(Stop Mind control And Ritual abuse Today)
P. O Box 1295, Easthampton, MA 01027-1295 USA E-mail: SMARTNEWS@aol.com
Home page: https://ritualabuse.us/
Issue 156 – January 2021
The purpose of this newsletter is to help stop secretive organizations and groups from abusing others and to help those who allege they have been abused by such organizations and groups. This newsletter is not a substitute for other ways of recovering from ritual abuse. Readers should use caution while reading this newsletter. If necessary, make sure other support systems are available during and after reading this newsletter.
The resources mentioned in this newsletter are for educational value only. Reading the books cited may or may not help your recovery process, so use caution when reading any book or contacting any resource mentioned in this newsletter. Some may have a religious or other agenda that may be separate from your own recovery process. Others may have valuable information on secretive organizations, but have triggers or be somewhat sympathetic to those organizations. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the views expressed in this newsletter constitute expressions of opinion, and readers are cautioned to form their own opinions and draw their own conclusions by consulting a variety of sources, including this newsletter. Resources listed, quoted and individual articles, etc. and their writers do not necessarily support all or any of the views mentioned in this newsletter. Also, the views, facts and opinions mentioned in this newsletter are solely the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily the opinions of this newsletter or its editor.
Copyright 2021 – All rights reserved. No reproduction of any material without written permission from the editor and individual authors.
Information in this issue includes:
The 2021 Online Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference, Survivorship Announces its 2021 Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Online Conference, Grey Faction, Satanic Temple and Lucien Greaves Fact Sheet, child abuse, rape, trauma survivors, pseudoscience, DID, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Anti-Semitic Statements, Eugenics, KKK, neo-Nazi group, Ku Klux Klan, Might is Right, White Supremacist, Jex Blackmore, racism, sexism, anti-human trafficking, Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Organised Abuse, paedophile ring, Ritual Abuse, Mind Control and Organised Abuse Special Interest Group (RAMCOA) , torture, Ritual Child Sexual Abuse, Organized and ritual child sexual abuse (ORA), Dissociative Identity Disorders, groomer, La Luz del Mundo church, sexually asaulted, James Randi’s Alleged Sex Tape, The Amazing Randi, A BRAIN OF MY OWN, Wendy Hoffman, Dr. Alison Miller, Boy Scouts, sexual abuse claims, U.S. Catholic Church, Compares Trump’s Politics to Fascism, Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley, How Fascism Works, Teenage Satanist, far-right extremist, terrorism offences, neo-Nazi forums, Harry Vaughan, hate group, satanic neo-Nazi group, Hitler, Satanic symbols, Satanic worship, church burnings, murder, Lords of Chaos, Norwegian black metal, Mayhem, NXIVM cult, Keith Raniere, South Korean religious cult, charismatic living leaders, Lee Man-hee, Manson cult killer, Leslie Van Houten, Edward O’Neal, devil worshipper, satanic ritual, Peter Nygard, Corona virus,Lynne Moss-Sharman, Hal Pepinsky, Neil Brick, Adah Sachs, Alison Miller, Randy Noblitt, Wendy Hoffman, Carol Rutz, Wanda Karriker, Thorsten Becker, deJoly LaBrier, Laurie Matthews, SMART, Stop Mind control And Ritual abuse Today newsletter, repressed memory, dissociation, multiple personality disorder, Recovered Memories, Dissociative Amnesia, Scientific Evidence, Accuracy Rates, Holocaust survivors
SMART announces the 24th yearly Child/Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Conference
August 14 – 15, 2021 – Online Conference
EASTHAMPTON, Mass., Dec. 15, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — SMART announces its yearly conference. For safety reasons due to the Corona virus we have decided to have an online conference. Speakers at SMART’s conferences have included Lynne Moss-Sharman, Hal Pepinsky, Neil Brick, Adah Sachs, Alison Miller, Randy Noblitt, Wendy Hoffman, Carol Rutz, Wanda Karriker, Thorsten Becker, deJoly LaBrier, Laurie Matthews and many others. https://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/
In 1995, the SMART (Stop Mind control And Ritual abuse Today) newsletter started publishing a newsletter in Northampton, Massachusetts (now in Easthampton, Mass). In 1996, SMART began publishing on the Internet for the first time. SMART developed a website for survivors of ritual abuse and their helpers. SMART was one of the early educational resources for survivors of severe trauma, rape and abuse. In 1998, SMART began having weekend conferences for survivors and their helpers in Connecticut.
