(Stop Mind control And Ritual abuse Today)
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Home page: https://ritualabuse.us
Issue 158 – May 2021
The purpose of this newsletter is to help stop secretive organizations and groups from abusing others and to help those who allege they have been abused by such organizations and groups. This newsletter is not a substitute for other ways of recovering from ritual abuse. Readers should use caution while reading this newsletter. If necessary, make sure other support systems are available during and after reading this newsletter.
The resources mentioned in this newsletter are for educational value only. Reading the books cited may or may not help your recovery process, so use caution when reading any book or contacting any resource mentioned in this newsletter. Some may have a religious or other agenda that may be separate from your own recovery process. Others may have valuable information on secretive organizations, but have triggers or be somewhat sympathetic to those organizations. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the views expressed in this newsletter constitute expressions of opinion, and readers are cautioned to form their own opinions and draw their own conclusions by consulting a variety of sources, including this newsletter. Resources listed, quoted and individual articles, etc. and their writers do not necessarily support all or any of the views mentioned in this newsletter. Also, the views, facts and opinions mentioned in this newsletter are solely the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily the opinions of this newsletter or its editor.
Copyright 2021 – All rights reserved. No reproduction of any material without written permission from the editor and individual authors.
Information in this issue includes: Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Online Conference, Ellen Lacter Ph.D., Sadistic Child Abuse, Self-Esteem, Wendy Hoffman, programming, Alison Miller, Mind Control, Neil Brick, hypnosis, S.M.A.R.T., institutional child abuse, Randy Noblitt, disinformation, Orkney ritual child abuse case, Sarah Nelson, sexual abuse, satanic ritual abuse, Elana Christiansen, DID symptoms, complex trauma, Internal Family Systems. EMDR, Dissociative identity disorder, Survivorship, ritualistic abuse, torture, https://survivorship.org, Elizabeth Loftus, False Memory, Ethics Complaints, FMSF Board Member, Lost in a Shopping Mall, Lynn Crook, American Psychological Association, Treating Abuse Today, Jennifer Hoult, False Memory Syndrome Foundation, FMSF, David Corwin, amnesia, Ted Bundy, Witness for the Defense, Neil Brick, Jane Doe, Nicole Taus, Michelle Remembers, Michelle Smith, Lawrence Pazder, Satanic cult, the Serpents, Sex offenders, Satan, Austin Griffith, mental abuse, Circle of Hope Girls Ranch and Boarding School, Boyd Householder, Facebook, online child sex crimes, NSPCC
Survivorship Announces its 2021 Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Online Conference Speakers The conference will focus on being a survivor or clinician in a changing world.
Regular Conference – Saturday and Sunday May 22 – 23, 2021
Clinician’s Conference – Friday May 21, 2021
Conference Presenters (Please note: These descriptions may be triggering for survivors.)
One Hundred Children: A Parable for Healing from Dissociation-savvy Mind Control Presenter: Ellen Lacter, Ph.D.
Abstract: Based on intensive therapy with survivors of ritual abuse and mind control and extensive interviews with colleagues who are survivor-activists and survivor-therapists, she has written a parable with 15 fictionalized examples of programming of dissociated child identities that describe common kinds of tactics used in programming – torture, threats, punishment, tricks, lies, set-ups, false promises of love and safety, and use of victims’ righteous anger for the abusers’ own purposes. The intention is to help both identities who navigate daily life and more dissociated programmed identities to reflect on their programming and to exercise more conscious control over all of the abuser manipulations that they endured.
Production of Sadistic Child Abuse Materials: Psychology of the Victims and Perpetrators Presenter: Ellen Lacter, Ph.D.
Children are being subjected to increasingly sadistic abuse within the production of child abuse materials on the dark web. Victims are often very young and likely to develop a multitude of dissociated self-states. As these self-states emerge in therapy, some provide detailed accounts of the behavior of the perpetrators and their own mind’s spontaneous formation of self-states. This presentation examines the dissociative systems of the victims and proposes related dissociative mechanisms in the perpetrators.
