(Stop Mind control And Ritual abuse Today)
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Issue 154 – September 2020
The purpose of this newsletter is to help stop secretive organizations and groups from abusing others and to help those who allege they have been abused by such organizations and groups. This newsletter is not a substitute for other ways of recovering from ritual abuse. Readers should use caution while reading this newsletter. If necessary, make sure other support systems are available during and after reading this newsletter.
The resources mentioned in this newsletter are for educational value only. Reading the books cited may or may not help your recovery process, so use caution when reading any book or contacting any resource mentioned in this newsletter. Some may have a religious or other agenda that may be separate from your own recovery process. Others may have valuable information on secretive organizations, but have triggers or be somewhat sympathetic to those organizations. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the views expressed in this newsletter constitute expressions of opinion, and readers are cautioned to form their own opinions and draw their own conclusions by consulting a variety of sources, including this newsletter. Resources listed, quoted and individual articles, etc. and their writers do not necessarily support all or any of the views mentioned in this newsletter. Also, the views, facts and opinions mentioned in this newsletter are solely the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily the opinions of this newsletter or its editor.
Copyright 2020 – All rights reserved. No reproduction of any material without written permission from the editor and individual authors.
Information in this issue includes: The 2020 Online Annual Ritual Abuse Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference, Dr. Laurie Matthew, child sexual abuse, Eighteen And Under, Izzy’s Promise, Ritual Abuse Network Forum (RANS), Journal Articles on Child and Ritual Abuse, Dr. Sarah Nelson, backlash theories, satanic panic, false memory syndrome, dissociative identify disorder, multiple personality disorder, sexual abuse, Neil Brick, harassment, propaganda techniques, trauma survivors, rape victims, mind control, Kieran Watson, Clare Barrie, Extreme Abuse Survivors, Social Security Benefits, Dr. Randy Noblitt, Pamela Perskin Noblitt, Lucien Greaves, Doug Mesner, The Satanic Temple, The Satanic Temple, white supremacist, neo-Nazi movements, Might is Right, White Power movement, Augustus Sol Invictus, white supremacist, Milo Yiannopoulos, Breitbart News, Steve Bannon, Alt-Right, Marc Randazza, Tom Metzger, Ku Klux Klan, White Aryan Resistance, Nazi Germany, eugenics policy, population control policy, Confederate battle flag, Antisemitism, Lambeth Council, Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, paedophiles, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, registered sex offender, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, President Trump, ex-Fox News reporter Ed Henry, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Cathy Areu, Howard Kurtz, Gianno Caldwell, Fox News, Jennifer Eckhart, sexual misconduct, Roger Ailes, Children of God cult, The Family International, Derek Lincoln, David Berg, Joaquin Phoenix, Rose McGowan, River Phoenix, sex cult, brainwashed
In the UK: 1 in 6 children suffer child sexual abuse. 21% of children in local authority care are exposed to suspected or confirmed sexual exploitation every year. RA Research conclusions: Survivors still suffer the backlash of 1980-90’s and the continued discourse around belief, memory and mental illness. The only witnesses to ritual and organized abuse are the abusers and the survivors. Only the survivors will try to tell so the public can learn about it so society needs to listen to them.
Dr Laurie Matthew OBE is founder and Manager of Eighteen And Under an award winning charity providing confidential support services to young people who have been abused. She is also a founder member and advisor to Izzy’s Promise the UK’s leading charity for survivors of organised and ritual abuse and of the Ritual Abuse Network Forum (RANS). She is the author of several books about ritual abuse and the Violence Is Preventable abuse prevention programmes for children and young people. She has over 40 years experience of directly supporting abuse survivors. Her recently published research has included participatory research with adult ritual abuse survivors and participatory research with young survivors of sexual abuse who were unknown to authorities
Journal Articles on Child and Ritual Abuse – Laurie Matthew
In this presentation Sarah makes reflections on belief and disbelief in ritual abuse, and on why backlash theories such as satanic panic and false memory syndrome were so readily believed and are still potent, despite their numerous flaws. She interconnects the disbelief by outsiders including professionals, many media and public with the disbelief and doubts of survivors themselves, and think about the interplay and mutual strengthening which has long taken place. She explains how this a neglected aspect of the discourse of disbelief yet she believes it important and relevant. She discusses the example of interplay of disbelief between survivors themselves and these outsiders in dissociative identify disorder, formerly multiple personality disorder, a condition strongly linked to the experience of the profound trauma of ritual abuse in childhood. She asks whether and how far this circle can be broken in working against ritual abuse in future.