SMART announces the 24th yearly Child/Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Conference August 14 – 15, 2021
SMART has become one of the largest information and scientific resources on ritual abuse, cults, mind control, repressed memory, dissociation and dissociative identity disorder (formerly multiple personality disorder) on the Internet. https://ritualabuse.us/
The SMART newsletter has over 150 newsletters online at https://ritualabuse.us/newsletter/. SMART’s newsletter has provided informational resources about many child abuse cases over the years. Their newsletter has covered major events about ritual abuse and mind control. Neil Brick continues to publish research and articles on child abuse, ritual abuse, mind control and dissociation. He continues to speak at conferences about ritual abuse and mind control. http://neilbrick.com
SMART’s goal is to continue publishing educational resources to help survivors of child abuse, ritual abuse, their helpers and the general public learn more about the prevalence of ritual abuse and mind control in the United States and around the world. SMART hopes that child and ritual abuse will someday be eliminated in the world and children will be safe.
Internet conference information: http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/
Recovered Memories and Dissociative Amnesia – Scientific Evidence and Accuracy Rates A body of empirical evidence indicates that it is common for abused children to reach adulthood without conscious awareness of the trauma. There is scientific evidence in support of the phenomena of dissociation and recovered memory in Holocaust survivors. https://ritualabuse.us/research/recovered-memories-and-dissociative-amnesia-scientific-evidence-and-accuracy-rates/
Research and Information on Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly called Multiple Personality Disorder) https://ritualabuse.us/research/did/ https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/smart-announces-the-24th-yearly-childritual-abuse-and-mind-control-conference-301193022.html
Grey Faction, Satanic Temple and Lucien Greaves Fact Sheet:
For almost a decade Douglas Misicko using several aliases (including Douglas Mesner and Lucien Greaves) has harassed groups helping child abuse, rape and trauma survivors. He has also harassed groups providing research in support of child abuse, rape and trauma survivors.
In 2013, he and others created a group called the Satanic Temple. One part of this group is called the Grey Faction. The Grey Faction states they “invade” conferences. These conferences are provided to help and educate child abuse, rape and trauma survivors and their helpers.
Satanic Temple – Grey Faction Pseudoscience
Pseudoscience: Denial that memories can be repressed.
Pseudoscience: Denial that DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) is caused by trauma. https://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/satanic-temple-grey-faction-pseudoscience/
Anti-Semitism connected to Doug Mesner (Lucien Greaves – Satanic Temple co-founder) both aliases:
“Like, I think it’s okay to hate Jews if you hate them because they’re Jewish and they wear a stupid fuckin’ frisbie on their head [correct term: yarmulke or kippah] and walk around [and] think their God’s chosen people, but it’s not okay to hate somebody [‘born of Jewish blood’] just because their parents were stupid fuckin’ Jews and wore stupid frisbies on their head and thought the Jews were God’s chosen people […] Not everybody of Jewish blood is okay with me, it depends on if they follow the Jewish, uh… […] Satanic Jews are fine,” (Adam, “Doug Mesner [Lucien Greaves/Douglas Misicko] Satanic Temple Anti-Semitic Rant” (transcribed).”
On the Psychological Projection of Antisemitism by Satanists https://danielkbuntovnik.wordpress.com/2019/04/22/on-the-psychological-projection-of-antisemitism-by-satanists/
The Frontman: Douglas Misicko, better known as Lucien Greaves and Doug Mesner https://danielkbuntovnik.wordpress.com/2019/04/20/the-frontman-douglas-misicko-better-known-as-lucien-greaves-and-doug-mesner/
“Tom Metzger, a former “Grand Dragon” of the California Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and founder of a neo-Nazi group called White Aryan Resistance.”
“In the Might is Right podcast, Misicko engages Metzger in a lengthy discussion in which Misicko questions Metzger about “Jewish bloodlines” and the racial policies of Nazi Germany (Bugbee and Mesner, “Might is Right Special” https://archive.org/details/MightIsRightSpecial
“[note: the interview, which lasts 36 minutes, starts at about 19:27:30 and ends at 20:03:50]). At one point during the recorded conversation with Metzger, Misicko states, “I think there should be eugenics policy, population control policy. Something that ensures quality reproduction.” Although Misicko qualifies his pro-eugenics statement with the caveat that his ideal eugenics system would be based on IQ testing or “intelligence laws” (as opposed to being based strictly on racial grounds), it is known that IQ testing is culturally biased and that race is a cultural construct. Thus when Metzger objects that “[although] there are gray areas […] if you judge the black race by its whole, you must come up with the idea that they’re definitely an inferior race,” Misicko tries to win Metzger over to his position by implying that eugenics would still decimate the Afro-diasporic population even if it was based on IQ testing instead of race when he argues, “But that being the case [i.e., the case being that posited by Metzger—that “the black race by its whole (is) definitely an (intellectually) inferior race”], you still wouldn’t have to enact racial laws, you’d just have to enact intelligence laws, and if that [black intellectual inferiority] was being the case, then that good segment of the population would have to drop off.”
