).
Before she left Nigeria, like many other victims of sex trafficking, the woman had been made to undergo a traditional oath-taking ceremony involving complicated and frightening rituals often using the women’s blood, hair and clothing. Those carrying out the ritual, which has been found to have a profound psychological impact on victims, make it clear that failure to pay off those debts will result in terrible things happening to the woman and her family.
The abuse of religious and cultural belief systems in Nigeria has proved a deadly and highly effective control mechanism for traffickers recruiting women destined for the sex trade in Europe. A hugely profitable and well-organised criminal industry has been operating between Italy and Nigeria for more than two decades but the UN’s International Organization for Migration says it has seen a rise in the number of potential sex-trafficking victims arriving in Italy by sea in the past few years, lured by the promise of work in the country.
Supreme Court Turns Away Jeffrey Epstein Victim’s Petition on Dead Predator’s Infamous Non-Prosecution Agreement COLIN KALMBACHER Feb 22nd, 2022
The Supreme Court of the United States on Tuesday left in place previous lower court rulings that dismissed a lawsuit from a woman who claims she was sexually abused by Jeffrey Epstein when she was a minor.Courtney Wild has, for nearly a decade, sued various federal defendants over the sweetheart deal the federal government extended to the now-dead pedophile back in 2007. Authorities say Epstein died by suicide in a New York City jail in 2019.That 2007 plea deal, crafted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Florida, atypically included a non-prosecution agreement for any and all accused co-conspirators and was entered into without any input from the dead financier’s numerous minor victims.
At the same time, the victims were repeatedly told by U.S. government attorneys that prosecutors were obligated to confer with them if, and when, an agreement was reached. The victims trusted those assurances; their faith, of course, was misplaced.As a result of the bargain, Epstein spent 13 months in prison but was allowed to leave most days, going to and from his office to work. He also was allowed to see and entertain female visitors — including at least one minor who was allowed to visit him 90 times.
The lack of victim participation in the deal that allowed Epstein to plead guilty to relatively minor state charges of procuring a person under 18 for prostitution and solicitation in exchange for a federal case never being filed by Alexander Acosta’s office was cited by Wild as a violation of the Crime Victims Rights Act of 2004 (CVRA)….In August 2021, Wild appealed to the nine justices of the nation’s highest court.“The CVRA promises crime victims in federal cases a right to confer with prosecutors,” her petition to the Supreme Court said. “Yet in this case, one of the most infamous child sex traffickers in this country’s history — Jeffrey Epstein, a man with wealth, power, and political influence — was able to negotiate a secret non-prosecution agreement with federal prosecutors.
The resulting tragedy was that the child victims who bravely came forward to report their sexual abuse were, as the en banc (11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals) decision below acknowledged, ‘left in the dark — and, so it seems, affirmatively misled — by government lawyers’ as to why Epstein was not being federally prosecuted for his horrific crimes.”The Biden administration, in a brief, argued the court should not entertain Wild’s “tragic” lawsuit — in part because it said the federal government had learned some lessons over the past decade.“The Department engaged closely with victims in both its 2019 prosecution of Epstein in New York and its recent successful prosecution of Ghislaine Maxwell,” a filing by Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar argued.
“And the Department recently embarked on a review of its guidance to prosecutors regarding victim and witness assistance.”In two curt lines, the nation’s high court allowed a concerned third-party to file arguments in the case while simultaneously denying the case a hearing.“The motion of Child USA for leave to file a brief as amicus curiae is granted,” the high court wrote in their orders list dated Feb. 22, 2022. “The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied.”In other words, the third-party filing is on the record — but the high court is not hearing the case. https://lawandcrime.com/jeffrey-epstein-2/supreme-court-turns-away-jeffrey-epstein-victims-petition-on-dead-predators-infamous-non-prosecution-agreement/
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