Dr. Sarah Nelson (Universities of Edinburgh and Dundee) has written and presented widely for decades on sexual abuse issues. Her research and publications include the voices of young survivors, critiques of current child protection systems, community prevention, ritual and organised abuse, media representations of abuse cases, and adult survivors’ experiences of mental and physical health services. She has also been a professional adviser to the Scottish Government and Scottish Parliament. Her book Tackling Child Sexual Abuse: Radical approaches to prevention, protection and support (Policy Press, UK and University of Chicago press, USA)) was published in 2016.
Misinformation Campaigns Against Survivors – Neil Brick
Misinformation Campaigns Against Survivors – Neil Brick https://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/articles/misinformation-campaigns-against-survivors-neil-brick/
Misinformation Campaigns Against Survivors PowerPoint
Child and ritual abuse survivors and their advocates have been attacked by misinformation campaigns the last several years. These campaigns use various harassment and propaganda techniques to distort the research and silence the efforts of those who are working to help trauma survivors and rape victims. These techniques will be compared to past and present public campaigns that have distorted information and used unethical tactics to manipulate public opinion. Propaganda and suggestion techniques used will be discussed and analyzed.
Neil Brick is a survivor of ritual abuse and mind control. His work continues to educate the public about child abuse, trauma and ritual abuse crimes. His child abuse and ritual abuse newsletter S.M.A.R.T. https://ritualabuse.us has been published for over 25 years. http://neilbrick.com
Presentation on Izzy’s Promise – Kieran Watson
Kieran Watson is a manager with Izzy’s Promise – Dundee, Scotland.
Izzy’s Promise and the importance of a physical non denominational and regulated service for RA survivors.
Izzy’s Promise offers training and consultancy services; Conducts research into causes of ritual abuse and any ways of preventing or relieving the suffering caused by abuse; recruits and trains volunteers to work towards supporting survivors of ritual/organised abuse and those who support them; and networks with other agencies. https://rans.org.uk/izzys-promise/
Many trauma survivors have debilitating psychological and physical symptoms that prevent them from maintaining gainful employment. For these individuals the Social Security Administration has programs that can play a critical role in providing for clients’ basic survival needs and autonomy. Unfortunately, the rules that govern this process are complex and confusing. Further, an important contributing factor in SSA denials is that survivors’ health care providers are often unfamiliar with SSA’s requirements which include documentation of symptoms and the limitations they impose along with professional opinions that correspond to Social Security’s definition of disability. This workshop is intended to provide an introduction to SSA requirements for healthcare providers.
Randy Noblitt is a clinical psychologist and professor of clinical psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) at Alliant International University, Los Angeles. He is the principle author of Navigating Social Security Disability Programs: A Handbook for Clinicians and Advocates (2020) as well as Cult and Ritual Abuse: Narratives, Evidence and Healing Approaches, 3rd Edition (2014). He is the co-editor and a contributor to Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-first Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social and Political Considerations (2008).
Information on Randy Noblitt and His Research
Pamela Perskin Noblitt is a non-attorney claimants representative for individuals applying for SSDI and SSI benefits. She is in independent private practice in Los Angeles County, California. She is co-author of Navigating Social Security Disability Programs: A Handbook for Clinicians and Advocates (2020) as well as Cult and Ritual Abuse: Narratives, Evidence and Healing Approaches, 3rd Edition (2014). She is the co-editor of Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-first Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social and Political Considerations (2008).
Please note: None of the material on these pages or at the conference is meant as therapy, or to take the place of therapy. These presentations may be triggering for survivors.
