Issue 150 – January 2020

(Stop Mind control And Ritual abuse Today)
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Issue 150 – January 2020

The purpose of this newsletter is to help stop secretive organizations and groups from abusing others and to help those who allege they have been abused by such organizations and groups. This newsletter is not a substitute for other ways of recovering from ritual abuse. Readers should use caution while reading this newsletter. If necessary, make sure other support systems are available during and after reading this newsletter.

The resources mentioned in this newsletter are for educational value only. Reading the books cited may or may not help your recovery process, so use caution when reading any book or contacting any resource mentioned in this newsletter. Some may have a religious or other agenda that may be separate from your own recovery process. Others may have valuable information on secretive organizations, but have triggers or be somewhat sympathetic to those organizations. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the views expressed in this newsletter constitute expressions of opinion, and readers are cautioned to form their own opinions and draw their own conclusions by consulting a variety of sources, including this newsletter. Resources listed, quoted and individual articles, etc. and their writers do not necessarily support all or any of the views mentioned in this newsletter. Also, the views, facts and opinions mentioned in this newsletter are solely the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily the opinions of this newsletter or its editor.

Copyright 2020 – All rights reserved. No reproduction of any material without written permission from the editor and individual authors.

Information in this issue includes: Upcoming ritual abuse conferences in 2020, Secretive Organizations, Mind Control, Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Mind Control 2020 Conference, Organised Abuse in the UK, Izzy’s Promise, Eighteen and Under, Dr. Michael Salter, Dr. Laurie Matthew OBE, Neil Brick, Dr Sarah Nelson, Alison Miller, Evan Anderson, Grey Faction Director of The Satanic Temple, TST, Grey Faction, Lucien Greaves, Douglas Mesner, child abuse, rape, trauma survivors, harassment of child abuse survivors, Traumatic Memories, Destroying the Mind Control, Recovered Memories, Dissociative Amnesia, Scientific Evidence, traumatic events, Holocaust survivors, The Liminalist, FMS Foundation, FMSF, Pamela Frey, Ralph Underwager, Paidika, paedophilia, Paedophiles, Witness for Mr. Bubbles, Anna Salter, Hollida Wakefield, David Calof, Treating Abuse Today, Jennifer Hoult, Stephanie J. Dallam, Leadership Council,
child interviewing, Lana Ponting, LSD, brainwashing experiments, McGill University’s Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal, Dr. Ewen Cameron, depatterning experiments, CIA, MKUltra mind-control program, sleep deprivation, electroshock treatments, hallucinogenic drugs, Child Abusers, Tech Companies, child sexual abuse imagery on the web, clergy, church’s sex abuse lists, Richard J. Poster, sex offender registry, former Catholic priest, Roman Catholic Church, Facebook removes 3.2 billion fake accounts millions of child abuse posts, Dissociative identity disorder exists result of childhood trauma, false memories, Dispelling Myths About Dissociative Identity Disorder Treatment, Satan, satanic church, satanic and Illuminati symbols, religious Satanism beliefs, Satanic religion, satanic ritual, satanic practice, Sheep stabbed to death and painted with Satanic symbols, Satanic-style cult, witchcraft, black magic, cult of Trump, Steven Hassan, How the President Uses Mind Control Book, Catholic priests in Argentina, Psychiatric Impact of Organized and Ritual Child Sexual Abuse, Organized and ritual child sexual abuse (ORA), Sexualized Violence in Organized Structures of Violence and in Ritual Structures of Violence, Dissociative identity disorder, dissociative barriers, Conditioning, Programming, Post-trauma disorders, sexualized violence, Uber, child abuse WhatsApp group, Jeffrey Epstein suicide or murder, sex trafficking, Ghislaine Maxwell, Virginia Giuffre, Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, British royal family, Ivana Trump, Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, Harvey Weinstein, Halifax child abuse inquiry, Rep. Jim Jordan, Dr. Richard Strauss, Ohio State University, Rape and sexual assault, Dr Cathy Kezelman, Blue Knot foundation

Upcoming ritual abuse conferences in 2020:

The 2020 Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference August 8 – 9, 2020 DoubleTree near Bradley International Airport Windsor Locks, CT Internet conference information:

The Survivorship Ritual Abuse and Mind Control 2020 Conference
When: Regular Conference – Saturday and Sunday May 16 – 17, 2020
Clinician’s Conference – Friday May 15, 2020
Where: Reconnect Integrative Trauma Treatment Center Pacific Palisades, CA

26th February 2020 9am-5pm
West Park Conference Centre Perth Road Dundee Scotland
Following on from their highly successful 2018 conference, Organised Abuse in the UK, Izzy’s Promise are once again joining with Eighteen and Under to offer an exciting conference about organised and ritualised abuse.
The Organised and Ritualised Abuse of Children: The Current International Situation conference brings together leading experts from all over the world. All with the aim of breaking the silence around organised and ritualised abuse of children.

The conference will examine the current situation in the world and in the UK specifically and will help workers and supporters to identify and work with children who are affected by organised and ritualised abuse.
The main speakers at the conference will be Dr. Michael Salter from Australia, Dr. Laurie Matthew OBE from Scotland, Neil Brick from USA, Dark Justice from England and Dr Sarah Nelson from Scotland.
Tickets available by visiting

New articles on the website:

Alison Miller’s reply to Evan Anderson, Grey Faction Director of The Satanic Temple (TST)’s Grey Faction
“The reason I discontinued my membership in the College of Psychologists has nothing to do with the Grey Faction’s harassing complaint about my writings and online videos. I left the College because I am 78 years old. I retired two years ago.” – Alison Miller
“That is why I resigned, not because I was about to be found guilty of promoting unscientific conspiracy theories. Anderson has posted his complaint and the College’s response, distorting the story by omitting the College’s letter to me and my response to it. As for not being allowed to call myself a “psychologist,” that is the situation for every retired psychologist. It is similar for other health professions, and it does not indicate that the work I did was inferior or that I was found guilty of unethical behavior.” – Alison Miller

Here is a brief history of the Grey Faction’s efforts from:
Grey Faction, Satanic Temple and Lucien Greaves Fact Sheet

(Alison Miller’s article will follow.)
For almost a decade Douglas Misicko using several aliases (including Douglas Mesner and Lucien Greaves) has harassed groups helping child abuse, rape and trauma survivors. He has also harassed groups providing research in support of child abuse, rape and trauma survivors.
In 2013, he and others created a group called the Satanic Temple. One part of this group is called the Grey Faction. The Grey Faction states they “invade” conferences. These conferences are provided to help and educate child abuse, rape and trauma survivors and their helpers.
Their representatives that invade these conferences misrepresent their reasons for attending these conferences. They film people at these conferences without permission and publish these films without the permission of those filmed. The Grey Faction repeatedly misrepresents the research and statements of the people at these conferences. It uses repeated ad hominem attacks against child abuse and trauma researchers without rebutting their research or stories.
This information is being posted with the permission of its author, Alison Miller. Please note: All accusations are alleged. The views, facts and opinions mentioned in this article are the opinions of the author and are not necessarily the opinions of this website or its editor.

Note from Alison Miller:
The reason I discontinued my membership in the College of Psychologists was nothing to do with the Grey Faction’s harassing complaint about my writings and online videos. I left the College because I am 78 years old. I retired two years ago. When I retired, I maintained membership in a non-practising (retired) category because I still had clinical records from past clients. I mistakenly assumed that the provision of psychological services which is prohibited for non-practising members extended only to providing direct service to clients, and that I was still permitted to speak at conferences and write articles. When Evan Anderson complained about my work, the College asked me about my professional activities since retirement, and let me know that (a) I did not have to remain a member after retirement as long as another member knew the location of my clinical records, and (b) speaking and writing were considered to be providing psychological services, which was forbidden to non-practicing members—but if I discontinued membership, my speaking and writing activities would no longer be the concern of the licensing body. It became evident to me that I no longer needed to maintain this unnecessary membership which now prohibited me from speaking and writing, so I resigned from the College.

That is why I resigned, not because I was about to be found guilty of promoting unscientific conspiracy theories. Anderson has posted his complaint and the College’s response, distorting the story by omitting the College’s letter to me and my response to it. As for not being allowed to call myself a “psychologist,” that is the situation for every retired psychologist. It is similar for other health professions, and it does not indicate that the work I did was inferior or that I was found guilty of unethical behavior. Anderson has distorted the meaning of the College’s response to his complaint, as if the complaint itself were validated. It was not.

I am accused of being a conspiracy theorist because I believe there exist organized groups of pedophiles, some of whom use the trappings of Satanic religion to intimidate children and make child pornography, and some of whom exploit knowledge of traumatized children’s ability to dissociate. It appears that the leadership of the Grey Faction believe there is a conspiracy of highly credentialed mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, criminologists, psychotherapists and counselors, all of whom agree with my understanding of this kind of trauma. They suggest that the limited understanding of trauma and dissociation and of organized abuse which was common around 1990 should replace the better-informed modern approach which characterizes members of our conspiracy of professionals. Don’t let them fool you.
Alison Miller

Information about Alison Miller and Her Research

Alison Miller – Survivorship Conference 2017 – Working Through Your Traumatic Memories and Destroying the Mind Control

Alison Miller Internet Interview
The Liminalist # 218: Theater of Abuse (with Alison Miller)
November 30, 2019 by Jasun
Return conversation with Alison Miller on the Satanic Temple & the Grey Faction’s harassment & disinformation campaign against victims of organized child abuse.

Recovered Memories and Dissociative Amnesia – Scientific Evidence and Accuracy Rates Recovered memories have been defined as the phenomenon of partially or fully losing parts of memories of traumatic events, and then later recovering part or all of the memories into conscious awareness. There is very strong scientific evidence that recovered memories exist.This has been shown in many scientific studies. The content of recovered memories have fairly high corroboration rates.
A body of empirical evidence indicates that it is common for abused children to reach adulthood without conscious awareness of the trauma.
There is scientific evidence in support of the phenomena of dissociation and recovered memory in Holocaust survivors.

FMS Foundation dissolving on December 31, 2019
On the FMSF website: “After 27 years, the FMS Foundation dissolved on December 31, 2019.”
Information on the FMSF

Quotes used with permission:
False Memory Syndrome
The term False Memory Syndrome was created in 1992 by the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF)[1]. It has been called “a pseudoscientific syndrome that was developed to defend against claims of child abuse.”[1] The FMSF was created by parents who claimed to be falsely accused of child sexual abuse.[1] The False Memory Syndrome was described as “a widespread social phenomenon where misguided therapists cause patients to invent memories of sexual abuse.”[1] Research has shown that most delayed memories of childhood abuse are true[2]. In general, it has been shown that false allegations of childhood sexual abuse are rare, with some studies showing rates as low as one percent[3][4] and some studies showing slightly higher rates[3]. It has been found that children tend to understate rather than overstate the extent of any abuse experienced[3]. It has been stated that misinformation on the topic of child sexual abuse is widespread and that the media have contributed to this problem by reporting favorably on unproven and controversial claims like the False Memory Syndrome[5]….
Critiques of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation and its theories
Members of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation have been critiqued for misrepresenting data and for their possible reasons for having created the idea of the syndrome.