Ellen Lacter is a licensed Clinical Psychologist in private practice in San Diego. She also heads up the Play Therapy Certificate Program at University of California- San Diego, Division of Extended Studies. Her first degree was in art, the next in art therapy, then three years of training in expressive analysis, and then a doctorate in clinical psychology. She began as an art therapist in the 1970s. In the 1980s, her focus became child abuse and play therapy with abused children. By the 1990s, she was working with dissociative clients and victims of ritual abuse. In 2000, she created a website: endritualabuse.org to help survivors and educate therapists. She has been publishing and presenting on ritual abuse for 20 years. In more recent years, she has also developed expertise in treating victims of the production of sadistic child abuse materials.
Self-Esteem Presenter: Wendy Hoffman
Programming turns you away from your true self. Programmers and even satanic families do everything they can to make their victims feel bad about themselves, debasing them in every way possible. Deprived of the self-esteem that others take for granted makes surviving victims more vulnerable to programming lies. The hardest job is surviving satanic mind control while receiving little or no compassion, empathy or love. The second hardest job is healing from it. This healing is crucial if you want to belong to yourself, find out who you are, make your own decisions and life choices. It is hard work to explore what perpetrators put in innocent minds. This presentation addresses a preparatory step for this healing work. Before you begin, and even as you proceed, even after you finish, work on assessing how you really are as an individual, your courageous strengths and abilities. This workshop discusses ways survivors can achieve a truer picture of who they are, as well as ways their therapists and supporters can help them.
Wendy Hoffman endured various forms of high level secret mind control, and consequently had amnesia for most of her life. She wants to help and support other survivors in their quests for freedom. Late in life, when she regained memory, she wrote books about what she had been forced to forget or dissociate. Among her published books are the memoirs, The Enslaved Queen (2014) and White Witch in a Black Robe (2015), as well Forceps, poems about the birth of the self (2016), and a co-authored book of essays with Alison Miller, From the Trenches (2018). Her third memoir, A Brain of My Own with an Afterword by Alison Miller is forthcoming. She has a LCSW-C and decades of experience, a MA and MFA.
Mind Control and How to Stop it Presenter: Neil Brick
This presentation will explain how mind control and different suggestive techniques work in a variety of individual and public settings. These will include interpersonal relationships, abusive relationships, ritual abuse settings, social media, political manipulation and hypnosis. Ways to expose and prevent mind control will be discussed. Social views of mind control will be presented.
Neil Brick is a survivor of ritual abuse and mind control. His work continues to educate the public about child abuse, trauma and ritual abuse crimes. His child abuse and ritual abuse newsletter S.M.A.R.T. https://ritualabuse.us has been published for over 25 years. http://neilbrick.com
Institutional Child Abuse: A Panel Presentation and General Discussion Presenter: Randy Noblitt
This panel presentation discusses a topic that is sadly regularly depicted in popular media, institutional child abuse. We will address abuse within established religions and new religious movements, charitable associations, health care facilities, orphanages, and other similar organizations and facilities from an international and historic lens. We will then invite attendees to contribute to the discussion with their own observations, comments, and questions with the ultimate purpose of considering possible ways that there may be greater safety for children.
Randy Noblitt is a clinical psychologist and professor of clinical psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) at Alliant International University, Los Angeles. He is the principle author of Navigating Social Security Disability Programs: A Handbook for Clinicians and Advocates (2020) as well as Cult and Ritual Abuse: Narratives, Evidence and Healing Approaches, 3rd Edition (2014). He is the co-editor and a contributor to Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-first Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social and Political Considerations (2008).
Deliberate Disinformation in the Orkney ritual child abuse case Presenter: Sarah Nelson
The Orkney child abuse case, a notorious and highly publicised case in the UK from 1991 – 1992, had the 30th anniversary in February this year of nine children being removed into care in “dawn raids” by police and social workers. After claims by three children from another family on South Ronaldsay, part of these northerly Scottish islands, about strange outdoor rituals and organised sexual abuse, grounds for action against their middle class parents and a clergyman referred to “group sexual activity, including ritualistic music, dancing and dress”.
Six weeks later a Scots sheriff called the charges “fatally flawed” and dismissed the case without even hearing the evidence. The children were returned home in a blaze of international publicity. The evidence has never been tested to this day in any criminal or civil court; the parents were considered innocent, receiving an apology and financial compensation afterwards.