Lucien Greaves, the public face of The Satanic Temple, is also well known by the name Douglas or Doug Mesner (Wikipedia editors, “Lucien Greaves”; Bugbee, “Unmasking”). In October 2017, Greaves/Mesner appeared to implicitly confirm that his name is in fact Douglas Misicko (Greaves, “Correcting”). The apparent admission that Doug Mesner and Lucien Greaves are both aliases or assumed identities of Douglas Misicko came in the form of a response by the latter to a “fact sheet” published in that same month by the Church of Satan (a rival Satanist group whose representatives have made repeated claims that The Satanic Temple are not “true” Satanists like them)….
In 2003, Shane Bugbee published a new edition of a book called Might is Right with illustrations by Misicko. Originally published in 1890, Might is Right is considered an influential work among right-wing extremists. Amy Bugbee, wife of Shane Bugbee, calls it “a cornerstone […] of the modern White Power movement” (Suffering and Celebration 90). The then most recent edition of Might is Right, published four years prior to the Bugbee edition, was published by “14 Words Press,” an openly neo-Nazi publishing house….
In March 2016, Misicko announced that he would be boycotting a Satanism-related conference called “Left Hand Path Consortium” in solidarity with Augustus Sol Invictus (also known as Austin Gillespie [1983–present]), a neo-Nazi lawyer and occultist who had been slated to speak at the conference before organizers apparently decided that it would be best to exclude him (Greaves, [Facebook post]). As a lawyer, Invictus/Gillespie defended a white supremacist named Marcus Faella (1973–present) in court (Pierson Curtis). Faella was a leader of a neo-Nazi terrorist group called “American Front.”….
In 2017, Misicko was …demanding the defense of the “free speech” rights of Milo Yiannopoulos, who, as an editor and writer for the far-right media outlet Breitbart News under its executive chairman Steve Bannon (who would shortly thereafter become chief executive of the Donald Trump presidential campaign and later the USA’s first ‘White House Chief Strategist’), worked to bring neo-Nazism into the mainstream by courting a number of right-wing extremists in order to amplify their voices under the concocted “Alt-Right” label…..
In August 2018, Misicko announced that he would be working with a lawyer named Marc Randazza to sue Twitter for alleged “religious discrimination” for temporarily suspending his personal account and that of The Satanic Temple on the social media platform. Randazza is infamous for defending neo-Nazis and white supremacists in court cases. He is currently defending several neo-fascists on trial in connection with their roles in the infamous August 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia “Unite the Right” rally (Domonoske)….
During the previously mentioned “Might is Right” podcast, Misicko also granted a cordial interview to Tom Metzger, a former “Grand Dragon” of the California Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and founder of a neo-Nazi group called White Aryan Resistance. Metzger is perhaps best known for helping to popularize the figure of the “lone wolf” as an ideal model of organizing white supremacist terrorism (ADL, “Tom Metzger/White Aryan Resistance”).
….In the Might is Right podcast, Misicko engages Metzger in a lengthy discussion in which Misicko questions Metzger about “Jewish bloodlines” and the racial policies of Nazi Germany (Bugbee and Mesner, “Might is Right Special” [note: the interview, which lasts 36 minutes, starts at about 19:27:30 and ends at 20:03:50]). At one point during the recorded conversation with Metzger, Misicko states, “I think there should be eugenics policy, population control policy. Something that ensures quality reproduction.”….when Metzger objects that “[although] there are gray areas […] if you judge the black race by its whole, you must come up with the idea that they’re definitely an inferior race,” (Misicko:) “But that being the case [i.e., the case being that posited by Metzger—that “the black race by its whole (is) definitely an (intellectually) inferior race”], you still wouldn’t have to enact racial laws, you’d just have to enact intelligence laws, and if that [black intellectual inferiority] was being the case, then that good segment of the population would have to drop off.”…..
the Confederate battle flag was prominently displayed at the studio where Misicko recorded with the Bugbees (see: 5.2), who also strangely claimed that they held their wedding ceremony “in South Carolina because it is legal to fly the Confederate flag there” (Sula). The interview ends with Misicko promising to send Metzger a “personalize[d] copy” of Might is Right….