In reply to a TV documentary about FMS, William Freyd, (Pamela Freyd’s (one of the founders of the FMSF) step brother and sister-in-law) wrote “The False Memory Syndrome Foundation is a fraud designed to deny a reality that Peter and Pam have spent most of their lives trying to escape. There is no such thing as a False Memory Syndrome.”[2] “In addition, Peter Freyd’s own mother (who is also Pamela’s step-mother) and his only sibling, a brother, were also estranged from Pamela and Peter. It should be noted that these family members support Jennifer’s side of the story.”[1]
A co-founder of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, Ralph Underwager, has also had several critiques written about him[17]. In an interview in Amsterdam in June 1991 by “Paidika,” Editor-in-Chief, Joseph Geraci, Underwager replied to the question “Is choosing paedophilia for you a responsible choice for the individuals?” with “Certainly it is responsible. What I have been struck by as I have come to know more about and understand people who choose paedophilia is that they let themselves be too much defined by other people. That is usually an essentially negative definition. Paedophiles spend a lot of time and energy defending their choice. I don’t think that a paedophile needs to do that. Paedophiles can boldly and courageously affirm what they choose. They can say that what they want is to find the best way to love. I am also a theologian and as a theologian, I believe it is God’s will that there be closeness and intimacy, unity of the flesh, between people. A paedophile can say: “This closeness is possible for me within the choices that I’ve made.”[18]

In a transcription of the TV show Witness for Mr. Bubbles from “Australia 60 Minutes,” Channel Nine Network (Aired on August 5, 1990 in Australia), researcher Anna Salter stated that Underwager “isn’t accurate. That what he says in court does not necessarily fairly represent the literature.” That he frequently distorts facts and he sometimes he quotes specific studies, and he’s frequently wrong about what the studies say.”[19]
It was stated in a court document that the two books that he and his wife Hollida Wakefield, wrote “Accusations of Child Sexual Abuse” (1988), and The Real World of Child Interrogations (1990) were not “well received in the medical and scientific press.” It was also stated that “when they cannot use a quotation out of context from an article, they make unsupported statements, some of which are palpably untrue and others simply unprovable.” David L. Chadwick, Book Review, in 261 JAMA 3035 (May 26, 1989).” In the same document it was stated that “Both Salter and Toth came to believe that Underwager is a hired gun who makes a living by deceiving judges about the state of medical knowledge and thus assisting child molesters to evade punishment.”[20]
Those that have examined or written about the False Memory Syndrome theories or foundation or its members have been subjected to harassment. This includes Anna Salter’s analysis of her harassment by Ralph Underwager[21], David Calof, the former editor of Treating Abuse Today [22] and Jennifer Hoult [23].

Accusations have also been made about the accuracy of the False Memory Syndromes’ proponents data and research. Salter has critiqued some of those that defend those accused of child sexual abuse. “The people who support and defend those accused of child sexual abuse indiscriminately, those who join organizations dedicated to defending people who are accused of child sexual abuse with no screening whatsoever to keep out those who are guilty as charged, are…not necessarily people engaged in an objective search for the truth. Some of them can and do use deceit, trickery, misstated research, harassment, intimidation, and charges of laundering federal money to silence their opponents.”[21]. Whitfield stated “Since at least 95 percent of child molesters initially deny their abusive behaviors, how can untrained lay people like Pamela Freyd and her staff “document” a real or “unreal” case of “FMS,” as appears to be the case with most of their communications, which usually occur over the telephone or by letter (p. 76).”[2]. Jennifer Freyd stated “Despite this documentation for both traumatic amnesia and essentially accurate delayed recall, memory science is often presented as if it supports the view that traumatic amnesia is very unlikely or perhaps impossible and that a great many, perhaps a majority, maybe even all, recovered memories of abuse are false…Yet no research supports such an implication…and a great deal of research supports the premise that forgetting sexual abuse is fairly common and that recovered memories are sometimes essentially true.” (p. 107) [24]

Proponents of false memory theories have also been accused of manipulating the media[25][26]. The theory of false memory has been used as a defense in court to try and negate “abusive, criminal behavior” and this defense is fraught with disinformation, smoke screens, and other untruths that are a distortion of what the available science of the psychology of trauma and memory shows.[27].

Crisis or Creation?
A Systematic Examination of “False Memory Syndrome” by Stephanie J. Dallam Leadership Council
“The foundation’s leaders, Pamela and Peter Freyd, were motivated because their adult daughter privately accused Peter of sexually abusing her as a child. They were put in touch with other parents claiming to be falsely accused by Dr. Harold Lief (Calof, 1993a), who was later revealed to be Pamela’s personal psychiatrist (J. Freyd, 1993). Families were also referred by Ralph Underwager and Hollida Wakefield, a husband and wife team who are prominent advocates for people accused of molesting children. A frequent defense expert witness, Underwager’s philosophy concerning the prosecution of child sexual abuse has been summed up by the statement that it is “more desirable that a thousand children in abuse situations are not discovered than for one innocent person to be convicted wrongly” (Kraft, 1985, p. 1).

Underwager and Wakefield were also instrumental in helping the Freyds organize the foundation (P. Freyd, May 21, 1992; Underwager & Wakefield, 1994). The original toll-free number for the FMSF rang at Underwager’s private Institute for Psychological Therapies, and Underwager and Wakefield developed the initial questionnaire used to survey families who contacted the FMSF (P. Freyd, May 21, 1992).1 ”

Information on Ralph Underwager:
Interview in Amsterdam in June 1991 by “Paidika,” Editor-in-Chief, Joseph Geraci.
PAIDIKA: Is choosing paedophilia for you a responsible choice for the individuals?

RALPH UNDERWAGER: Certainly it is responsible. What I have been struck by as I have come to know more about and understand people who choose paedophilia is that they let themselves be too much defined by other people. That is usually an essentially negative definition. Paedophiles spend a lot of time and energy defending their choice. I don’t think that a paedophile needs to do that. Paedophiles can boldly and courageously affirm what they choose. They can say that what they want is to find the best way to love. I am also a theologian and as a theologian, I believe it is God’s will that there be closeness and intimacy, unity of the flesh, between people. A paedophile can say: “This closeness is possible for me within the choices that I’ve made.”

Paedophiles are too defensive. They go around saying, “You people out there are saying that what I choose is bad, that it’s no good. You’re putting me in prison, you’re doing all these terrible things to me. I have to define my love as being in some way or other illicit.” What I think is that paedophiles can make the assertion that the pursuit of intimacy and love is what they choose. With boldness, they can say, “I believe this is in fact part of God’s will.” They have the right to make these statements for themselves as personal choices. Now whether or not they can persuade other people they are right is another matter (laughs).

State v. Swan, 114 Wash.2d 613, 790 P.2d 610, May 3, 1990 At the trial of this case, the defense sought to qualify Dr. Ralph Underwager, a licensed psychologist, as an expert witness. The trial court ruled that the psychologist’s proposed testimony was not proper because there was no indication that the results of the doctor’s work had been accepted in the scientific community and because the testimony went directly to the credibility of the victims and invaded the province of the jury.
The court remains convinced [the psychologist] did not have the qualifications to testify as a doctor, and that the offered testimony, in any event, was within the common experience of all of us. The psychologist [w]as a researcher who did not have bona fide qualifications in the view of the Court. He was not involved in an independent research undertaking, but rather was approached to undertake research by an interested party with no interest [in] the outcome of the research. It is the Court’s memory [the psychologist’s] research was undertaken at the behest of the insurance industry relative to civil claims for child sexual abuse.
It was not shown at trial that the psychologist’s position on child interviewing was accepted by the scientific community. The psychologist’s proposed testimony did not satisfy the test for admissibility set forth in ER 702 and was properly refused.

Winnipeg woman brainwashed in Montreal psychiatric hospital hopes new year brings new compensation Lana Ponting hopes Montreal class action lawsuit will be certified this year
Kristin Annable · CBC News · Posted: Jan 02, 2020
Lana Ponting was just 16 when she was given LSD and methamphetamine in a series of brainwashing experiments by a world-renowned psychiatrist in 1958.
“I didn’t even know half the time who I was,” Ponting said. “It was almost like a jail. It was horrible.”

The 78-year-old Winnipegger spent a month at McGill University’s Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal under the care of Dr. Ewen Cameron.
Medical records say Ponting was fed a cocktail of drugs that also included barbiturates and anti-psychotics used to “explore” her. She was tied up and fed the drugs while doctors observed her behaviour and reactions.
What were called “depatterning experiments” later became an international scandal when it was revealed Cameron was covertly funded by the CIA as part of their MKUltra mind-control program.
But it wasn’t just the CIA who funded Cameron. Canada’s federal government provided Cameron with more than $500,000 between 1950 and 1965 — $4 million in today’s dollars.
Ponting has never been financially compensated for her experience and 62 years later, she wants an apology from Ottawa.
“And I do want compensation because I think mentally and physically, I suffered a lot,” she said.
Class action seeks compensation
Ponting hopes compensation will come if a Montreal-based class-action application is certified this year.

The application was filed in January 2019 in Quebec’s Superior Court on behalf of anyone who underwent Cameron’s “depatterning treatment” at the institute between 1948 and 1964.
The lawsuit also would include anyone whose family member or dependant underwent depatterning at the institute.
Lawyers on the case believe there could be hundreds of potential class members….
Cameron believed in using sleep deprivation, electroshock treatments and hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD to “depattern” the mind and wipe out mental illness.
However, it was later reported that his methods had lasting impacts on patients, sometimes erasing his patient’s memories…..
Compensation in the ’90s

In 1992, about 77 of Cameron’s former patients were given $100,000 by the federal government. Hundreds more who applied for the compensation were rejected, because they needed to have proper medical records to prove they were tortured to a certain extent, and they needed to apply by a specific date.
Ponting said she never applied for the compensation because she wasn’t aware it was being offered…..

Child Abusers Run Rampant as Tech Companies Look the Other Way
Though platforms bar child sexual abuse imagery on the web, criminals are exploiting gaps. Victims are caught in a living nightmare, confronting images again and again.

The two sisters live in fear of being recognized. One grew out her bangs and took to wearing hoodies. The other dyed her hair black. Both avoid looking the way they did as children.
Ten years ago, their father did the unthinkable: He posted explicit photos and videos on the internet of them, just 7 and 11 at the time. Many captured violent assaults in their Midwestern home, including him and another man drugging and raping the 7-year-old.
The men are now in prison, but in a cruel consequence of the digital era, their crimes are finding new audiences. The two sisters are among the first generation of child sexual abuse victims whose anguish has been preserved on the internet, seemingly forever.