The case delivered a hammer blow to child protection against sexual abuse from which it has still not recovered. Anniversaries of the case are replayed in most media complete each time with substantial disinformation, and ridicule and dismissal of “satanic abuse” allegations. This presentation will summarise the main features of the case and describe the elaborate untruths and disinformation created around it from the start.
Dr. Sarah Nelson OBE (Universities of Edinburgh) has written and presented widely for decades on sexual abuse issues. Her research and publications include the voices of young survivors, critiques of current child protection systems, community prevention, ritual and organised abuse, media representations of abuse cases, and adult survivors’ experiences of mental and physical health services. She has also been a professional adviser to the Scottish Government and Scottish Parliament. Her book Tackling Child Sexual Abuse: Radical approaches to prevention, protection and support (Policy Press, UK and University of Chicago press, USA)) was published in 2016.
You’re Not Who They Said You Are: My Battles For Freedom and Justice Through Perseverance and Exposing the Truth Presenter: Olivia
In this presentation, she will be giving a broad overview of surviving 40 plus years of satanic ritual abuse and mind control. Her primary focus will be on the past four years when I made the decision and commitment to reclaim my core identity, at all costs. She believes that all survivors possess a spirit of resiliency that enabled them to live through the traumas the first time and with that same resiliency they have what they need to fight for their own truth and to take back their own life. Her journey to freedom and healing has not been absent of pain, fear, grief, loss and rejection, to name a few. It was her conscious decision to fight back and to pursue vindication not only for myself but for other survivors and has been key in my process to healing.
Olivia is a survivor of satanic ritual abuse and mind control at the government level. Through her own experiences, she has gained extensive knowledge into many elements that encompass and keep intact such an evil and complex system. With courage, perseverance and commitment into her own journey to freedom and healing, she has chosen to break her own silence and to be the voice for the many survivors who have not yet been heard and are far too afraid to be seen. Her mission in life is to educate others based on her experiences and to be an advocate for those who are suffering and remain largely misunderstood, silenced and, too often, rejected. Olivia’s desire is to use her story as a source of strength, determination and compassion with the hopes of shedding light into the darkness that she has known all too well.
How to Find A Therapist – An Interactive Discussion Group – Moderator: Elana Christiansen
Finding a qualified therapist to support someone with DID symptoms and/or complex trauma may not be a straightforward path. Some people who look for professional help may run into internal and external challenges. This is a group discussion, that encourages audience participation, for ideas for how to find a competent therapist and more effective support.
Elana Christiansen is a psychotherapist in private practice in California seeing clients experiencing trauma symptoms and dissociation. Elana integrates modalities such as Internal Family Systems (IFS), Brainspotting (BSP), and EMDR in her practice. She also volunteers in the California prison system with an organization teaching communication and life skills to individuals who are incarcerated.
What is Survivorship? Survivorship is one of the oldest and most respected organizations supporting survivors of extreme child abuse, including sadistic sexual abuse, ritualistic abuse, mind control and torture. https://survivorship.org
Elizabeth Loftus
– A Brief History of the False Memory Research of Elizabeth Loftus
– Ethics Complaints Filed Against FMSF Board Member Elizabeth Loftus
– “Lost in a Shopping Mall” A Breach of Professional Ethics
– Quotes: Elizabeth Loftus, Ph.D.
– The Alleged Ethical Violations of Elizabeth Loftus in the Case of Jane Doe
The lost- in- a-shopping-mall study (Loftus and Pickrell, 1995) provided initial scientific support for the claim that child sexual abuse accusations are false memories planted by therapists. However, the mall study researchers faced a problem early on—the participants could tell the difference between the true and false memories….
1993 – The first indication the study might not live up to the challenge became public in 1993. Coan reported in his honors thesis that six subjects had completed the study, and “all subjects were able to correctly identify the false memory.” (Coan, 1993, p. 16.)….