On the Psychological Projection of Antisemitism by Satanists
….The Satanic Temple’s spokesman Douglas Misicko sums it up this way:
“Like, I think it’s okay to hate Jews if you hate them because they’re Jewish and they wear a stupid fuckin’ frisbie on their head [correct term: yarmulke or kippah] and walk around [and] think their God’s chosen people, but it’s not okay to hate somebody [‘born of Jewish blood’] just because their parents were stupid fuckin’ Jews and wore stupid frisbies on their head and thought the Jews were God’s chosen people […] Not everybody of Jewish blood is okay with me, it depends on if they follow the Jewish, uh… […] Satanic Jews are fine,” (Adam, “Doug Mesner [Lucien Greaves/Douglas Misicko] Satanic Temple Anti-Semitic Rant” [transcribed, bold added for emphasis]).
Doug Mesner (Lucien Greaves, Satanic Temple) Alleged Anti-Semitic Statements
https://www.videosprout.com/video?id=98aafea9-df67-416d-998d-46348a626005&fbclid=IwAR3uIHF8pl3sgLGCSsdJKyE9QJK3JpfH4j2H8DLhd1yYHuc_pPLFdPHIMtE (audio excerpt)
Might Is Right Special by shane bugbee, amy stocky, doug mesner
“Unreleased and favorites from Charles Manson — interviews, music, and monologues. A brief history of Might Is Right.” “White power, racialism, and reform with Tom Metzger”
Lambeth Council: Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
By Grainne Cuffe 30th June 2020
Lambeth Council officials previously dismissed reports of child abuse as “fantasy” and described the children who spoke up as “sexual deviants”, an inquiry into historical abuse cases heard.
Over the course of several decades, from the 1930s to the 1990s, hundreds of children in Lambeth’s care were subjected to prolonged sexual, racial, and physical abuse.
An inquiry into the “horrifying national scandal” heard that already vulnerable children were targeted by paedophiles working at children’s homes controlled by the council.
It heard that prominent politicians, police officers and businessmen are alleged to have been involved in the filming of sexual abuse against children.
Some of the abuse is alleged to have been filmed in council buildings, including the town hall.
Despite the widespread abuse, the authorities failed to look into allegations at the time.
The inquiry heard that convicted sex offender Michael John Carroll was allowed to continue working with children even after his record was brought to light. He was dismissed years later for “financial irregularities”.
The four-week public hearing, which began on Monday (June 29), is part of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA).
It will investigate the scale and nature of sexual abuse experienced by children in Lambeth over many decades, and examine the extent of any institutional failures to protect children.
It will look at five of Lambeth’s children’s homes, including the notorious Shirley Oaks, the council’s oldest and largest residential care home, with up to 350 children aged two to 17 living there until its closure in 1983…..
Iain O’Donnell, representing seven complainants, said the inquiry will hear evidence of how a paedophile ring “effectively infiltrated” Lambeth’s children’s homes from the 1960s, “if not earlier”, where they preyed upon children for decades. He said: “You will hear equally serious evidence suggesting those in positions of power in Lambeth Borough Council were aware of the horrific sexual assaults being inflicted on the children in its care.
“They either turned a blind eye or took back-handed payments to bury documentary evidence and ship many of those children off to far flung locations across the country so Lambeth could forget what it had done to them.”
Mr O’Donnell said Lambeth was “corrupt to its core”, with many employees aware of how the abuse had continued.
The inquiry heard that an assistant director at the council continuously overruled an investigation into a foster carer who was abusing very young children, including a baby….
Jeffrey Epstein Confidante Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested on Sex Abuse Charges
Prosecutors allege Maxwell helped Epstein traffic and abuse underage girls; he died by suicide awaiting trial last year
By Jonathan Dienst, Joe Valiquette, Tom Winter and Sarah Fitzpatrick Published July 2, 2020….