This year alone, photos and videos of the sisters were found in over 130 child sexual abuse investigations involving mobile phones, computers and cloud storage accounts.
The digital trail of abuse — often stored on Google Drive, Dropbox and Microsoft OneDrive — haunts the sisters relentlessly, they say, as does the fear of a predator recognizing them from the images….
The scope of the problem is only starting to be understood because the tech industry has been more diligent in recent years in identifying online child sexual abuse material, with a record 45 million photos and videos flagged last year.
But the same industry has consistently failed to take aggressive steps to shut it down, an investigation by The New York Times found. Approaches by tech companies are inconsistent, largely unilateral and pursued in secret, often leaving pedophiles and other criminals who traffic in the material with the upper hand….
Tech companies have known for years that videos of children being sexually abused are shared on their platforms, according to former employees at Microsoft, Twitter, Tumblr and other companies. One former Twitter employee described gigabytes of illegal videos appearing more quickly than they could be taken down on Vine, the video service since shuttered by Twitter.

That was in 2013, when fewer than 50,000 videos were reported. Last year, tech companies referred more than 22 million to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the nonprofit clearinghouse mandated by the federal government to act as a repository for the imagery….
In 2017, the tech industry approved a process for sharing video fingerprints to make it easier for all companies to detect illicit material, according to confidential emails and other documents that were part of a project run by the Technology Coalition, a group focused on child safety issues that includes most major companies.
One document notes the project’s justification: “Video has become as easy to create as images and no standard solution/process has been adopted by industry.”

But the plan has gone nowhere.
The lack of action across the industry has allowed untold videos to remain on the internet. Of the center’s 1.6 million fingerprints, less than three percent are for videos.
Photos and videos are each being handled in ways that give criminals great leeway. None of the largest cloud storage platforms — including Amazon Web Services, Dropbox, Google Drive and Microsoft’s OneDrive and Azure — scan for abuse material when files are uploaded, according to law enforcement officials, former employees and public statements by the companies….
During the trial, an investigator said that offenders often knew that live streams are harder to detect and leave no record.

“That’s why they go to Zoom,” said the federal prosecutor in the case, Austin Berry, during his closing remarks. “It’s the Netflix of child pornography.” Prosecutions in other cases have involved live streaming on Apple’s FaceTime, Facebook, Omegle, Skype, YouNow and others.

Hundreds of accused clergy left off church’s sex abuse lists
by Claudia Lauer and Meghan Hoyer, Associated Press, Updated: December 28, 2019
Richard J. Poster served time for possessing child pornography, violated his probation by having contact with children, admitted masturbating in the bushes near a church school and in 2005 was put on a sex offender registry. And yet the former Catholic priest was only just this month added to a list of clergy members credibly accused of child sexual abuse — after The Associated Press asked why he was not included.

Victims advocates had long criticized the Roman Catholic Church for not making public the names of credibly accused priests. Now, despite the dioceses’ release of nearly 5,300 names, most in the last two years, critics say the lists are far from complete.
An AP analysis found more than 900 clergy members accused of child sexual abuse who were missing from lists released by the dioceses and religious orders where they served….
More than a hundred of the former clergy members not listed by dioceses or religious orders had been charged with sexual crimes, including rape, solicitation and receiving or viewing child pornography. On top of that, the AP found another nearly 400 priests and clergy members who were accused of abuse while serving in dioceses that have not yet released any names….

Of the 900 unlisted accused clergy members, more than a tenth had been charged with a sex-related crime — a higher percentage than those named publicly by dioceses and orders, the AP found….
The AP found the Boston archdiocese has the most accused priests left off its list, with almost 80 not included. Nearly three-quarters, like McCormick, were priests from religious orders. Another dozen died before allegations were received — another exclusion cited by the archdiocese.

Brooklyn Diocese leader Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio accused of sex abuse
By Gabrielle Fonrouge November 13, 2019
The head of the Brooklyn Diocese — whom the pope named to investigate allegations of clergy sex abuse upstate — has now been accused of the same crimes.

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio repeatedly molested Mark Matzek, now 56, when Matzek was an altar boy at St. Nicholas Church and a student at St. Nicholas School in Jersey City between approximately 1974 and 1975, the accuser’s lawyer, Mitchell Garabedian, told The Post. At the time, Matzek was between 11 and 12 years old and DiMarzio was a parish priest in New Jersey in his 30s. A second priest, the late Rev. Albert Mark, also allegedly participated in the abuse, Matzek said. He and his lawyer are preparing a lawsuit against the church over the alleged abuse. DiMarzio said there is no truth to the claims….
Last month, Pope Francis put DiMarzio in charge of investigating a sex-abuse scandal in the Buffalo Diocese. Bishop Joseph Malone had come under fire for allegedly bungling that investigation. Garabedian said the church needs to answer for DiMarzio’s alleged abuse.

“It is time for the police to investigate the investigator Bishop DiMarzio. The investigation should include questioning Pope Francis about his appointment of the bishop as investigator,” Garabedian said in a statement, adding his client wasn’t emotionally prepared to speak to the press….
Shortly before allegations against DiMarzio were announced, the Diocese of Rockville Centre filed papers Tuesday in Nassau County Supreme Court to overturn the recently passed state Child Victims Act, which protects sex-abuse survivors, many of whom suffered at the hands of the church.

The diocese argued the law is unconstitutional.
Jennifer Freeman, a lawyer with Marsh Law Firm, which focuses on child sex-abuse and pornography cases, said her firm has at least 200 clients with new claims against the Catholic Church. “[The Diocese of Rockville Centre] will lose because the court needs to show the Legislature had an important need and important reason to change the statute of limitations,” Freeman told The Post….

Facebook removes 3.2 billion fake accounts, millions of child abuse posts
Business News November 13, 2019
(Reuters) – Facebook Inc (FB.O) removed 3.2 billion fake accounts between April and September this year, along with millions of posts depicting child abuse and suicide, according to its latest content moderation report released on Wednesday.
That more than doubles the number of fake accounts taken down during the same period last year, when 1.55 billion accounts were removed, according to the report….

For example, the company said it proactively detected content affiliated with terrorist organizations 98.5% of the time on Facebook and 92.2% of the time on Instagram.
It removed more than 11.6 million pieces of content depicting child nudity and sexual exploitation of children on Facebook and 754,000 pieces on Instagram during the third quarter.
Law enforcement is concerned that Facebook’s plans to provide greater privacy to users by encrypting the company’s messaging services will hamper efforts to fight child abuse.
Last month, FBI Director Christopher Wray said the changes would turn the platform into a “dream come true for predators and child pornographers.”

Facebook also added data on actions it took around content involving self-harm for the first time in the report. It said it had removed about 2.5 million posts in the third quarter that depicted or encouraged suicide or self-injury.
The company also removed about 4.4 million pieces involving drug sales during the quarter, it said in a blog post….

Dissociative identity disorder exists and is the result of childhood trauma
In the movies, people with multiple personality disorder are nearly always psychopaths. But according to these contributing academics, most people who have dissociative identity disorder, as the condition is now known, aren’t psychopaths – they’re victims of society’s most heinous crimes. 08/11/2019 By Dr Michael Slater, Dr Warick Middleton, Prof. Martin Dorahy

….But research hasn’t found people with the disorder are more prone to “false memories” than others. And brain imaging studies show significant differences in brain activity between people with dissociative identity disorder and other groups, including those who have been trained to mimic the disorder.
….Dissociative identity disorder comes about when a child’s psychological development is disrupted by early repetitive trauma that prevents the normal processes of consolidating a core sense of identity. Reports of childhood trauma in people with dissociative identity disorder (that have been substantiated) include burning, mutilation and exploitation. Sexual abuse is also routinely reported, alongside emotional abuse and neglect.

In response to overwhelming trauma, the child develops multiple, often conflicting, states or identities. These mirror the radical contradictions in their early attachments and social and family environments – for instance, a parent who swings unpredictably between aggression and care.
According to the DSM-5, the major characteristic of dissociative identity disorder is a disruption of identity, in which a person experiences two or more distinct personality states
….But the causal relationship between trauma and dissociation (alterations of identity and memory) has been repeatedly shown in a range of studies using different methodologies across cultures.

….a contemporary survey of clinical practice among specialists of dissociative identity found those treating the disorder weren’t focused on retrieving memories at any phase of the treatment.
A recent literature analysis concluded that criticisms of dissociative identity disorder treatment are based on inaccurate assumptions about clinical practice, misunderstandings of symptoms, and an over-reliance on anecdotes and unfounded claims.

Dispelling Myths About Dissociative Identity Disorder Treatment: An Empirically Based Approach Article· Literature Review in Psychiatry Interpersonal & Biological Processes 77(2):169-89 · June 2014 DOI: 10.1521/psyc.2014.77.2.169 · Source: PubMed

Bethany L Brand Towson University Richard J Loewenstein Independent Researcher David Spiegel Stanford University Abstract
Objective: Some claim that treatment for dissociative identity disorder (DID) is harmful. Others maintain that the available data support the view that psychotherapy is helpful. Method: We review the empirical support for both arguments. Results: Current evidence supports the conclusion that phasic treatment consistent with expert consensus guidelines is associated with improvements in a wide range of DID patients’ symptoms and functioning, decreased rates of hospitalization, and reduced costs of treatment. Research indicates that poor outcome is associated with treatment that does not specifically involve direct engagement with DID self-states to repair identity fragmentation and to decrease dissociative amnesia. Conclusions: The evidence demonstrates that carefully staged trauma-focused psychotherapy for DID results in improvement, whereas dissociative symptoms persist when not specifically targeted in treatment. The claims that DID treatment is harmful are based on anecdotal cases, opinion pieces, reports of damage that are not substantiated in the scientific literature, misrepresentations of the data, and misunderstandings about DID treatment and the phenomenology of DID. Given the severe symptomatology and disability associated with DID, iatrogenic harm is far more likely to come from depriving DID patients of treatment that is consistent with expert consensus, treatment guidelines, and current research.