1995 – In June, evidence of possible research misconduct in an earlier study was reported in a journal of the American Psychological Association. Koss, Tromp and Tharan (1995, p. 120) demonstrated that the data in Loftus and Burns (1982, p. 320) did not support the authors’ claim that “those who saw the mentally shocking version showed poorer retention of the details of the films” (Loftus and Burns, p. 318). Instead, the data indicated poorer retention for one unimportant detail. (See:
Ethics Complaints Filed Against FMSF Board Member Elizabeth Loftus
American Psychological Association Declines to Investigate
Journal article by Treating Abuse Today
In December 1995, two women filed ethics complaints with the American Psychological Association (APA) against Elizabeth Loftus, PhD, regarding her published statements about two legal cases involving delayed memories of sexual abuse. Citing procedural considerations, however, the APA has declined to investigate the women’s ethics complaints.
Jennifer Hoult (a concert harpist living in New York) and Lynn Crook (a Washington State consultant) each filed separate complaints with the APA, alleging that Loftus mischaracterized the facts of their legal cases in published articles. Both women brought successful civil suits because of the sexual abuse that the fathers (and the mother, in Crook’s case) perpetrated against them during their childhoods. At their trials, they presented corroborative evidence that met the requirements for judicial proof of their allegations.
Loftus serves on the Scientific and Professional Advisory Board of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, Inc (FMSF). She also had been an active member of the APA since 1973, but she resigned in January 1996, shortly after the filing of the complaints. In a brief telephone interview with Treating Abuse Today, Loftus confirmed her resignation from the APA, but she denied any knowledge of the ethics complaints. She also cautioned that Treating Abuse Today should not state or imply that she resigned from the APA to avoid investigation of the ethics complaints…..
In her complaint, Hoult alleges that Loftus used distortion and misstatement of fact to seriously misrepresent Hoult’s legal case. In 1988 Hoult brought a civil suit against her father, alleging that he had raped and otherwise sexually abused her throughout her childhood. After several years of legal wrangling, the case finally went to trial in June 1993. On July 1, 1993, the jury returned a verdict in favor of Jennifer Hoult, awarding her $500,000 for the suffering caused by her father’s incestuous abuse. All higher courts have upheld the jury’s decision, including the first circuit appellate court. When Hoult’s father petitioned the US Supreme Court, his petition was rejected as untimely. At some point during all these proceedings, Hoult’s father joined the FMSF…..
Hoult also alleges that Loftus used mischaracterization and omission of facts to misconstrue Hoult’s legal case against her father. She pointed out many inaccuracies that support this allegation. In the article, for instance, Loftus claims that “Jennifer was a 23-year-old musician who recovered memories in therapy of her father raping her from the time she was 4” (1995, p. 26). Actually, Hoult began to remember the abuse at 24, at which time she was an artificial intelligence software engineer. Records in the case show that the bulk of her memories emerged outside of therapy. Furthermore, Hoult never stated that the rapes began when she was four, a “fact” apparently created by Loftus for the purposes of her article….
In October 1991, Lynn Crook brought a civil suit against her parents based on her delayed memories of childhood sexual abuse perpetrated by her parents. Loftus testified as an expert witness for the defense. On March 4, 1994, the judge in the case ruled in Crook’s favor, awarding her $149,580 in damages against her parents, who chose not to appeal the case to any higher court.
In the January/February 1995 issue of PSYCHOLOGY TODAY, Jill Neimark published an article titled “It’s Magical. It’s Malleable. It’s . . . Memory.” In her article, Neimark quotes Loftus, who gives an abridged and (according to Crook) seriously distorted account of her case against her father….
In an interview with Treating Abuse Today, Crook stated that Loftus’s 79-word direct quote describing her case contained nine misstatements. “Loftus reworded events I recalled, and incorrectly claimed that a ‘fantastical’ memory had resulted in my filing this case.” Crook pointed out, for instance, that Loftus contradicted her father’s own sworn testimony that his health was “excellent.” Crook also argues that Loftus should have pointed out that she (Crook) won the case, after presenting evidence that included testimony from two of her sisters who also remembered incestuous abuse perpetrated against them by their father….