Here it is clear that what Misicko euphemistically posits as “that good segment of the population” is an intellectually “inferior” segment of the population whose “race” is disproportionately Black. What is essential to comprehend about this segment of the interview is that Misicko is attempting to sell de jure “IQ-based” eugenics to Metzger as de facto Black genocide. Metzger responds to Misicko’s idea by saying, “Well, we’ll leave you the project of raising the IQ of the black race to about 140 and I’ll be standing by when you’re successful,” prompting laughter from Misicko and his co-interviewers, Amy and Shane Bugbee. Shortly after that, Amy Bugbee (the wife of Shane Bugbee) chimes in to assert her belief that white people are not “necessarily the same species as blacks or Asians, you know, or any number of different races.” Tellingly, the Confederate battle flag was prominently displayed at the studio where Misicko recorded with the Bugbees (see: 5.2), who also strangely claimed that they held their wedding ceremony “in South Carolina because it is legal to fly the Confederate flag there” (Sula). The interview ends with Misicko promising to send Metzger a “personalize[d] copy” of Might is Right.”
Might Is Right or The Survival of the Fittest, is a book by pseudonymous author Ragnar Redbeard. First published in 1890, it heavily advocates egoist anarchism, amorality, consequentialism and psychological hedonism. In Might Is Right, Redbeard rejects conventional ideas of human and natural rights and argues that only strength or physical might can establish moral right….
There are also controversial parts of the book that deal with race and male–female relations, claiming that the woman and the family as a whole are the property of the man and proclaiming the innate superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race. The book also contains many strong anti-Semitic statements…. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Might_Is_Right
NEW website and NEW edition of MIGHT IS RIGHT! ….it’s the absolute definitive edition of MIGHT IS RIGHT and will not be topped in my lifetime or even the newborn of todays lifetime… this limited edition OF 23 is signed and numbered by me, the publisher….an additional afterword from Ex-White Supremacist who was a White Supremacist when he wrote the afterword, George Eric Hawthorn, who now goes by the name George Burdi… also included is the editors note from the 1996 printing of Might I Right I put out, Katja Lane (Mrs. David Lane) and to add insult to it all, original artwork/illustrations by Doug Mesner a.k.a. Lucien Greaves of The Satanic Temple shame… a separate book plate from an older edition signed by the illustrator, Doug Mesner a.k.a. Lucien Greaves when he was still just a minion of mine. http://www.shanebugbee.com/?p=2593
Unmasking Lucien Greaves, Leader of the Satanic Temple The author and Doug at a book signing for Might Is Right, 2004…. Lucien Greaves of the Satanic Temple first showed up at my door over a decade ago. He wanted a copy of a book I had republished called <i>Might Is Right</i>. It was a 100-year-old tome, long forgotten by most, with the exception of Anton LaVey,… The release of this new version of Might Is Right became a phenomenon within the underground, and that is what brought the future leader of the Satanic Temple to my door. Only his name wasn’t Lucien Greaves at the time, it was Doug Mesner. (This isn’t the first time Doug has been connected with the Temple, though it is the first time he has publicly admitted his involvement.) When he first came to my home, Doug brought a stack of his drawings and writings with him. It was amazing stuff, and much to my surprise he left it with me. Not long after our first meeting, and after reviewing his sketchbooks at length, I reprinted a limited edition version of Might Is Right and asked Doug to illustrate the chapter headings for it. His work on the book was truly excellent. When I began podcasting in 2002, I invited him to co-host the first-ever live streaming 24 hour broadcast. For 24 hours straight we interviewed guests, philosophized, and argued. It was so great we did another one a year later….
Jex Blackmore Aug 6
“The Struggle for Justice is Ongoing”
On my departure from The Satanic Temple
“Over the years, members and chapter heads have requested and proposed the implementation of a gender, sexual, and racial diversity policy to ensure equity within TST leadership and alignment to the mission. The demand was not simply ignored but completely dismissed.”
“Likewise, while they have a mission “against the exclusion of other voices,” there has been no effort to create a diverse membership or rid the organization of a culture of racism and sexism. TST continues this hypocritic legacy to this day. The Salem Gallery regularly hosts whitewashed panels and art exhibitions.”
Largest anti-human trafficking sting in Ohio history leads U.S. marshals to 45 missing children, more than 100 survivors
By CNN October 28, 2020
PITTSBURGH, PA (KDKA) — In what is believed to be the largest anti-human trafficking operation in state history, Ohio authorities say they recovered 45 missing children, and more 100 other human trafficking survivors.