Evaluation of the Evidence for the Trauma and Fantasy Models of Dissociation
Psychological Bulletin – American Psychological Association 2012, Vol. 138, No. 3, 550 –5880033-2909/12 DOI: 10.1037/a0027447
The relationship between a reported history of trauma and dissociative symptoms has been explained in 2 conflicting ways. Pathological dissociation has been conceptualized as a response to antecedent traumaticstress and/or severe psychological adversity. Others have proposed that dissociation makes individuals proneto fantasy, thereby engendering confabulated memories of trauma. We examine data related to a series of 8contrasting predictions based on the trauma model and the fantasy model of dissociation. In keeping with the trauma model, the relationship between trauma and dissociation was consistent and moderate in strength, andremained significant when objective measures of trauma were used. Dissociation was temporally related to trauma and trauma treatment, and was predictive of trauma history when fantasy proneness was controlled. Dissociation was not reliably associated with suggestibility, nor was there evidence for the fantasy model prediction of greater inaccuracy of recovered memory. Instead, dissociation was positively related to a history of trauma memory recovery and negatively related to the more general measures of narrative cohesion. Research also supports the trauma theory of dissociation as a regulatory response to fear or other extreme emotion with measurable biological correlates. We conclude, on the basis of evidence related to these 8predictions, that there is strong empirical support for the hypothesis that trauma causes dissociation, and that dissociation remains related to trauma history when fantasy proneness is controlled. We find little support fort he hypothesis that the dissociation–trauma relationship is due to fantasy proneness or confabulated memories of trauma

Sexual differentiation of the human brain: relation to gender identity, sexual orientation and neuropsychiatric disorders. Bao AM, Swaab DF. Front Neuroendocrinol. 2011 Apr;32(2):214-26. doi: 10.1016/j.yfrne.2011.02.007. Epub 2011 Feb 18.
Abstract During the intrauterine period a testosterone surge masculinizes the fetal brain, whereas the absence of such a surge results in a feminine brain. As sexual differentiation of the brain takes place at a much later stage in development than sexual differentiation of the genitals, these two processes can be influenced independently of each other. Sex differences in cognition, gender identity (an individual’s perception of their own sexual identity), sexual orientation (heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality), and the risks of developing neuropsychiatric disorders are programmed into our brain during early development. There is no evidence that one’s postnatal social environment plays a crucial role in gender identity or sexual orientation. We discuss the relationships between structural and functional sex differences of various brain areas and the way they change along with any changes in the supply of sex hormones on the one hand and sex differences in behavior in health and disease on the other.

Man decapitated his siblings for rejecting Satan 03 November 2019 By Shain Germaner describes graphic crimes
….Mashao’s extended family listened as the 29-year-old confessed to how he had joined a satanic church, tried to recruit his siblings, Barbara, 22 and Sechaba, 28, and, when they refused, decapitated them with a kitchen knife. The two murders happened six years apart. Mashao pleaded guilty to two murder charges after reaching a plea agreement with the state, and was sentenced to two life terms. His lawyer, Lebohang Mosoang, had tried to argue his client had been possessed on the days he had beheaded his siblings, and that he had since “turned his back on his so-called god, Satan”. He asked judge Frans van der Westhuizen to consider a lesser sentence than life in prison. “It wasn’t my son there in court,” Ruby said earlier, sitting on the floral bedspread in his son’s room in their Roodepoort home. The walls in the small bedroom have been repainted to cover up a series of satanic and Illuminati symbols Mashao had scrawled across them. Mashao managed to evade suspicion after his brother’s headless body was found near the Roodepoort railway station in 2012.

….But by 2018, the relationship had soured, with Mashao openly telling his uncle and sister he was part of the “Church of Satan”. On August 16, Miguel had left for work, and Mashao tried to convince Barbara to become a satanist. He would later write in his confession statement: “My sister and I were at home when I decided to attack her, stab her and cut off her head with a knife.” When Miguel returned home, he found Barbara’s body in the kitchen, her head lying in her own arms. Police officers summoned to the scene found the walls in the house had been marked with various symbols, including a swastika and numbers. Above Mashao’s bedroom mirror was his sister’s name, “Barbie”, scrawled beneath an Illuminati-style pyramid with the “Eye of Providence” in the centre. Mashao was arrested at a nearby taxi rank. In court, Mosoang read out Mashao’s plea statement: “My deceased sister and my deceased brother were against my religious Satanism beliefs and I then planned to kill them in a sacrifice to my Satanic religion.”….

Van der Westhuizen sentenced Machao to two life sentences, calling him “a very dangerous person”….

Woman who killed mother in Merced County ‘satanic’ ritual not guilty by reason of insanity By Vikaas Shanker December 19, 2019
A Dos Palos woman was committed to the Department of State Hospitals for life Thursday after she was deemed insane when she killed her mother in a brutal stabbing two years ago. ….When deputies arrived at the home, deputies found Melissa Bal “covered in blood” and her mother dead, according to a news release.
The San Diego native then told investigators “It was a calling to kill” her mother as part of a “satanic practice,” according to reports. Family members also told investigators Melissa Bal had mental issues, she made troubling statements of a sexual nature the night before the homicide, and that she would occasionally make statements referring to satanic practices….

Sheep stabbed to death and painted with Satanic symbols in New Forest
Occult markings also sprayed on church door in village of Bramshaw Samuel Lovett 11/26/19 A spate of animal attacks and the appearance of occult symbols in the New Forest are being investigated by police, with local residents concerned a Satanic-style cult could be to blame. One sheep was fatally stabbed and marked with pentagrams near the Hampshire village of Bramshaw, while one heifer and two calves were found with stab wounds in the Linwood area. The animals were later treated by vets.
Satanic symbols, which included an inverted cross and the number 666, have also been sprayed onto the door of St Peter’s Church in Bramshaw.
Police are currently investigating to establish whether the incidents, which have been taking place since Tuesday 12 November, are linked….
“There’s been witchcraft round here for hundreds of years – the New Forest is well known for witchcraft and black magic happening, and this has obviously gone up a level.”

….Author and occultist Gerald Gardner, who died in 1964, claimed a coven – a secret society of witches – met there at the start of the 20th century.

New book says there is a ‘cult of Trump’
Steven Hassan, a cult expert with firsthand experience escaping the Unification Church, says Trump’s cultivation of his base is cult-like. Brian Stelter questions the claims in Hassan’s new book, “The Cult of Trump,” and Hassan stresses the importance of “contact outside the bubble.”
The Cult of Trump – A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control Book by Steven Hassan · 2019

One of America’s leading experts in cults and mind-control provides an eye-opening analysis of Trump and the indoctrination tactics he uses to build a fanatical devotion in his supporters.
Over the past two years, Trump’s behavior has become both more disturbing and yet increasingly familiar. He relies on phrases like, “fake news,” “build the wall,” and continues to spread the divisive mentality of us-vs.-them. He lies constantly, has no conscience, never admits when he is wrong, and projects all of his shortcomings on to others. He has become more authoritarian, more outrageous, and yet many of his followers remain blindly devoted. Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert and a major Trump supporter, calls him one of the most persuasive people living. His need to squash alternate information and his insistence of constant ego stroking are all characteristics of other famous leaders—cult leaders.

In The Cult of Trump, mind-control and licensed mental health expert Steven Hassan draws parallels between our current president and people like Jim Jones, David Koresh, Ron Hubbard and Sun Myung Moon, arguing that this presidency is in many ways like a destructive cult. He specifically details the ways in which people are influenced through an array of social psychology methods and how they become fiercely loyal and obedient. Hassan was a former “Moonie” himself, and he draws on his forty years of personal and professional experience studying hypnosis and destructive cults, working as a deprogrammer, and a strategic communications interventionist. He emphasizes why it’s crucial that we recognize ways to identify and protect ourselves and our loved ones.
The Cult of Trump is an accessible and in-depth analysis of the president, showing that under the right circumstances, even sane, rational, well-adjusted people can be persuaded to believe the most outrageous ideas….

The Cult of Trump – Book preview

Catholic priests in Argentina sentenced to 45 years for child abuse
Court convicts two priests and former gardener at school for deaf students on counts of sexual abuse and corruption of minors
Associated Press in Mendoza Mon 25 Nov 2019
A court in Argentina has convicted two Roman Catholic priests and the former gardener of a church-run school for deaf students on 28 counts of sexual abuse and corruption of minors, in a case that has shaken the church in Pope Francis’s homeland.
A three-judge panel in the city of Mendoza sentenced Nicola Corradi to 42 years and Horacio Corbacho to 45 years for abusing children at the Antonio Provolo Institute for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Children in Lujan de Cuyo, a municipality in north-western Argentina.

….The judges found the men guilty of 20 counts of abuse, including rape, that occurred between 2005 and 2016 at the school, which has since shut down. The 10 victims were former students and all minors at the time of the abuse.
….The Vatican had known about Corradi since at least 2009, when the Italian Provolo students went public with tales of abuse and named names. The Vatican ordered an investigation and sanctioned four accused priests, but Corradi apparently never was sanctioned in Italy.

….“The horror of Provolo is twofold: the torture of the children and the church’s failure to prevent it. We hope the prosecutors now will launch a criminal investigation of the archbishops and other church leaders who knew or should have known that the school was being run by a child molester.”
Doyle also said that “the pope too must accept responsibility for the unimaginable suffering of these children. He ignored repeated warnings that Corradi was in Argentina.”
Pope Francis has not commented publicly on the case, though in 2017, the Vatican sent two Argentine priests to investigate what happened in Mendoza.

Former students, young men and women, testified that the priests touched and sometimes raped them in their dormitories and school bathrooms. They also said they were forced to look at pornographic images. They said they were warned to keep quiet.
Investigators found records of complaints made by parents that weren’t followed up, photographs of a naked girl on Corbacho’s computer and chains he allegedly used to subdue one girl.
Many in Argentina have asked why Francis did not remove Corradi as the authority at the Mendoza school once he learned of the allegations in Verona.

Corradi’s name appeared publicly in 2009, when 67 people said they were abused at the Verona institute by 24 priests, lay people and religious brothers, and specifically said that Corradi was in Argentina.

Psychiatric Impact of Organized and Ritual Child Sexual Abuse: Cross-Sectional Findings from Individuals Who Report Being Victimized
by Johanna Schröder , Susanne Nick, Hertha Richter-Appelt and Peer Briken
Institute for Sex Research and Forensic Psychiatry, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, 20246 Hamburg, Germany Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15(11), 2417;

Organized and ritual child sexual abuse (ORA) is often rooted in the child’s own family. Empirical evidence on possible associations between ORA and trauma-related symptoms in those who report this kind of extreme and prolonged violence is rare. The aim of our study was to explore socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of the individuals reporting ORA experiences, and to investigate protective as well as promotive factors in the link between ORA and trauma-related symptom severity. Within the framework of a project of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Germany, we recruited 165 adults who identified themselves as ORA victims via abuse- and trauma-specific networks and mailing lists, and they completed an anonymous online survey. We used variance analyses to examine correlations between several variables in the ORA context and PTSD symptoms (PCL-5) as well as somatoform dissociation (SDQ-5). Results revealed a high psychic strain combined with an adverse health care situation in individuals who report experiences with ORA. Ideological strategies used by perpetrators as well as Dissociative Identity Disorders experienced by those affected are associated with more severe symptoms (?2p = 0.11; ?2p = 0.15), while an exit out of the ORA structures is associated with milder symptoms (?2p = 0.11). Efforts are needed to improve health care services for individuals who experience severe and complex psychiatric disorders due to ORA in their childhood.