The six-count indictment in Manhattan federal court alleges that Maxwell helped Epstein groom girls as young as 14 years old, going back as far as 1994. Prosecutors say she was in the room during — and took part in — the sexual abuse of three underage girls at Epstein’s Upper East Side townhouse, his Florida estate and his ranch in New Mexico. She faces up to 35 years in prison….
But she was also alleged to have helped Epstein groom teen girls for sex with the rich and powerful. One of those teens, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, leveled that charge against Maxwell in a 2015 defamation suit, as have a number of other women since.
“In some instances, Maxwell was present for and participated in the sexual abuse of minor victims,” the indictment says.
Epstein, a registered sex offender who nonetheless kept company with presidents and captains of industry, was arrested last summer on new federal charges of exploiting dozens of underage girls in New York and Florida in the early 2000s…. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/ghislaine-maxwell-arrested-jeffrey-epstein-aide/2495762/
Ghislaine Maxwell prepared to snitch on ‘big names’ to save herself
Many powerful people connected to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell — including Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew and Leslie Wexner — could be “extremely worried right now” following Maxwell’s arrest — because she wrongly believed they were protecting her.
Steven Hoffenberg, a former business associate of Epstein’s (and who temporarily managed the New York Post in 1993), said, “She’s going to be naming some big names — not only in terms of those who abused underage girls at Epstein’s parties — but also those who made financial agreements with Epstein or benefited from his generosity, including flying on his plane and staying at his homes.”
He said it was a shock for Maxwell to be arrested on charges that she groomed underage women to have sex with the infamous pedophile. He explained, “Ghislaine thought she was untouchable — that she’d be protected by the intelligence communities she and Jeffrey helped with information: the Israeli intelligence services, and Les Wexner, who has given millions to Israel; by Prince Andrew, President Clinton and even by President Trump, who was well-known to be an acquaintance of her and Epstein’s.”….
Both Andrew and Trump deny any knowledge of or involvement in underage sex. Clinton has never been accused of such while associating with Epstein, and recently denied a claim that he had an affair with Maxwell. However, he admits he traveled on Epstein’s private plane, known as the Lolita Express….
Both Andrew and Trump deny any knowledge of or involvement in underage sex. Clinton has never been accused of such while associating with Epstein, and recently denied a claim that he had an affair with Maxwell. However, he admits he traveled on Epstein’s private plane, known as the Lolita Express….
Ghislaine Maxwell is ‘worse’ than Jeffrey Epstein, claims accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre: ‘She is a monster’
Yahoo Celebrity Taryn Ryder Jul 16th 2020
Ghislaine Maxwell “was the mastermind” behind “sick pedophile” Jeffrey Epstein and deserves to spend the rest of her life in prison, according to one alleged victim.
Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who claims she was abused by Maxwell and Epstein as a teenager, spoke to Gayle King on CBS This Morning about why she thinks the British socialite is worse than the deceased billionaire.
“She’s worse than Epstein,” Giuffre declared. “She did things even worse than Epstein did. She was vicious, she was evil and she was a woman.”….
“I asked her, I said, ‘Why are you having all these girls come in and sleep with your boyfriend?’” Giuffre told King. “And she was like, ‘So I don’t have to do it all the time.’ She made a joke out of it. She did it to make Jeffrey happy, for sure, she did it because she loved the control of people. Jeffrey was a sick pedophile, but she was the mastermind.”
Maxwell, 58, was arrested on July 2 and charged with recruiting at least three girls, one as young as 14, for Epstein to abuse between 1994 and 1997. She pleaded not guilty to all charges.
“I know that woman. I’ve known her really well,” Giuffre told King. “She was pulling his strings, she had his money, he had her contacts, but Ghislaine was much more conniving and smart than Epstein ever was.”
Among Giuffre’s other claims is that she was forced to have sex with Britain’s Prince Andrew on three occasions when she was only 17 years old. Prince Andrew has denied her allegations. As for the photo that appears to show him with his arm around Giuffre during one of these instances, he has said it could be doctored….