The operation, called “Autumn Hope” was a multi-agency raid spearheaded by the U.S. Marshals Service reports WBNS, it also included 50 law enforcement agencies. During the operation, 169 arrests were also made by the Central Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force. Ohio Attorney General David Yost said this is the largest anti-human trafficking effort in state history.
Ritual Abuse, Mind Control and Organised Abuse: Examining our History and Looking Forward
…. I was entirely unprepared when, only a few years after the publication of those articles, a friend began disclosing ritual abuse in the context of a paedophile ring. These disclosures occurred without facilitation or encouragement by a mental health professional, and they did not conform to mass media warnings about ‘false’ and ‘recovered’ memories. She had never ‘forgotten’ her abuse and she was reporting attacks in the present that left behind undeniable marks and injuries. Her disclosures set me on the path to a career as a criminologist specializing in the study of organized child sexual abuse. I now chair the Ritual Abuse, Mind Control and Organised Abuse Special Interest Group (RAMCOA) which is full of people just like me: people who unexpectedly encountered survivors of extreme abuse and have sought to understand and address their particular needs. The SIG includes an important cohort of therapists who are also survivors, driven by personal experience and professional commitment to provide care for others who share their history.
….content analysis finds that over half of online child abuse material depicts explicit sexual activity and assaults, and 2% depict the kinds of torture disclosed by survivors of ritual abuse: bestiality, bondage, weapons, defecation/urination (Canadian Centre for Child Protection, 2016). Over two thirds of abuse material appears to have been manufactured in a home setting. In 2017, the Canadian Center for Child Protection published the findings of a survey of 150 survivors of child sexual abuse imagery (Canadian Centre for Child Protection, 2017). Their findings include that:
Half of survivors were victims of organized sexual abuse: that is, a group or network of offenders.
In the majority of organized abuse cases, the primary perpetrators were one or both parents.
Victimisation in organized abuse tended to begin before the age of four and continue into adulthood.
A significant group of survivors reported torture involving rituals, electroshock and near-drowning (Canadian Center for Child Protection, 2017).
Psychiatric Impact of Organized and Ritual Child Sexual Abuse: Cross-Sectional Findings from Individuals Who Report Being Victimized
Johanna Schröder,* Susanne Nick, Hertha Richter-Appelt, and Peer Briken
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Nov; 15(11): 2417.
Published online 2018 Oct 31. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15112417
PMCID: PMC6266763 PMID: 30384461
Organized and ritual child sexual abuse (ORA) is often rooted in the child’s own family. Empirical evidence on possible associations between ORA and trauma-related symptoms in those who report this kind of extreme and prolonged violence is rare. The aim of our study was to explore socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of the individuals reporting ORA experiences, and to investigate protective as well as promotive factors in the link between ORA and trauma-related symptom severity. Within the framework of a project of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Germany, we recruited 165 adults who identified themselves as ORA victims via abuse- and trauma-specific networks and mailing lists, and they completed an anonymous online survey….
Ideological strategies used by perpetrators as well as Dissociative Identity Disorders experienced by those affected are associated with more severe symptoms (η2p = 0.11; η2p = 0.15), while an exit out of the ORA structures is associated with milder symptoms (η2p = 0.11). Efforts are needed to improve health care services for individuals who experience severe and complex psychiatric disorders due to ORA in their childhood.
….Given the paucity of research in this field, we believe that this study contributes to closing this evidence gap, as it presents empirical data on reported practices of ORA and its impact on trauma-related symptom severity in self-identified victims, in which reported ideological/ritual strategies by the perpetrators and an exit out of the ORA structures play a major role. A key policy priority should therefore be to intensify efforts on the understanding of ORA-related structures, as well as the complex clinical presentation of those affected.
Demystifying ritual abuse – insights by self-identified victims and health care professionals
Johanna Schröder 1 , Susanne Nick 1 2 , Hertha Richter-Appelt 1 , Peer Briken 1
Affiliations PMID: 32043938 DOI: 10.1080/15299732.2020.1719260
J Trauma Dissociation. May-Jun 2020;21(3):349-364. doi: 10.1080/15299732.2020.1719260. Epub 2020 Feb 11.
Empirical evidence on organized and ritual child sexual abuse (ORA), that is, organized child sexual abuse with an ideological framework, is rare and definitions of the term “ritual” are often vague or inhomogeneous. The aim of the current study is to analyze contents, purposes and acts of violence in ORA.In a project of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Germany, 165 adults who identified themselves as ORA victims as well as 174 health care professionals who supported ORA victims were recruited via various sources and completed anonymous online surveys.Both samples report experiences with ideological frameworks in organized child sexual abuse contexts at the same ratio (88%). Ideologies are mostly perceived as a means to facilitate violent acts (e.g. commercial sexual exploitation). Positive correlations between the manifestation of ideologies and all violent acts suggest that organized and ritual perpetrator groups use the same violent strategies, but ritual or ideological groups, in which perpetrators are more often family members, use them to a greater extent.A modified narrative of “ritual abuse” as a (pseudo-)ideological, domestic and more violent subtype of organized child sexual abuse could enhance the credibility and visibility of ORA in science as well as in society.