Psychiatric Impact of Organized and Ritual Child Sexual Abuse: Cross-Sectional Findings from Individuals Who Report Being Victimized
Full article “Conclusions

ORA, defined as organized child sexual abuse where a (pseudo-)ideological (i.e., ritual) content serves as legitimization for violence, is a complex and polarizing issue in mental health care contexts as well as in research. At present, the uncovering and reprocessing of ORA is a problem that remains to be solved in Germany, as well as internationally. Given the paucity of research in this field, we believe that this study contributes to closing this evidence gap, as it presents empirical data on reported practices of ORA and its impact on trauma-related symptom severity in self-identified victims, in which reported ideological/ritual strategies by the perpetrators and an exit out of the ORA structures play a major role. A key policy priority should therefore be to intensify efforts on the understanding of ORA-related structures, as well as the complex clinical presentation of those affected. Services like information websites and exit programs should be developed by experts in the field in order to contribute to generating appropriate treatment services for this group of clients. Mental health professionals and centers specialized in the treatment of severely traumatized clients with CPTSD and dissociative disorders would contribute to a better support of clients who report such trauma histories. The therapeutic process of detachment from perpetrator networks is intense, and supporters of individuals who experience ORA face special difficulties, like, for example, dissociative personality states.”

Sexualized Violence in Organized Structures of Violence and in Ritual Structures of Violence Strengthening Prevention, Intervention and Help for Victims and Survivors from the Expert Committee “Sexualized Violence in Organized Structures of Violence and in Ritual Structures of Violence”, at the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth April 2018

“In traumatic situations which are experienced early and repeatedly, dissociation enables sur-vival by forming separate structures of consciousness in the as yet immature personality. The structures thus created can appear and act as independent personalities. This can result in a dissociative identity structure with an inner system of more or less separate personalities/personality parts. Without protection and appropriate support, the structure persists through adolescence and adulthood (like any long-term trauma symptom) since it was created as a survival mechanism. This falls into the clinical category of dissociative disorders and/or dissociative identity disorder.

Dissociative identity disorder (DIS)
Since the standard ICD diagnosis manual in Germany is currently being reissued, we refer to the most current diagnosis manual for mental disorders DSM 5. It describes dissociative identity disorder using the following criteria:a) a) Presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states. There are clear differences in the awareness of one’s self and one’s actions, accompanied by related changes in affect, behaviour, awareness, memory, perception, thinking, and sensory-motor functions. Different personality parts take control of the person’s behaviour at different times, which can lead to visible changes. These changes can be observed by the person himself/herself as well as by others.b) An inability to remember important personal information, important everyday and/or traumatic incidents, which cannot be put down to ordinary forgetfulness. The revised version ICD 11 scheduled for 2018 is expected to contain a similar definition.

Intentionally induced DIS
This involves intentionally utilizing the dissociative protection mechanism and forcing split-ting by means of planned, repeated use of severe violence. The resulting personality parts are trained for specific purposes. Intentionally induced DIS can go unnoticed for long periods of time. There is usually no discernible personality change, instead there is an external everyday person, alongside of or through whom other personalities act. As a rule, this occurs without the everyday person being able to detect or talk about it.”….

“Intentionally induced DIS
Dissociation is an instinctive survival mechanism of the human organism. It is possible to trigger this dissociative protection mechanism intentionally. Forms of severe violence experienced in early childhood which are planned and repeatedly applied bring on dissociation (splitting) and the creation of personality parts which are more or less separate from each other in one person. The individual personality parts are trained for specific purposes defined by the perpetrators/groups of perpetrators, e.g. sexual exploitation, trafficking in drugs or human beings, espionage, specific tasks determined by the ideology of the group, control of the inner personality system. This makes a child especially profitable, e.g. within the scope of commercial sexual exploitation, with the child fulfilling the needs of various “clients” by means of personality parts which can be made to respond to codes or triggers. One possible example: Part A is insensitive to pain and can be used for extreme sexual violence; B knows specific patterns and automatically obeys; C shows physical arousal/“desire” etc. Intentionally induced DIS can remain unnoticed for a long time. There is usually no discernible personality change; instead there is an external everyday person, besides whom and/or through whom other personalities act. As a rule, this occurs without the everyday person being able to detect or talk about it. In addition, some of the personality parts are only active in defined situations, e.g. while being sexually exploited or within the context of the group’s ideology. At the same time, there are everyday personalities who, for example, go to school and have no memory of the violence. The gaps in memory and/or inner dissociative barriers protect the perpetrators from being discovered (see also Mind-Control, Conditioning, Programming).

Mind control
Mind-control is the deliberate and planned control of a person. Dissociation, conditioning, and programming begin at a very early stage, often from birth on (cf. Intentionally induced DIS). The child or personality parts learn that taking any kind of initiative or seeking help in any way is pointless and will be severely punished.Person, personality, personalities, personality parts Various terms are used in the specialized literature and in this text. It is an attempt to express complex phenomena in words. Normally, a person is considered to be an individual (Latin individuum “indivisible”, “single thing”). The term “individual” is used especially for designating people as moral subjects, i.e. as possessing rights, responsibilities, and obligations. In this context, the term “persons” is used rather than “individuals”. In the case of persons, individual characteristics, interests, and features are also attributed to subjective elements of the personality, of individuality (Source: Wikipedia). The individual/person is a consistent unit – albeit with many facets and possible roles.In the case of people with severe dissociative disorders/dissociative identity disorder (DIS), this consist-ency is no longer given. The personality is split as a result of dissociation serving as a survival mechanism.

The emergent parts are more or less rigorously separate from each other. In the case of intention-ally induced DIS in particular, the separation may be very extensive and expressed in completely distinct behaviours and thought patterns, memories, capabilities, etc. Depending on the perspective, this can be considered a matter of autonomous personalities or parts or personality parts or personality conditions. It is critical that the formation and existence of the individual parts be considered, in addition to observing the whole (inner system of the personalities). Every person is unique and impossible to control completely – despite inner systems which, in part, were intentionally created by the perpetrators and controlled by them. People with DIS can, through progressive integration (overcoming inner dissociative barriers and amnesias) and self-regulation, develop and use individual strengths, capabilities, and traits for themselves.

Post-trauma disorders
Experiencing sexualized violence normally has consequences which not only result in psychiatric illnesses but also have huge impacts on abilities to interact socially, on professional development, and on physical health. The earlier in life sexualized violence is experienced, and the more frequent and more intense the violent acts are, the more complex the consequences are, that is to say, the consequences overlap with each other. Victims and survivors of organized violence and ritual violence have to live with the consequences of complex traumatisation and with the effects of severe dissociative disorders.

Programming refers to intentionally linking different conditioned behavioural patterns to various corresponding inner parts. These behavioural patterns can then be activated by means of conditioned stimuli/triggers and thus controlled. The automated actions (programmes) may have different, possibly life-threatening, effects: e.g. a return to the group of perpetrators, refusal to eat, inability to accept help, self-mutilation, or suicide. Sexualized violence/Sexual abuseThe term sexualized violence emphasizes the fact that the focus of the act is violence and not sexuality. Sexuality is functionalized for the purpose of committing violence and exercising power. Based on UBSKM definitions, according to social law the definition of sexual abuse corresponds to that of sexualized violence and denotes actions which are performed on or in the presence of girls or boys against their will, or to which they cannot consciously consent as a result of their being in an inferior position physically, psychologically, intellectually, or verbally. The perpetrator uses his/her position of power and authority to satisfy his/her own needs at the expense of the child. According to criminal law: anyone who forces children into sexual acts, demands that they perform sexual acts, or forces them.

Uber reveals extent of sexual assault problem: thousands of abuse reports a year
The figure was among several alarming statistics made available in a first-of-its-kind company safety report released Thursday.
Dec. 5, 2019, By Conor Ferguson, Stephanie Gosk and Rich Schapiro

Uber received 235 reports of a rape occurring during a ride in the United States last year — an average of four a week, according to a company review released Thursday.
The ride-hailing company has come under increasing scrutiny amid a flood of lawsuits from riders alleging they were sexually assaulted by drivers.
In an extensive new report, Uber details for the first time the number of sexual abuse complaints made to the company in 2017 and 2018.
The 84-page report reveals several startling statistics:

235 reports of rape in 2018, up from 229 in 2017.
280 reports of attempted rape in 2018, down from 307 in 2017.
1,560 reports of groping in 2018, up from 1,440 in 2017.
376 reports of unwanted kissing to the breast, buttocks or mouth in 2018, down from 390 in 2017.
594 reports of unwanted kissing to a different body part in 2018, up from 570 in 2017.
In all, Uber received 5,981 reports of sexual abuse between 2017 and 2018….

Members of child abuse WhatsApp group arrested in 11 countries
10 December 2019 Spanish police say 33 people have been arrested globally in connection with a WhatsApp group for images of child sex abuse and other violent content. The many “extreme” images shared in the group had been “normalised by most of its members”, the force said. Arrests were made in 11 different countries across three continents, but the majority – 17 – were in Spain.
Many of those arrested or being investigated in Spain are themselves under 18, including a 15-year-old boy.

In Uruguay, police arrested two people – one of whom was a mother who abused her daughter and sent images of this to the group.
In another case, a 29-year-old man was arrested for not only downloading the images, but also encouraging other group members to make contact with young girls – particularly migrants who would be unlikely to go to the police.
What did the group share?
In a statement, the police said the group shared “paedophilic content, sometimes of extreme severity, together with other content that was legal but was not suitable for minors because of their extreme nature”.
Some group members had even created “stickers” – small digital images that are easily shared, similar to emojis – of children being abused….

60 Minutes investigates the death of Jeffrey Epstein
Jeffrey Epstein was a convicted sex offender and a wealthy financier with powerful friends. 60 Minutes examines the circumstances surrounding his death in a Manhattan federal jail cell. Warning: This report contains graphic images. 2020 Jan 05
In July 2019, Jeffrey Epstein, already a convicted sex offender, was arrested and charged with sex trafficking by federal prosecutors. On August 10, Epstein was found dead in his federal jail cell at Manhattan’s Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC).

The New York City Medical Examiner’s Office ruled Epstein’s death a suicide by hanging, but a forensic pathologist who observed the four-hour autopsy on behalf of Epstein’s brother, Mark, tells 60 Minutes the evidence released so far points more to murder than suicide in his view. Dr. Michael Baden’s key reason: the unusual fractures he saw in Epstein’s neck.
“There were fractures of the left, the right thyroid cartilage and the left hyoid bone,” Baden said. “I have never seen three fractures like this in a suicidal hanging.”