In May, David Corwin and Erna Olafson published a case study of a videotaped, spontaneously-recovered memory of child sexual abuse (Corwin and Olafson, 1997). The videotape provided evidence to suggest that a repressed memory of childhood abuse could be recalled. (See http://data.memberclicks.com/site/apsac/jane_doe.pdf). Loftus hired Shapiro Investigations to assist in the investigation, and travelled to California to interview Doe’s family members, allegedly introducing herself as the supervisor of David Corwin whom Jane Doe knew and trusted. In 1999, Jane Doe filed an ethics complaint against Loftus with the University of Washington. In July 2001, the University completed a 20-month investigation during which Loftus was not allowed to discuss the case. The University required Loftus to complete an ethics course and to restrict her relationship with Jane Doe’s mother….
“Lost in a Shopping Mall” A Breach of Professional Ethics ETHICS & BEHAVIOR, vol. 9, #1, pp. 39-50 http://users.owt.com/crook/memory/
Lynn S. Crook Richland, WA Martha C. Dean Sydney, Australia
ABSTRACT: The “lost in a shopping mall” study has been cited to support claims that psychotherapists can implant memories of false autobiographical information of childhood trauma in their patients. The mall study originated in 1991 as 5 pilot experiments involving 3 children and 2 adult participants. The University of Washington Human Subjects Committee granted approval for the mall study on August 10, 1992. The preliminary results with the 5 pilot subjects were announced 4 days later. An analysis of the mall study shows that beyond the external misrepresentations, internal scientific methodological errors cast doubt on the validity of the claims that have been attributed to the mall study within scholarly and legal arenas. The minimal involvement or, in some cases, negative impact of collegial consultation, academic supervision, and peer review throughout the evolution of the mall study are reviewed….
It’s not unusual for killers to have amnesia about event. Saturday, February 15, 1997, Section: News, Page: A3 It is possible to commit a murder and then forget you did it, according to a leading memory researcher. A significant proportion of people who commit murders have some amnesia surrounding the event, particularly if it is a crime of passion, University of Washington psychologist Elizabeth Loftus said yesterday.
On Ted Bundy – Loftus testified as a defense expert for Bundy in 1976, Bundy was found guilty of aggravated kidnapping
Loftus, E. and Ketcham, K. (1991). Witness for the Defense. St. Martin’s Press: New York. The thought had occurred to me as I was flying to Salt Lake City earlier that day that Ted Bundy might offer to let me stay in his apartment” (p. 74).
Loftus, E. and Ketcham, K. (1991). Witness for the Defense. St. Martin’s Press: New York. In court the next morning I sat at a table in the judge’s chambers. On the other side of the table, close enough for me to reach across and touch him, sat Ted Bundy. He’s adorable, I thought, surprised at my first impression, because I’d pictured him in my mind as brooding, dark, intense disdain (p. 83).
In 1997, David Corwin published an article in the May 1997 Child Maltreatment Issue “Videotaped discovery of a reportedly unrecallable memory of child sexual abuse: comparison with a childhood interview videotaped 11 years before.” The woman named as Jane Doe, had agreed to this publication of the article of her case with Corwin. Loftus, then with the University of Washington and Melvin Guyer, with the University of Michigan and a private investigator ascertained the real identity of Jane Doe. They interviewed her mother, brother, stepmother and foster mother….
Loftus’ alleged violations of ethics darkened Loftus’ relationship with the University of Washington (UW).
Her colleagues there questioned the methods she had used in her challenge of Corwin’s work. University officials began a 21-month investigation of Loftus’ research on this case. David Hodge, Dean at UW’s College of Arts and Sciences stated that university rules for research on human subjects were primarily written for medical experimentation. John Slattery, director of the UW’s Office of Scholarly Integrity in 1997 stated that Loftus’ would have had to seek UW’s permission to interview people and probably would have been required to give UW’s IRB a list of questions being asked and a form explaining the risks of being interviewed. She probably would have been required to ask Corwin for permission to interview Jane and review records.