Giuffre “absolutely” believes Maxwell’s life is in danger because of the elites she could help take down.
“If she squeals on some of the people that she has videos on, they won’t be happy with her talking about that,” Giuffre explained.
“And when you say that she has videos or she has knowledge of videos that exist about people, people like who?” King asked. “Well-known names?”
“Very well known names,” Giuffre replied. “The government officials, the politicians, the royalty, they were taping everybody every moment when you walked into the New York mansion, to Palm Beach — everything was being filmed.”
Giuffre said she doesn’t think these people knew they were being filmed and speculated Maxwell and Epstein had a blackmail scheme….. https://www.aol.com/article/entertainment/2020/07/16/ghislaine-maxwell-is-worse-than-jeffrey-epstein-claims-accuser-virginia-roberts-giuffre-she-is-a-monster/24563772/
Lawsuit accuses ex-Fox News reporter Ed Henry of rape, says Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson harassed other woman
Mon, Jul 20 2020 Dan Mangan
A bombshell lawsuit accuses former Fox News chief national correspondent Ed Henry of raping one woman, and says that the network’s star anchor Sean Hannity once offered $100 to staffers to “date” a second woman who also accuses Henry of sexual harassment.
The suit says that in addition to Henry, plaintiff Cathy Areu was sexually harrassed by multiple other men at Fox News, including Hannity, the host Tucker Carlson, journalist Howard Kurtz and network political analyst Gianno Caldwell.
The other plaintiff, Areu’s fellow former Fox News employee Jennifer Eckhart, claims that Henry raped her, in addition to committing other sexual misconduct against her.
A bombshell lawsuit filed by two women Monday accused former Fox News chief national correspondent Ed Henry of raping one of them and says that the network’s star anchor Sean Hannity once offered $100 to staffers to “date” another woman who also accuses Henry of sexual harassment.
The federal suit says that one of the plaintiffs, Cathy Areu, also was sexually harassed by other high-profile men at Fox News, including Hannity, host Tucker Carlson, journalist Howard Kurtz and contributor Gianno Caldwell.
The other plaintiff, former Fox Business associate producer Jennifer Eckhart, claims that Henry raped her, in addition to committing other sexual misconduct against her.
Areu had been a frequent guest on Fox News, but the network says she was neither an employee nor a contributor. However, the lawsuit identifies her as meeting the definition of an employee, albeit not a full-time one.
The Manhattan federal court lawsuit comes three weeks after Fox News fired Henry for what the network said was sexual misconduct.
The suit names as defendants Fox News, Hannity, Carlson and Kurtz and was filed on behalf of Eckhart and Areu by lawyers Douglas Wigdor and Michael Willemin.
Fox News in a statement said that an investigation had found that all of Areu’s claims against the men, other than Henry, were “false” and that it intended to fight her allegations.
The network added that Areu and Eckhart can pursue their legal claims “against Ed Henry directly with him, as FOX News already took swift action as soon as it learned of Ms. Eckhart’s claims on June 25 and Mr. Henry is no longer employed by the network.”….
“Ed Henry looks forward to presenting actual facts and evidence, which will contradict the fictional accounts contained in the complaint. That evidence includes graphic photos and other aggressively suggestive communications that Ms. Eckhart sent to Mr. Henry.”
The women’s lawsuit says that in late June, Eckhart’s lawyer put Fox News on notice of legal claims against the network and Henry, and informed Fox “in graphic and specific detail, how Mr. Henry groomed, psychologically manipulated and coerced Ms. Eckhart into having a sexual relationship with him.”….
Eckhart’s lawyers said that when Fox News terminated Henry, the network “purported to take credit for acting appropriately.”
“However, nothing could be further from the truth,” the suit says.
It says Fox knew that Henry “had engaged in sexual misconduct as far back as early 2017,” when “multiple women came forward to complain that Mr. Henry had engaged in sexually inappropriate conduct towards them.”
But Henry was not fired or even disciplined after those earlier accusations, the suit says….