“Going over a thousand jail hangings, suicides in the New York City state prisons over the past 40-50 years, no one had three fractures,” Baden said….
Epstein was directing money to be deposited in other inmates’ commissary accounts in exchange for protection, sources say, because he feared for his life. But the government says Epstein was suicidal and made his first, failed suicide attempt weeks after he arrived at MCC….

Epstein was moved back to his old unit and assigned a new cellmate, but the night before his death, Epstein’s cellmate was released. According to court documents, “no new cellmate was assigned” before he died, even though he was required to have one.
That night, federal prosecutors say, “Epstein was escorted into his cell by Tova Noel at approximately 7:49 p.m.” Noel and Michael Thomas, the two guards who were working the overnight shift in Epstein’s unit, allegedly didn’t check on him again until “shortly after 6:30 a.m.” the next morning….

As 60 Minutes correspondent Sharyn Alfonsi told Lindsay in their interview, the circumstances surrounding Epstein’s death seem almost unbelievable.
“So Epstein’s taken off suicide watch, the day before he kills himself, his roommate is removed from the cell. The cameras on his tier are not working. The guards fell asleep. It seems almost impossible to think all of those things could happen in that way,” Alfonsi said…..
Dr. Baden, the forensic pathologist hired by Epstein’s family, says the noose that was sketched and included in the autopsy report doesn’t appear to match the wounds on Epstein’s neck. And Baden says, the ligature mark was in the middle of Epstein’s neck, not beneath the jawbone, as one would expect in a hanging. Also puzzling to Baden is that Epstein would make a noose out of a bedsheet when wires and cords were present in his cell, as photographs show.

There are not any photos of Epstein’s body in his cell, Baden says – he was rushed to an emergency room after guard Michael Thomas found him. But Baden believes, based on the autopsy, Epstein had been dead for two hours by then and he says the scene should have been treated as a crime scene, leaving the body alone. Federal Bureau of Prisons protocol mandates a suicide scene should be treated with the “same level of protection as any crime scene in which a death has occurred.”….
And Baden said, at this point, he doesn’t have all the information needed to make a final conclusion. The Justice Department told the family, they say, that it won’t release the video pertaining to the case and additional forensic testing because of the ongoing criminal case against the two guards on duty the night of Epstein’s death….

Graphic Epstein autopsy photos on ’60 Minutes’ show bloodied neck and noose
[Yahoo Entertainment] Stephen Proctor January 6, 2020
On Sunday night, 60 Minutes took a deep dive into Jeffrey Epstein’s death, which included pictures from inside his cell after his hanging, and graphic photos from the autopsy.

Epstein’s death last August was ruled a suicide, but his autopsy photos tell a different story according to former New York City Medical Examiner Dr. Michael Baden, who observed the autopsy at the behest of Epstein’s family. The photos from inside Epstein’s cell show bed sheets fashioned into two nooses. Photos from the autopsy show a thin, bloodied line across the middle of Epstein’s throat. It’s these images that don’t add up to suicide in Baden’s mind.
60 Minutes reviewed hundreds of graphic photographs from the autopsy of Jeffrey Epstein and inside his cell. Here are the known facts. **This video contains graphic images that some viewers may find disturbing.**
— 60 Minutes (@60Minutes) January 6, 2020

“This noose doesn’t match the ligature furrow mark. It’s wider than this,” Baden said, later adding, “Most hangings, especially free hangings, the ligature slides up to beneath the jawbone, the mandible. Here it’s in the middle of the neck.”
It was also pointed out the noose in the cell appeared to not have any blood on it, and there were electrical wires in the cell that would have worked much better for anyone wanting to commit suicide.
60 Minutes also showed a picture of Epstein’s broken hyoid bone, a small bone in the neck. According to Baden, this is another indicator that Epstein did not kill himself.
“I have never seen three fractures like this in a suicidal hanging,” Baden said, adding, “Going over over a thousand jail hangings, suicides, in the New York state prisons over the past 40, 50 years, no one had three fractures.”

Baden’s conclusion will only fuel the conspiracy theory that Epstein, a convicted sex offender who was associated with some of the world’s most powerful people like President Donald Trump and former President Bill Clinton, was murdered. But the New York City Medical Examiner’s Office stands by its ruling, and despite what some may glean from the autopsy photos, others wholeheartedly disagree with Baden…..
But Dr. Baden says that noose, and the wounds on Jeffrey Epstein’s neck, don’t appear to match.
Sharyn Alfonsi: What do you see when you see these two things together?
Dr. Michael Baden: What I see here is that this noose doesn’t match the ligature furrow mark. It’s wider than this.
Sharyn Alfonsi: To the naked eye, it looks like there’s some blood here. And it doesn’t look like there’s any blood on this noose.

Dr. Michael Baden: That’s right. This looks like a clean noose that was never used to compress anybody’s neck.
Sharyn Alfonsi: There’s also something that’s striking about the photos. It— the wound is down here. You’d think if somebody hung themselves the wound would be maybe up here.
Dr. Michael Baden: Yes. Most hangings— especially free hangings the ligature slides up to beneath the— the jawbone, the mandible. Here it’s in the middle of the neck.
Dr. Baden says a wound straight across the neck is more common when a victim is strangled by a wire or cord.

‘This Is Not Our Shame’: Five Survivors of Jeffrey Epstein’s Abuse on Trauma, Justice, and Sisterhood
Stories about Epstein’s accusers tend to have their own lexicon, filled with phrases designed to shame and titillate—sex slave, victim, troubled. With the world watching, Virginia Giuffre, Teresa Helm, Rachel Benavidez, Marijke Chartouni, and Sarah Ransome want to reframe the narrative—and reclaim their power.
By Mattie Kahn December 10, 2019

Giuffre first came forward in 2015 and her account is best known; in a sworn deposition taken in 2016, she said she was introduced to the financier Jeffrey Epstein through Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the British media titan Robert Maxwell. (Epstein, charged with sex trafficking girls, some just 14 or 15, reportedly committed suicide in jail over the summer.) Giuffre was 16 at the time, spending her summer as an attendant at the spa at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump’s resort. According to the deposition, Maxwell told Giuffre she wanted to hire her as a masseuse. She promised Giuffre travel and an education. Giuffre accepted the offer. The abuse, she recalls, started soon after, with Epstein demanding sexual services for himself and some of his friends.

In the deposition Giuffre said, “My whole life revolved around just pleasing these men and keeping Ghislaine [Maxwell] and Jeffrey [Epstein] happy. Their whole entire lives revolved around sex.” (Maxwell has denied the allegations.)….

Exclusive: FBI investigating British socialite and others who ‘facilitated’ Epstein
Mark Hosenball World News December 27, 2019
(Reuters) – The FBI is investigating British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell and several other people linked to U.S. financier Jeffrey Epstein, who killed himself while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges, according to two law enforcement sources familiar with the investigation. They said a principal focus of the FBI’s investigation is Maxwell, a longtime associate of Epstein, and other “people who facilitated” Epstein’s allegedly illegal behavior. Maxwell has not been accused of criminal wrongdoing….they said the FBI has no current plans to interview Britain’s Prince Andrew, a friend of Epstein’s who stepped down from his public duties in November because of what he called his “ill-judged” association with the well-connected money manager.

….Epstein’s suicide in August, at age 66, came a little over a month after he was arrested and charged with trafficking dozens of underage girls as young as 14 from at least 2002 to 2005. Prosecutors said he recruited girls to give him massages, which became sexual in nature. He had pleaded not guilty.
Maxwell, the daughter of late British media magnate Robert Maxwell, is an ex-girlfriend of Epstein who remained a member of his inner circle. She has largely disappeared from public view since 2016.
Virginia Giuffre, one of Epstein’s alleged victims, has said in a civil lawsuit that Maxwell recruited her into Epstein’s circle, where she claims Epstein forced her to have sex with him and friends including Andrew.
Maxwell has called Giuffre’s allegations lies. Giuffre in response filed a defamation suit against Maxwell in 2015.

Giuffre repeated the claims about the prince in a BBC interview that aired this month.
Andrew, 59, also categorically denies the accusations and has said he has no recollection of meeting Giuffre, who was previously named Virginia Roberts.
The two law enforcement sources said the FBI’s principal focus is on people who facilitated Epstein and that Andrew does not fit into that category. They did not rule out the possibility that the FBI would seek to interview Andrew at a later date.

Jeffrey Epstein
‘She was so dangerous’: where in the world is the notorious Ghislaine Maxwell?
In the months since Jeffrey Epstein died in prison, his former partner has disappeared. Will she ever return to face her accusers?
Emine Saner Thu 12 Dec 2019
….It was the mid-90s and this was the second time the two had met. Farmer had encountered Maxwell and her friend Jeffrey Epstein at her New York Academy of Art graduate show. She would go on to work for the pair for a year, at the front desk of Epstein’s Manhattan mansion. She was perfectly placed to see who came to the house – and says she witnessed young teenagers being brought through the doors by Maxwell. Following an alleged sexual assault by Maxwell and Epstein, Farmer went to the police. She was ignored.
More than 20 years on, her account – along with the testimonies of several other women, including an allegation of abuse from her younger sister, Annie, who was 16 at the time – has helped to create a picture of Epstein as a prolific sex offender, who abused countless underage girls. It is a scandal that has drawn in other powerful men, most notably Prince Andrew. One woman, Virginia Giuffre, says she was trafficked by Epstein to have sex with Andrew on three occasions. He has repeatedly denied the allegations, most recently in his disastrous TV interview.

In July, Epstein was charged with sex trafficking, and in August he killed himself in his prison cell while awaiting trial. Since then, attention has turned to Maxwell, 57, his right-hand woman. Yet Maxwell has seemingly vanished. “From what we know, Ghislaine Maxwell was a principal enabler to Jeffrey Epstein when he was alive,” says the lawyer Dan Kaiser. Kaiser is representing Jennifer Araoz, one of the women who says she was raped by Epstein, and who is suing his estate, Maxwell and three other “enablers”.

“She was integral in maintaining the sex trafficking ring,” says Kaiser. “She provided important administrative services in terms of the hiring of recruiters, and management of those employees, the making of appointments and dates for interactions between Mr Epstein and the underage girls that were providing sexual services to him. She also maintained the ring by intimidating girls, by ensuring their silence.”
Kaiser continues: “Jeffrey Epstein couldn’t have done what he did for as long as he did it without the services of somebody like Ghislaine Maxwell. She is as culpable, in my judgment, as Jeffrey Epstein himself.” Maxwell has always denied the allegations and has never faced criminal charges. Her lawyer has not responded to a request for comment….