Alleged groomer of teen victims in La Luz del Mundo sex abuse case says she was victim too
A woman accused of grooming teenage girls for the sexual pleasure of the head of La Luz del Mundo church has come forward and is now alleging through her attorney that she too was a victim.
Alondra Ocampo, who has reached a plea deal in the case set for trial in Los Angeles County Superior Court next month, suffered years of sexual abuse in the church as a minor, her attorney Fred Thiagarajah said.
Thiagarajah alleged in an interview that Ocampo was raped at age 8 by Samuel Joaquin Flores, a leader of La Luz del Mundo who was succeeded after his death in 2014 by his son, Naason Joaquin Garcia, the current head of the church. Both have been known by followers as “the apostle” of Jesus Christ.
Prosecutors have described Ocampo as someone who groomed girls who were later allegedly sexually assaulted by Garcia and coerced minors into pornographic photo shoots in hotel rooms in Whittier and El Monte. They’ve said the alleged victims were told that if they went against Garcia’s desires as the apostle they were going against God.
….La Luz del Mundo church, based in Guadalajara, Mexico, and founded in 1926 by Garcia’s grandfather, claims more than 5 million followers worldwide, though some experts say that figure might be too high.
….Thiagarajah said that a few years before his arrest, Garcia told Ocampo he wanted her to lead a church service group in East L.A. and procure girls for him. Ocampo came to preside over an exclusive group of about six girls, the attorney said.
“He identified which ones [girls] he liked and there was an understanding that Alondra would separate those,” Thiagarajah said.
Prosecutors allege that the group was known as “the dancers,” and its members would perform for Garcia while in lingerie or partially nude. Thiagarajah said Garcia would give Ocampo money to buy lingerie for pornographic photo shoots and that she would send him pictures of the girls.
James Randi’s Alleged Sex Tape
“The scientist’s lawyers sought to discredit Mr. Randi by playing taped conversations of teen-age boys who called the magician’s home allegedly for sex.”
– James Randi, a magician known as “The Amazing Randi,” had been involved in a lawsuit in which his opponent introduced a tape of sexually explicit telephone conversations Randi had with teenage boys.
A BRAIN OF MY OWN A memoir about dissociation dissolved By Wendy Hoffman
A BRAIN OF MY OWN A memoir about dissociation dissolvedBy Wendy Hoffman
At aeonbooks.co.uk Paperback. RRP: £16.99 / US $24.95
A Brain of My Own is about slavery, about brains stolen in childhood and before; brains that have been intruded upon, stopped, shrunk, paralyzed. We know about the history of people whose bodies were enslaved; but we know barely anything about the victims who appear free but whose brains are invisibly chained. Nor do we know about the international collusion, silence, and apathy that surround this kind of slavery. In A Brain of My Own, Wendy Hoffman describes her final years of attempting escape from the criminal mind control cult into which she had the misfortune of being born. This is her third memoir, and chronicles the final years of reclaiming her brain, including the ongoing abuse and torture during her recovery process. Hoffman describes the ways in which perpetrators manipulate the brain to create amnesiac barriers, methods held secret for generations. She exposes the duplicity of perpetrators functioning as normal people in the ordinary world and what is under their masks. She gives advice about how to spot seemingly helpful people who are actually out to destroy victims of mind control. The book includes an Afterword by Dr. Alison Miller. This kind of dissociation is difficult to overcome, but the path back to full humanity is possible and happening.
Wendy Hoffman is a survivor of organized criminal abuse and has been a psychotherapist for over two decades working in general practice and the field of recovering dissociated memories and trauma. Now that she has brought together the separated parts of her mind, taken her life back, and achieved freedom, she wants to help other survivors also become free of mind control. Wendy recorded her struggle to free herself from imposed dissociation in her memoirs Enslaved Queen (2014), White Witch in a Black Robe (2015) and now A Brain of My Own (2020).
Boy Scouts deluged with 92,700 sexual abuse claims, dwarfing U.S. Catholic Church’s numbers By KIM CHRISTENSEN STAFF WRITER NOV. 16, 2020
The Boy Scouts of America will face more than 92,700 claims of sexual abuse in a landmark bankruptcy that could reshape the future of one of the nation’s oldest and largest youth organizations, lawyers in the case said Monday as the filing deadline passed. The number of claims and the total payouts to settle them will easily eclipse those in the sex abuse scandal that engulfed the U.S. Catholic Church more than a decade ago, plaintiffs’ lawyers say. “This is a staggering number of cases, even beyond what I thought was out there,” said Paul Mones, a Los Angeles attorney who won a $20-million judgment against the Scouts in 2010 and represents several hundred accusers in the bankruptcy. “The scope of this is something I could never have contemplated.”