But Loftus believes she is justified in exposing Jane’s identity. She believes that the secrecy rules used to protect patients or research subjects should not be used to hide the truth. In the middle of the investigation, Loftus called Corwin. Corwin told Loftus that Jane wanted to communicate with Loftus through him. Jane told the University of Washington’s officials that she disagreed with Loftus’ finding her mother and her stepmother for interviews. Loftus also admitted befriending Jane’s biological mother. Loftus admits she was largely motivated by her desire to unite mother and daughter (Jane). Loftus was cleared of wrongdoing by the UW committee, but the committee required her to get the permission of the IRB before talking to Jane’s mother again. The committee also wanted Loftus to take an ethics’ class. After this, Loftus left UW for the University of California, Irvine….
Loftus is facing an impending lawsuit by Jane Doe (Nicole Taus) in Solano County, California. Loftus and several others are being accused of defamation, libel per se, negligent and intentional infliction of emotional invasion of privacy, distress and damages. Taus alleges that Loftus’ research disclosed her private information and revealed her identity. Taus lawsuits claims this has subjected her and her family to additional emotional distress from past events, that Loftus and Guyer didn’t conduct or plan their research with regard for her safety and welfare and that procedures were not in place for the researchers or Taus herself to watch the project and report any possible problems. Taus also states that Loftus and Guyer purposefully mischaracterized the records and information they received and reviewed….
Loftus obviously made a boundary crossing when she moved from the role of researcher to friend. Loftus’ objectivity may also have been diminished by her friendship with Jane’s mother. Also, could Loftus’ desire to unite mother and daughter make her biased to the mother’s perspective? If it is unhealthy for a psychologist to become friends with a client, then should a researcher become friends with one of their subjects?….
Michelle Remembers
Verification of the accuracy of the book “Michelle Remembers” by Michelle Smith and Lawrence Pazder, MD from the book “A NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER” pages xi – xiii”
“Dr. Pazder’s credentials are impressive. He obtained his M.D. from the University of Alberta in 1961; his diploma in tropical medicine from the University Liverpool in 1962; and in 1968, his specialist certificate in psychiatry and his diploma in psychological medicine from McGill University. In 1971, he was made a fellow of Canada’s Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. He is a member of three Canadian professional associations and of the American Psychiatric Association as well. He practiced medicine in West Africa and has participated in medical task forces and health organizations. He has been chairman of the Mental Health Committee of the Health Planning Council for British Columbia. A member of the staff of two hospitals in Victoria, British Columbia -the Royal Jubilee and the Victoria General-he is in private practice with a group of five psychiatrists. His professional papers include a study of the long-term effects of stress upon concentration-camp victims.
Two experienced interviewers journeyed to Victoria and talked to Dr. Pazder’s colleagues, to the priests and the bishop who became involved in the case, to doctors who treated Michelle Smith when she was a child, to relatives and friends. From local newspaper, clergy, and police sources they learned that reports of Satanism in Victoria are not infrequent and that Satanism has apparently existed there for many years. Satanism in Western Canada flourished in many areas with activities far more ominous than some of the innocuous groups now found in parts of the United States who claim some connection with Satanism.
The source material was scrutinized. The many thousands of pages of transcript of the tape recordings that Dr. Pazder and Michelle Smith made of their psychiatric sessions were read and digested; they became the basis of this book. The tapes themselves were listened to in good measure, and the videotapes made of some of his sessions were viewed. Both the audio and video are powerfully convincing. It is nearly unthinkable that the protracted agony they record could have been fabricated.”
Thomas B. Congdon, Jr New York April 22, 1980
Alison Miller https://ritualabuse.us/smart/alison-miller/
I can add more about “Michelle Remembers.” Larry Pazder practised in the same city as me, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. I knew him slightly and once shared a case of a teenage boy with DID caused by abuse by a babysitter. It was in Victoria that I encountered my first four survivors of organized abuse, and they were all members of the same coven of a Satanic cult, the Serpents. They shared past and (then, early 90s) current memories of abuse by that cult. Some of their parents were leaders in the cult. They remembered rituals at the same locations that Michelle reported (in particular, Ross Bay cemetery.) Although I disagree with Dr. Pazder in interpreting such things as the appearance of Satan literally (such groups use elaborate staged deceptions), I have no question that he and Michelle were talking about very real events. At the time, there was no knowledge of such organized abuse and no understanding of how to treat survivors. Dissociative disorders were not understood, so when Michelle “became” a 5 year old child, Dr. Pazder probably didn’t understand that it was an inside part or that there might have been more such parts. He also made the assumption that the events she remembered had happened only for the year when she was five, but they were probably ongoing for years, since a parent took her to those events. I have no knowledge of whether the cult left Michelle alone after she was treated by and then married Dr. Pazder, but judging by the group’s behavior when I was treating survivors (see Chapter 1 of my book Healing the Unimaginable), I would guess that the perpetrator group would work hard on making sure she remembered nothing more.