Her social standing was such that it would probably be easier to list the influential people to whom Maxwell was not connected. She was close to Bill Clinton and attended Chelsea Clinton’s wedding; she donated to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. There are photographs of Maxwell with Arianna Huffington, Elon Musk and Michael Bloomberg. She knew Donald Trump and members of the Kennedy family. She was connected to the British royal family through Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson. Maxwell and Epstein – who loaned Ferguson money to pay off debts – were guests of Andrew at events, including some at Windsor castle, Balmoral and Sandringham.

Prince Andrew, in his recent Newsnight interview, said guests at the parties and dinners in Epstein’s New York mansion included “academics, politicians, people from the United Nations”. But we know now that it was not just influential friends Maxwell cultivated. One of her friends, Euan Rellie, told Tatler: “Every single interesting, pretty, new girl to arrive in New York would end up going for tea with Ghislaine, then being introduced to Jeffrey. She was the acceptable face of a rather mysterious billionaire.”

….She was charming initially, says Farmer. “Everyone [was] like: ‘This woman is so intelligent and interesting.’ She had a really great personality when you first met her.” But it didn’t take long for her to become verbally abusive towards the staff, she says. “I was one of the staff. I would have to go to Jeffrey and say: ‘Ghislaine’s verbally abusing me again.’ Then he would scream at her. It was all like ‘good cop, bad cop’, and they loved playing that game with everybody.”
Once, she says, Ivana Trump visited. “Quite often, with people like Ivana – powerful [people] – Ghislaine would say ‘Hop in the car, you can go on a ride with us’ and it was supposed to be my special little treat.” Then, as soon as they were back at the mansion, Maxwell would switch and shout at her, she says. She also says she could be threatening. “They had video cameras everywhere [in the house], and Ghislaine liked to intimidate by talking about the cameras. She’d say: ‘They’re watching you.’”

Farmer alleges that Maxwell would bring in a steady stream of young girls to the mansion, often saying she was casting for Victoria’s Secret, the lingerie company owned by Leslie Wexner, a close friend of Epstein. “It was really weird to me. I’m like [the] ‘models are so young’, and she said: ‘Yeah, but they need these models for Victoria’s Secret. They go as young as 13 now in modelling.’” Farmer alleges Maxwell would recruit teenagers from schools on the Upper East Side and in Central Park.

….It is alleged that Maxwell was not only an enabler for Epstein’s abuse, but took part in it. In her Panorama interview, Giuffre, then known as Virginia Roberts, recounted how Maxwell and Epstein abused her at his Palm Beach house after Maxwell had recruited her from her job working as a spa attendant at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort. In 1996, Farmer says Maxwell and Epstein sexually assaulted her. She went to the police as well as more than one FBI agent, none of whom took action. She also spoke to Ward in 2002 for a Vanity Fair profile – Ward has since said that the then-editor Graydon Carter cut out the entire part about Farmer and her sister after being pressured by Epstein. A spokeswoman for the magazine has said: “Epstein denied the charges at the time and since the claims were unsubstantiated and no criminal investigation had been initiated, we decided not to include them in what was a financial story.”

….Ransome, who says she was kept for six months on Epstein’s private island and claims she was raped several times a day, said: “They were never like a couple. Jeffrey and Ghislaine were best friends, or like brother and sister. Never holding hands or kissing. And she wasn’t his employee.”
When Maxwell found that Farmer had spoken out, she made threatening calls – Farmer says she has been in hiding “for many years”. “Ghislaine kept threatening my life. She found out where I was living, and she would send messages to me or I would get a call and I would have to move again. Most of her threats were veiled, like: ‘You better look over your shoulder because there’s someone coming for you.’ She told me she was going to burn all my paintings, my career was burned.”
In 2015, Giuffre sued Maxwell for defamation, after Maxwell said she was lying about the allegations she had made. The case was settled out of court and Maxwell began retreating from public view.
She was no longer seen in public with Epstein after his 2008 conviction for soliciting an underage girl for prostitution. For this, he was given an 18-month prison sentence, in a sweetheart plea deal that saw an investigation into his abuse of more than 30 underage girls (for which he could have been given a life sentence) shut down. He served just 13 months, much of it on day release.

Maxwell with (from left) Donald Trump, Melania and Epstein, in 2001, at Mar-a-Lago. Photograph: Davidoff Studios/Getty Images

Maxwell (in green dress) at Royal Ascot in 2000, with Prince Andrew (second from left) and Jeffrey Epstein (far right). Photograph: Rex/Shutterstock

ABC News had the goods on Jeffrey Epstein years ago — and killed the story
In leaked video, Amy Robach of ABC News says she had “everything” on Jeffrey Epstein in 2016; network killed it
Alan MacLeod December 15, 2019

Multimillionaire predator Jeffrey Epstein died in suspicious circumstances at a Manhattan correctional facility on Aug. 10. The wealthy and powerful New York financier, a convicted sex offender, stands accused by dozens of women and girls of trafficking, rape and sexual abuse. He was an enormously influential and well-connected man who counted as friends billionaire business owners, Hollywood stars, British royals, and even top media figures like Katie Couric and Charlie Rose — with some of his associates falling under suspicion of condoning or even participating in a pedophile ring.
“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,” said fellow tycoon Donald Trump in 2002, adding: “It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” Former President Bill Clinton was also close with Epstein.

Epstein’s crimes shocked the public, and his arrest, trial and mysterious death were major stories for much of 2019. But last month, leaked footage emerged showing that corporate media knew much about these crimes years previously. Discussing one of his accusers, ABC News anchor Amy Robach was caught on camera lambasting executives at her network for killing her investigations into the sex offender because of Epstein’s connections….
I’ve had the story for three years. I’ve had this interview with [Epstein complainant] Virginia Roberts. We would not put it on the air. First of all I was told, “Who is Jeffrey Epstein? No one knows who that is. This is a stupid story.” Then the palace found out that we had her whole allegations about Prince Andrew, and threatened us in a million different ways. We were so afraid we wouldn’t be able to interview Kate and Will that it also quashed the story. And then Alan Dershowitz was also implicated in it because of the planes.

“The planes” is a reference to the celebrity attorney’s frequent trips on Epstein’s infamous private jet, which he used for trafficking. A visibly exasperated Robach continued, revealing the level of detail of her investigation:
She told me everything, she had pictures, everything. She was in hiding for 12 years. We convinced her to come out. We convinced her to talk to us. It was unbelievable what we had; Clinton, we had everything. I tried for three years to get it on to no avail, and now it’s all coming out and it’s like these new revelations, and I freaking had all of it! … What we had was unreal.
Robach’s comments about being pressured into killing the story by powerful people ABC relied upon are a perfect example of the perils of access journalism. In their influential book “Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media,” Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky identified “sourcing” and “flak” as two of the five key filters that dictate what makes the news and what does not.

By sourcing, Herman and Chomsky are referring to corporate media’s reliance on powerful official sources (like politicians, celebrities and corporations) to essentially subsidize them by providing them with free content, such as interviews, soundbites, statistics and pictures. Journalists are therefore caught up in a symbiotic relationship with the powerful, where elite sources grant “scoops” in exchange for preferential treatment. The royal family, Robach claims, successfully used the influence it had, quashing the story by threatening to cut off access….

Indeed, Epstein’s team managed to convince many supposedly reputable outlets, including the Huffington Post (11/17/17), Forbes (10/2/13) and the National Review (7/10/13) to publish puff pieces about him (New York Times, 7/21/19). (Epstein pled guilty to charges connected to sexual abuse of minors in 2008.) Forbes described him as “one of the largest backers of cutting-edge science around the world,” making no mention of his criminal past. The stated writer was paid $600 by a PR firm to attach his name to the pre-fab article and run it on the site, perhaps the most blatantly unethical sponsorship practice there could be.

ABC’s decision to spike the Epstein exposé in order not to embarrass or implicate his powerful associates, thereby effectively enabling his crimes, is a perfect example of the danger of access journalism. Robach predicted, “There will come a day where we will realize Jeffrey Epstein was the most prolific pedophile this country has ever known.” Thanks to our corporate media system, that day was delayed by at least three years.

Jeffrey Epstein used Prince Andrew as bait: accuser By Jon Levine December 14, 2019 Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein used Prince Andrew as bait in an attempt to lure women to his private island, according to an explosive new allegation from one of his alleged victims.
The woman, identified as “Jane Doe 15,” was 15 years old when she says agents for the late, disgraced financier approached her about the possibility of meeting the randy royal on Epstein’s Little St. James island in the Caribbean….
“A central element of [Epstein’s] predatory behavior was to present himself as having connections to the world’s most powerful people,” Allred wrote.

“In trying to persuade her [to go to the island], Mr. Epstein’s representative conveyed to Jane Doe 15 that Mr. Epstein was close to you, that you would be among the guests and that she would have an opportunity to meet you. Your prestige and reputation were directly touted in his attempts to engage in further harm,” the letter continued.
Evidence of Epstein and Andrew’s close relationship has steadily grown in recent weeks and will likely increase pressure on the prince to speak with US. investigators….

In her complaint, filed in New York last month, Doe says Epstein raped her and then offered her cash when it was over.
“Epstein took my sexual innocence in front of a wall of framed photographs of him shaking hands and smiling with celebrities and world leaders,” she said. “After, he wanted to talk with me about what had just been my first sexual experience and directed me to take time to myself that night to cry. He said that would be beneficial for my growth.”

Photo shows Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein at Prince Andrew’s party
By Lee Brown December 9, 2019
No costume could ever disguise these three.
New photos show accused rapist Harvey Weinstein posing with late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell at a royal party thrown by their scandal-scarred pal Prince Andrew.

The smiling trio were in attendance for the 18th birthday celebration for Andrew’s older daughter, Princess Beatrice, at Windsor Castle in 2006.
Weinstein wears a tuxedo as he stands next to Epstein, wearing a white US Navy SEAL uniform with a row of medals, and his one-time girlfriend Maxwell in a gold mask and red headdress.
Epstein already had an arrest warrant out for him in Florida on child-prostitution charges, something Andrew insisted in his recent BBC interview that he knew nothing about when he invited him to the party.

Jeffrey Epstein case: PBC clerk asks judge to keep hearing secret By Jane Musgrave
The Palm Beach Post has sued, asking a judge to release the transcript of a 2006 grand jury that mustered only a single prostitution-related charge.

WEST PALM BEACH — Pointing out that she could be sent to prison for five years for releasing grand jury testimony, Palm Beach County Clerk & Comptroller Sharon Bock has joined efforts to thwart The Palm Beach Post’s attempts to find out why Jeffrey Epstein wasn’t charged with child molestation for sex acts with teens at his Palm Beach mansion.
In court papers filed late Friday, Bock’s lawyer asked a judge to dismiss the newspaper’s lawsuit that requests her office release evidence and testimony presented to a 2006 grand jury. Her claims are similar to ones State Attorney Dave Aronberg made earlier this month.