Expert Compares Trump’s Politics to Fascism
Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley explains why he claims President Donald Trump’s politics are akin to fascism, a political movement based around a leader. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4MTns3MyxQ
Jason Stanley: How Fascism Works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agX5v7h4_1g
How Fascism Works – The Politics of Us and Them By Jason Stanley https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/586030/how-fascism-works-by-jason-stanley/
The Frontman: Douglas Misicko, better known as Lucien Greaves and Doug Mesner https://danielkbuntovnik.wordpress.com/2019/04/20/the-frontman-douglas-misicko-better-known-as-lucien-greaves-and-doug-mesner/
“Although The Satanic Temple attempts to present itself along politically progressive lines, Douglas Misicko (aka Doug Mesner, aka Lucien Greaves) as collaborated with a significant number of individuals holding prominent positions in white supremacist and neo-Nazi movements. In 2003, Shane Bugbee published a new edition of a book called Might is Right with illustrations by Misicko. Originally published in 1890, Might is Right is considered an influential work among right-wing extremists.”
“A number of signs clearly point to Misicko’s continuing sympathy for and affinity with right-wing extremists. In March 2016, Misicko announced that he would be boycotting a Satanism-related conference called “Left Hand Path Consortium” in solidarity with Augustus Sol Invictus (also known as Austin Gillespie [1983–present]), a neo-Nazi lawyer and occultist who had been slated to speak at the conference before organizers apparently decided that it would be best to exclude him (Greaves, [Facebook post]).”
Teenage Satanist and far-right extremist sentenced for terrorism offences
Schoolboy avoids jail after admitting terrorism and child abuse image offences
Nadeem Badshah Mon 2 Nov 2020
A teenage Satanist and far-right extremist has been given a suspended sentence after posting bomb-making manuals on neo-Nazi forums and downloading indecent images of children.
Harry Vaughan, 18, a grammar school pupil who achieved four A* grades in his A-levels, was sentenced at the Old Bailey on Monday after admitting 14 terrorism offences and two child abuse image offences. He was given two years’ detention suspended for two years.
Vaughan was arrested by police in June last year following an investigation into an online forum called Fascist Forge.
Police found that the teenager, of south-west London, had been concealing his identity behind numerous aliases and boasting about school shootings, sharing explosives manuals and neo-Nazi propaganda online, expressing homophobic views and downloading indecent images of underage boys.
Digital forensic specialists retrieved 4,200 images and 302 files from Vaughan’s devices including an extreme rightwing terrorist book and documents relating to Satanism, neo-Nazism and antisemitism.
Police also discovered graphics encouraging acts of terrorism in the name of the proscribed organisation Sonnenkrieg Division and footage of the 2019 Christchurch mosque massacre….
Man charged in stabbing death of mosque caretaker followed hate group online Guilherme ‘William’ Von Neutegem, 34, is accused of stabbing 58-year-old Mohamed-Aslim Zafis outside mosque
CBC News · Posted: Sep 21, 2020
The man charged with stabbing a volunteer caretaker to death at a Toronto mosque shared what appears to be content from a satanic neo-Nazi group in social media posts, according to an organization that tracks online extremism.
The revelation comes amid calls for the killing to be investigated as a hate crime, something the Toronto Police Service is considering at this time.
Guilherme “William” Von Neutegem, 34, is charged with first-degree murder in connection with the killing of Mohamed-Aslim Zafis….
Evan Balgord, the organization’s executive director, describes the group Von Neutegem is linked to as a satanic neo-Nazi death cult.
“They’re all the worst things that you could possibly think of,” Balgord told CBC News.
“They are explicitly anti-Semitic and they’re explicitly racist,” Balgord said. “They worship Hitler as a God figure.”
Balgord’s organization isn’t the only one concerned about the group’s activity. According to the U.K. anti-hate research organization Hope Not Hate, the group’s beliefs involve “culling” civilization, with followers encouraged to engage in extreme violence, random attacks and sexual assault….
Relatives mourn sisters killed in vicious machete attack by suspect once considered ‘kind’ BY MICHELLE HUNTER Oct 27, 2020….
But Urias’ Facebook pages show a fascination with disturbing imagery. They are filled with gory and violent drawings and pictures, including skulls, Satanic symbols and demons. In one photo, Urias is wearing a red-colored devil mask, perhaps the one authorities say he was wearing during the killings.