The suit also says, “It is widely documented in the public record that Fox News has not only cultivated and fostered sexual harassment and misconduct, but has consistently accepted and rewarded it. Nevertheless, Fox News would have the public believe that it is a different place from the Fox News that was run by former disgraced Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes.”
“Unfortunately, it is actually worse,” the suit says.
Fox News said in its statement, “Based on the findings of a comprehensive independent investigation conducted by an outside law firm, including interviews with numerous eyewitnesses, we have determined that all of Cathy Areu’s claims against FOX News, including its management as well as its hosts Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity & Howard Kurtz and its contributor Gianno Caldwell, are false, patently frivolous and utterly devoid of any merit.”….
What was the ‘Children of God’ cult? Twisted sect said to encourage child sex abuse and mass orgies
The sect, now known as The Family International, had communities scattered across Scotland and still operates today.
By Sophie Law 14 JUL 2020
It was a secretive religious cult reportedly known for mass ‘Jesus’ orgies and encouraging the sexual abuse of children – some as young as two years old.
The ‘Children of God’ sect, now known as The Family International, had communities scattered across Scotland and still operates today.
It hit the headlines today after a paedophile cult member has admitted raping two little girls in Scotland.
Derek Lincoln appeared at Glasgow High Court on Monday and pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting the children – aged nine and 11 – over a two year period between 1989 and 1991.
The 74-year-old was extradited from France in 2019 on a European Arrest warrant following his involvement with the religious cult.
The ‘Children of God’ was started in the US in the late 1960s by its founder, David Berg – who called himself Moses.
He told members that God was love and love was sex regardless of age or relationship. He died in 1994 while on the run from the FBI.
The notorious cult leader told followers to celebrate God with mass sex orgies and fantasise about romps with Jesus while performing sex acts, according Jo Thornely’s book Zealot.
Mr Berg issued a “Mo Letter” containing a list of things you could say to Jesus while you pretended you were making love to him….
The notorious cult leader told followers to celebrate God with mass sex orgies and fantasise about romps with Jesus while performing sex acts, according Jo Thornely’s book Zealot.
Mr Berg issued a “Mo Letter” containing a list of things you could say to Jesus while you pretended you were making love to him. There have been horrific reports from ex-members of sexual violence, incest, and brainwashing. It’s also been reported the cult brainwashed its child members into believing sex acts were all part of God’s expression of love and actively encouraged sexual activities among minors as young as two or three years old.
Many ex-members have spoken out about the horrific abuse they experienced as youngsters before escaping. Alexander Watt was the first British member of the cult to stand trial for child sex abuse when he was convicted in Scotland. Joker star Joaquin Phoenix and Hollywood actress Rose McGowan were born into the cult.
The late actor River Phoenix, who was Joaquin’s older brother, told Details Magazine in 1991 that he was four when he first had sex while in the group….
The cult now goes by the name of The Family International and is still active today. They since have claimed a zero-tolerance policy regarding sexual interaction between adults and underage minors.
Sex cult led by elderly man known as ‘The Doctor’ uncovered Jul 21, 2020
A septuagenarian known only as ‘The Doctor’ was behind a sex cult in northern Italy in which followers were abused and brainwashed, say authorities who uncovered the alleged activity.
Police say the leader of the cult, a 77-year-old man whom they have not named, used businesses such as dance schools, herbalists, craft shops and a publishing house as an allure to target the vulnerable and often women of wealth.
The man would then indoctrinate them by subjecting the women to ‘unbearable violence and abuse of all kinds’, say police.
Raids were carried out against the group, which was based near Milan in a town called Novara, on suspicion of slavery and sexual abuse, including young girls.
Officers say the group was structured like a pyramid with the most fervent followers closest to The Doctor, those who were skeptical towards the bottom….
Once immersed in the cult, which police say existed for 30 years, the women would be convinced to sever all family ties or else coax their relatives to join.
They would then be put to work for the group with The Doctor deciding what job best suited them. Because some of the women were also given houses, their survival was entirely dependent on the cult.
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