Alison Miller
Alison Miller PHD Retired Psychologist Private Practice (was in) Victoria, B.C. Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control https://www.karnacbooks.com/product/healing-the-unimaginable-treating-ritual-abuse-and-mind-control/30026/
Letter to the Editor:
Re: How Elizabeth Loftus Changed the Meaning of Memory by Rachel Aviv, The New Yorker
Rachel Aviv’s story on memory researcher Elizabeth Loftus, PhD, discussed her relationship with the young woman who sued her, Nicole Taus Kluemper. Kluemper accused her mother of sexual abuse. Loftus appeared determined to reconcile the two women. She interviewed the adults that Kluemper, then 19, knew as family, then published an article in the Skeptical Inquirer. Kluemper’s charge that Loftus misrepresented herself to her foster mother as the supervisor of someone Kluemper trusted ended up at the California Supreme Court. To clarify, Loftus agreed to settle the lawsuit in
Kluemper’s favor in 2007, paying Kluemper $7,500 with both parties paying their own legal expenses.
Aviv says little about the mother. The mother has much to say about Loftus’s actions in her declaration online at http://leadershipcouncil.org/1/lg/taus.html. She initially appreciated Loftus’s attention, but problems arose.
Loftus was gagged during the 21-month investigation of Kluemper’s ethics complaint. Aviv provides a partial quote of Loftus’ reaction to the silencing. Here’s the entire, revealing quote of what Loftus said during her acceptance speech for the William James Award, “Who, after all, benefits from my silence?” Who benefits from keeping such investigations in the dark? My inquisitors. The only people who operate in the dark are thieves, assassins, and cowards.”
Aviv says Loftus “has testified or consulted in more than three hundred cases, on behalf of people wrongly accused of robbery and murder.” So where is Aviv’s evidence they were wrongly accused?
I said “No thanks” to Aviv’s interview request based on her reliance on the outlier Shaw and Porter study in an earlier article. Aviv deleted my name from Kluemper’s comment, saying only “ . . . she had exchanged e-mails with a woman whose memories of abuse Loftus had cast doubt on at a civil trial.” I prevailed in that civil trial. Loftus misrepresented my case to the media. I responded by filing an ethics complaint. Sincerely, Lynn Crook
FALSE MEMORIES – The Rest of the Story (in work)
Sex offenders sue state after being denied leftovers from their Satanic feast
Clark Kauffman Iowa Capital Dispatch March 5, 2021
A group of convicted sex offenders is suing the state of Iowa, claiming their right to worship Lucifer with a weeklong feast of fried chicken, doughnuts and ice cream is being violated.
Lawsuits filed by prison and jail inmates are commonplace, and many of them allege violations of constitutional rights related to religious practices. But the lawsuit recently filed by a group of sex offenders housed at the state-run Civil Commitment Unit for Sexual Offenders is unusual even by the standards of prison litigation.
The six patients — once offenders are committed to the unit, they are considered patients, not inmates — are Dusty Hopkins, Bobby Messier, Jason Cook, Winston Halstead, Jarvis Burse and Cameron Jackson. They belong to what they call the “Luciferian Temple,” which suggests they are Luciferians, a group that traditionally views Satan and Lucifer as different aspects of the same being. They are suing the Iowa Department of Human Services, which runs the unit, in U.S. District Court.
They allege DHS officials are infringing on their religious freedom by refusing to let them keep the leftovers from their “Night of Transformation feast,” and by blocking access to written materials dealing with blood rituals, spells, vampirism and nudity…..
Court records indicate Hopkins has a 2009 conviction for third-degree sexual abuse and a 2008 conviction for third-degree sexual abuse…..