In another picture, Urias holds a large knife as he stands shirtless with an upside-down cross around his neck, a drawing of what looks like a demon on a skeletal horse and a belt of bullets around his waist.
Rocky Tornabene said he’s been told about Urias’ unusual social media posts. But he said he suspects the images are linked to the hard-core heavy metal music that Urias – and Rocky Tornabene, himself – enjoyed, rather than a sign of sickness or a violent nature. Fortenberry said it’s likely the images are more a stereotype or phase…..
Satanic worship, church burnings and murder: The true story behind ‘Lords of Chaos’
By Steve Appleford Feb. 12, 2019
The terrible dawn of Norwegian black metal came during the summer of 1984, during an adolescent season of inspiration in a small village outside Oslo.
Guitarist Oystein Aarseth and bassist Jorn Stubberud, both 16, formed a band called Mayhem, fueled on their love for the bleakest forms of heavy metal, slasher films and an attraction to rebellion and evil. To signify their break from mainstream Christian society — and in opposition to the glam-metal dudes in hairspray and spandex — the Mayhem founders took on ominous new identities: Aarseth would be known as “Euronymous,” Stubberud as “Necrobutcher.”
“That’s why we started to wear our hair all black. We were singing about Satan and sadism, and everything that was wrong like torture and stuff like that — the opposite of hanging around at the beach,” Necrobutcher, now 50, recalled of those days. “We were looking for perversity and craziness.”
They found it in their creation of a frantic metal subgenre that was uniquely grim and threatening, just as Mayhem and others in the Norwegian black metal scene began to stumble from a frightening made-up image and into tragic reality. Within a decade, bandleader Euronymous was murdered by another band member, and a Mayhem singer was dead from suicide. Others were sent to prison for murder and dozens of churches across the country had been burned to the ground by band members and black metallers inspired by their example….
The NXIVM cult: How long are the leaders of going to jail for?
One of the wildest scandals of the late 2010s was the chilling details of the NXIVM cult. Unearthed in 2017 by The New York Times, Frank Parlato, and former NXIVM members, NXIVM was responsible for sex trafficking, branding, and extorting money from many of its members. In 2018, after an FBI investigation, most of its leadership was arrested, including NXIVM founder and “vanguard” Keith Raniere.
In 2019, NXIVM’s arrested leaders either plead guilty or were convicted of the charges against them. In 2020, the sentencing hammer, or gavel, is coming down with two leaders already serving time behind bars. Plus, two new docuseries have been released on HBO Max & Starz respectively: The Vow and Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult.
What was advertised as a self-help group devolved into unspeakable sexual & financial crimes that are finally landing those responsible in jail.
21 members of a South Korean religious cult were arrested in Singapore.
By Divya Taery
21 men and women were arrested for being members of an “unlawful society” in Singapore on 11 November 2020. In other words, they were part of an unregistered secretive South Korean church.
According to Coconuts, 9 men and 12 women were arrested by the police from the Criminal Investigation Department.
Investigations revealed that they were connected to the local chapter of Shincheonji Church of Jesus (SCJ) which has been labelled as a cult in most places.
What are the tell-tale signs of a cult?
For starters, cults are helmed by charismatic living leaders (aka not an omnipresent god). They are real people who tend to be the main focus of the group, usually with the most power and authority.
According to The Guardian, cults also have a process of indoctrination but this is subtle as it comes across as educating new recruits. The process tends to favour the group and its leader.
Probably the most significant sign is the abuse. This could mean economic abuse, sexual abuse or mental abuse. This ranges from guilting members for more “donations” and alienating members from their family and friends.
So, is SCJ a cult?
The church is led by Lee Man-hee. He founded SCJ and claimed that Jesus Christ appeared before him as a “bright heavenly figure”. Members refer to him as “the promised pastor,” “the one who overcomes” or “the advocate.”
They also believe he will live forever.
In their Singapore chapter, recruited members were not allowed to contact each other, verify/question teachings with other churches and speak to their family about the group’s activities.
There are also many reports on how members cut ties with their family after joining the group.
Oh and the group believes that its founder Lee, is the second coming of Jesus Christ and he will take 144,000 followers to heaven with him on Judgement Day….
Manson cult killer has parole release blocked
Tuesday, 1 Dec 2020
California’s governor has blocked the release of Charles Manson follower Leslie Van Houten, marking the fourth time a governor has reversed parole for the notorious cult murderer.
Governor Gavin Newsom said Van Houten, 71, would still pose a danger to society if released after more than five decades behind bars, citing her lack of “insight or candour” into her role in the gruesome 1969 killing of a Los Angeles couple.
“Given the extreme nature of the crime in which she was involved, I do not believe she has sufficiently demonstrated that she has come to terms with the totality of the factors that led her to participate in the vicious Manson family killings,” Mr Newsom wrote.
The decision came after a parole board in July approved the release of Van Houten, who is serving a life sentence.
At the age of 19, she was among a trio of Manson followers who broke into the home of Leo and Rosemary LaBianca. Van Houten stabbed the latter 16 times….
Alleged devil worshipper out on bond for 2016 Houston murder has killed again, police say
Edward O’Neal Jr. was out on a $25,000 bond for the stabbing death of a Houston teen and now he’s charged with another murder four years later.
Author: Michelle Homer, Grace White
December 7, 2020
HOUSTON — Edward O’Neal was 18 when he first made headlines in 2016 as an alleged devil worshipper charged with murder.
Now, O’Neal is in the news again because he’s accused of committing another murder while out on bond for the first case.
Houston police say O’Neal, now 23, shot and killed 39-year-old Derrick Mike late last month at an apartment complex on 9601 West Montgomery Road. The motive isn’t clear.
In the high-profile 2016 case, O’Neal was charged with stabbing 16-year-old Ryan Roberts to death and leaving his body in a wooded area. Christina Roberts told KHOU at the time that she thought her son was murdered as part of a satanic ritual….
Fashion Mogul Peter Nygard Indicted on Sex-Trafficking Charges
Mr. Nygard was arrested in Canada at the request of U.S. authorities. A federal indictment in New York City accused him of recruiting dozens of women and teenage girls for sex.
By Benjamin Weiser, Kim Barker, Catherine Porter and Grace Ashford
Dec. 15, 2020
Peter Nygard, the Canadian fashion executive, has been charged with sex trafficking, racketeering conspiracy and other crimes that involved dozens of women and teenage girls as victims in the United States, the Bahamas and Canada, federal prosecutors in Manhattan said on Tuesday.
Mr. Nygard, 79, used his company’s influence, its money and its employees to recruit adult and “minor-aged female victims” over a 25-year period for the sexual gratification of him and his associates, according to a nine-count federal indictment. He was arrested in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on Monday at the request of the United States under an extradition treaty, the U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan said. He is now being held in a Manitoba jail.
The indictment accused Mr. Nygard of targeting victims from disadvantaged economic backgrounds and, in some cases, with a history of abuse. Mr. Nygard sexually assaulted some, it said, while his associates assaulted or drugged others “to ensure their compliance with Nygard’s sexual demands.”
Jay Prober, the fashion mogul’s lawyer in Winnipeg, denied the charges against his client, saying he expected Mr. Nygard to be vindicated. His lawyer in New York, Elkan Abramowitz, declined to comment….
In February, The New York Times detailed how a long, ugly feud between Mr. Nygard and his neighbor in the Bahamas led to a lawsuit accusing Mr. Nygard of sexually assaulting minors there. In the article, dozens of women and former employees described how alleged victims were lured to Mr. Nygard’s home….
But The Times documented a pattern of complaints stretching back four decades, well before the feud, and showed how Mr. Nygard used his money and threats to silence his alleged victims.
The indictment features some of the same allegations as the lawsuit, which was filed in New York in February. More than 80 women have signed on as plaintiffs.
A court affidavit by the Canadian authorities filed in Winnipeg said that Mr. Nygard’s victims included girls aged 14 to 17, and that his criminal conduct had affected hundreds. It described “techniques of psychological control” in which victims were “constantly surveilled” and had “little to no control over their ability to leave premises without Nygard’s permission.”
Federal authorities previously investigated Mr. Nygard on allegations of sex trafficking between 2015 and 2017 without filing any charges. The F.B.I. conducted two brief inquiries, while the Department of Homeland Security investigated him for nine months.
For decades, Mr. Nygard portrayed himself as a playboy, describing the young women and teenage girls he surrounded himself with as “the source of youth,” according to a video he produced about his attempts to fight aging. He dated celebrities like Anna Nicole Smith and fathered at least 10 children with eight women. Born in Finland, he grew up in Canada, launching his multinational fashion company, Nygard International, in Winnipeg more than 50 years ago….
The indictment charged that Mr. Nygard used the prospect of modeling and other fashion industry jobs to lure women and teenage girls. It said that he also he used company funds to pay for so-called pamper parties. There, employees told The Times, he recruited victims with free drinks, manicures and massages.
He forced dozens of victims to engage in “commercial sex,” defined in federal law as any sex act performed in exchange for something of value, and used threats and promises to grant or withhold modeling opportunities or financial support to maintain control, the indictment said…. Https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/15/world/canada/peter-nygard-sex-trafficking-charges.html
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