Jackson has a 2013 conviction for lascivious acts with a child; Messier has a 2003 conviction for third-degree sexual abuse; Halstead has a 1991 conviction for indecent contact with a child; Cook has a 2005 conviction for third-degree sexual abuse; and Burse has two 2013 convictions for third-degree sexual abuse.
The Civil Commitment Unit for Sexual Offenders provides secure, in-patient treatment for people criminally convicted of sex crimes. Patients typically have served prison terms and then, in a separate civil proceeding, they have been committed to the unit as sexually violent predators with the potential to reoffend. The unit is located in Cherokee on the campus of the Cherokee Mental Health Institute.
Man who said he killed his girlfriend on behalf of ‘Satan’ takes plea deal
October 16, 2020 Kayla Crandall
BERNE, Ind. (WPTA21) – An Adams County man who said he stabbed his girlfriend dozens of times has taken a plea deal.
Austin Griffith was charged with the murder of 34-year-old Kayla Bentley. He admitted to stabbing her to death on Sept. 12, 2019, at her Berne home.
Griffith pleaded guilty but mentally ill to murder according to court documents filed earlier this week.
The plea agreement calls for Griffith to serve 65 years with 10 years suspended. …
Griffith went on to say the so-called monster living inside Bentley would say things to provoke him, and at one point, it became too much for him.
“So, I stabbed her to death,” Griffith told detectives.
Griffith said he was acting on behalf of his god, Satan, and that “My god, Satan, blessed her with no pain.”
Former Boarding School Owners Facing 102 Charges In ‘Horrific’ Child Abuse Case “[It’s] one of the most widespread cases of sexual, physical and mental abuse patterns against young girls and women in Missouri history,” state attorney general Eric Schmitt said this week. By Dorian Geiger March 12, 2021
A southwestern Missouri couple was arrested this week and are now facing over 100 child abuse charges after accusations of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse of at least 16 girls at a boarding school they operated for years emerged.
Boyd Householder, 71, and Stephanie Householder, 55, are facing a total of 102 child abuse-related charges for crimes allegedly committed while running the now-closed Circle of Hope Girls Ranch and Boarding School in Humansville, Missouri, officials said. The boarding school was closed in August, according to NBC News.
“The charging documents allege extensive, and horrific, sexual, physical, and mental abuse perpetrated by the Householders,” Attorney General Eric Schmitt said in a statement.
Boyd Householder is facing 79 felony charges and one misdemeanor linked to the suspected abuse at the school between 2017 and 2020. Stephanie Household faces 22 felony charges of child abuse and child endangerment….
“Circle of Hope’s goal is to help young ladies who were destroying their lives through poor choices and behaviors, change their future,” the Yelp page about the school states. “They have been described as ‘uncontrollable girls who won’t let their parents help them.’ We use the BIBLE to teach them that they are to obey their parents and the authority over them.”
Facebook apps used in more than half of online child sex crimes
By Jonathan Wilson
Published Friday, March 26, 2021
More than half of the online child sex crimes in one year took place on Facebook-owned apps, according to data from the NSPCC, as the charity called for more to be done to tackle abuse in private messaging.
Facebook has previously revealed plans to make messaging across its apps, including Instagram and Facebook Messenger, end-to-end encrypted like another of its services, WhatsApp, in order to boost user privacy. End-to-end encryption is the practice of securing communications from everyone but the participants, including the platforms hosting the conversation.
The children’s charity argued that these latest figures, gathered through Freedom of Information requests to police forces, show that Facebook’s encryption plans will leave children at greater risk and accused the social media giant of “turning back the clock on children’s safety”.
The NSPCC said the data it received showed 9,477 instances of sexual or indecent image offences against children were recorded by police between October 2019 and September 2020 where the communication platform was known, with 52 per cent taking place on Facebook-owned apps.
The figures showed that Instagram was used more than any other Facebook platform – in more than a third of all instances, ahead of Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. The data were gathered from 35 police forces in England, Wales and the Channel Islands.
The NSPCC argued that should Facebook go ahead with its encryption plans, many of these offences could go unreported in future unless new safeguards were put in place….
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