Like Aronberg’s legal team, the clerk’s general counsel Hampton Peterson said Florida law allows grand jury testimony to be turned over only to attorneys and their clients for use in civil or criminal cases and “for no other purpose whatsoever.”….

Jeffrey Epstein: State attorney fights Post’s suit to find out why he was charged only as a ‘john’
By Jane Musgrave Dec 6, 2019
WEST PALM BEACH — The public has no legal right to learn what happened when a grand jury allowed Jeffrey Epstein to escape child molestation charges in connection with allegations that he sexually abused dozens of teens at his Palm Beach mansion, the county’s top prosecutor said in court papers filed Friday.

POST INVESTIGATION: To Epstein’s first prosecutors, victims were prostitutes
Seeking to derail a lawsuit The Palm Beach Post filed against him last month, Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg said Florida law doesn’t allow grand jury proceedings to be made public.
In its lawsuit, the newspaper argues that the release of the transcript of a 2006 grand jury hearing called by then-State Attorney Barry Krischer would further the interest of justice. It would reveal why jurors ignored the findings of a damning Palm Beach police investigation and charged the politically connected financier only with solicitation of prostitution even though Epstein’s accusers were young teens…..

Julie K. Brown and the Female Collaborator Who Helped Bring Down Jeffrey Epstein 12/14/2019 by Tatiana Siegel

Exposing serial sexual abuser Epstein required an intense, concerted effort by Miami Herald’s reporter, who led in print, and Emily Michot, who documented victims on video.
In early December 2017, Miami Herald reporter Julie K. Brown hopped a flight to Nashville to conduct an on-camera interview with Michelle Licata, a young woman who had been sexually assaulted by financier Jeffrey Epstein when she was 14. Brown’s colleague, videographer Emily Michot, would follow a day later on a separate flight. Neither knew what to expect.

The interview would mark the first of four that accompanied Brown’s blockbuster print series dubbed “Perversion of Justice,” which identified about 80 victims, many of whom had been underage when allegedly sexually abused or assaulted by Epstein, a banker who hobnobbed in Hollywood and media circles with the likes of Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, Donald Trump and Bill Gates.

Individually, Brown’s and Michot’s work might have reached a smaller audience and had a lesser impact. But together, their collaboration became something of a force multiplier, creating a three-dimensional platform for Epstein’s teenage victims to tell their harrowing stories of abuse, with Brown’s series driving over 9.5 million uniques and Michot’s videos hitting 850,000 views on the paper’s website alone. “The videos went viral,” says Brown. “Emily’s videos are still the No. 1 videos that were being seen on all of the Miami Herald.” There’s little doubt that the multimedia package provided the tipping point in the demise of the financier, who was arrested on July 6, charged with sex trafficking of minors in Florida and New York and took his own life in August while incarcerated at New York’s Metropolitan Correctional Center.

Surveillance footage outside of Jeffrey Epstein’s cell during suicide attempt is missing By Stephen Rex Brown New York Daily News Dec 18, 2019
Surveillance footage of the outside of Jeffrey Epstein’s cell at the troubled Metropolitan Correctional Center during his suicide attempt has gone missing, prosecutors revealed Wednesday.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Jason Swergold admitted nobody can find the footage of the outside of the cell the multimillionaire perv shared with accused quadruple murderer Nick Tartaglione during a hearing in White Plains District Court.

Tartaglione, a former Briarcliff Manor cop, faces the death penalty for the alleged murders in a drug deal gone bad.
Bruce Barket, an attorney for Tartaglione, confirmed the stunning revelation that the footage was not preserved. The Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office declined comment.
Tartaglione’s attorneys filed a request for the footage to be retained two days after Epstein’s unsuccessful suicide attempt on July 23, Barket said….
The Daily News previously reported that Tartaglione claimed to have saved Epstein’s life after the pedophile perv tried to hang himself. Epstein reportedly claimed that Tartaglione attacked him….

Epstein successfully hanged himself in a different cell two weeks later while awaiting trial for sex trafficking of underage girls. His body was discovered on Aug. 10. Two correctional officers have been charged with neglecting their duties and falsifying records the night of Epstein’s death….

Harvey Weinstein charged with sex crimes in Los Angeles
The charges come on the eve of jury selection in a criminal trial against Weinstein in New York, where he has been charged with felony sexual assault.
New charges against Harvey Weinstein as trial gets underway January 6, 2020

By Andrew Blankstein, Diana Dasrath and Daniel Arkin
LOS ANGELES — Harvey Weinstein, the former film mogul whose alleged pattern of sexual abuse fueled the #MeToo movement, was charged in Los Angeles on Monday with sexually assaulting two women, according to the Los Angeles district attorney.

The charges come on the eve of jury selection in a criminal trial against Weinstein in New York, where he has been charged with felony sexual assault.
Weinstein is being charged in Los Angeles with raping one woman and sexually assaulting another in separate incidents on two consecutive days in February 2013, the district attorney’s office said. An attorney for one of the women, only identified as Jane Doe 1, told NBC News in a statement that she has been working with the authorities for two years.

“She is thankful for their collective work that has resulted in these criminal charges against Weinstein,” attorney Dave Ring said. “She values her privacy, but will do what is necessary to obtain justice for what Weinstein did to her in 2013.”
The woman alleges that she attended a film festival on February 17, 2013, in which Weinstein was also in attendance. She claims that Weinstein knocked at her door after she returned to her hotel and spoke to her briefly inside the room.
Weinstein then allegedly forced himself on her and raped her, according to her lawyer’s statement.

“We believe the evidence will show that the defendant used his power and influence to gain access to his victims and then commit violent crimes against them,” District Attorney Jackie Lacey said, adding that prosecutors were recommending bail be set at $5 million.
If convicted as charged, Weinstein faces up to 28 years in state prison. He has denied all accusations of nonconsensual sexual activity.
Weinstein accusers gather outside courthouse: ‘He put #MeToo on the map’

Lacey’s office has been reviewing as many as nine alleged sexual assault cases against him, as NBC News has previously reported. The cases are being reviewed by the office’s entertainment sex crimes task force…..
The news of the charges came just hours after Rose McGowan, Rosanna Arquette and other women who have accused Weinstein of sexual misconduct rallied near a New York City courthouse as he arrived for the first day of his criminal trial.

Later, Arquette, McGowan and 23 other women who reported Weinstein’s alleged sexual misconduct to authorities released a statement praising prosecutors….
But across the street, several women who have said they were harassed or assaulted by Weinstein insisted he was undeserving of sympathy, recounting his pattern of alleged serial sexual abuse and decrying the culture they said enabled him for far too long….

Weinstein faces charges that he raped a woman in a Manhattan hotel room in 2013 and performed a forcible sex act on another woman in 2006. The activity in the courtroom Monday was largely procedural before proceedings were adjourned for the day, with jury selection expected to begin Tuesday.
In all, more than 80 women have accused him of sexual misconduct going back decades, but the New York criminal trial centers on allegations from just two women. The allegations first came to light more than two years ago in investigative reports published by The New York Times and The New Yorker….

Police officer among 16 men charged in Halifax child abuse inquiry
Charges against 16 relate to alleged offences against three girls, West Yorkshire police say Wed 18 Dec 2019
A police constable is among 16 men charged as part of an investigation into allegations of child sexual exploitation.
West Yorkshire police said the charges related to alleged offences against three teenage girls in Halifax between 2006 and 2009. The alleged victims were aged between 13 and 16 at the time.
One of those charged, Amjad Ditta, 35, was a constable based within West Yorkshire police’s protective services operations, the force said. He has been suspended from duty and is to appear at Bradford magistrates court on 6 January alongside the other 15 men. The force said he was a serving police officer at the time of an alleged offence in 2009….

Rep. Jim Jordan denies he ignored report that Ohio State doctor performed sex act in shower Jordan continues to insist he knew nothing about what Dr. Richard Strauss did to the male athletes and others. Nov. 12, 2019 By Corky Siemaszko
Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, has dismissed as “ridiculous” a claim by a professional referee that he told the congressman directly that Dr. Richard Strauss had masturbated in front of him in a shower at Ohio State University.
Jordan addressed the allegation in an interview with his hometown newspaper Monday, just days after NBC News reported that the referee claimed in a lawsuit that the congressman, who was then an assistant wrestling coach, barely blinked when he described his encounter with the sexual predator.
“Yeah, that’s Strauss,” Jordan and the head wrestling coach replied dismissively, according to the lawsuit, which does not name Jordan as a defendant….

NBC News has reached out for the comment to the referee, who is a respected member of Ohio’s wrestling community and who has known Jordan for decades.
Identified in the court papers as John Doe 42, his allegation about Jordan’s alleged indifference was part of the lawsuit filed last week by 43 survivors against Ohio State. It charged the university’s “ingrained culture of institutional indifference” enabled Strauss to sexually abuse well over 100 students and athletes from a half-dozen sports over two decades.

The referee is the second person to say he told Jordan directly about sexual misconduct by Strauss, who was found by independent investigators to have sexually abused 177 male students over two decades.
Other former Ohio State wrestlers have said Jordan had to have known about Strauss because he shared a locker room with them and took part in discussions about the doctor, who died in 2005.
Jordan has repeatedly denied knowing anything about what Strauss did to the wrestlers and has called allegations that he turned a blind eye to the abuse politically motivated.
Ohio State spokesman Ben Johnson said last week that the university “has led the effort to investigate and expose the misdeeds of Richard Strauss and the systemic failures to respond, and the university is committed to a fair resolution….

Rape and sexual assault
‘You grow up hating yourself’: why child abuse survivors keep – and break – their silence The average victim takes 24 years to reveal their secret and disclosure is often the key to recovery Earlier this year Erin Delaney revealed on Facebook a secret she’d kept from almost everyone. As a child she suffered physical and emotional abuse and severe neglect. The neglect had significant consequences, including a fractured skull from falling – which was only picked up when, after she vomited at school the next day, a member of her extended family intervened and took her to hospital.
The emotional abuse included both parents telling her at different times that the other was dead, or that they weren’t her real parents; the physical abuse – the hitting, the kicking – depended on their drug use and moods.
“It was,” the 36-year-old Sydneysider says now, “a challenging journey through life. I never felt safe and I never felt grounded. You grow up hating yourself and thinking you caused it and you deserve it….

Delaney, who suffers from complex post-traumatic stress disorder, says society treats different medical conditions unequally. “One of my old school friends had cancer a few years ago and everyone offered to help, while my emotional injuries are a source of shame and isolation.”….
Dr Cathy Kezelman, president of the Blue Knot foundation, a national organisation helping adults recover from childhood trauma, says Australia’s royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse had found it takes an average of 24 years for people to speak about their abuse. “Some never do,” she says. The Blue Knot helpline has received calls from people disclosing for the first time in their 70s, 80s and 90s.
“We have a society that hasn’t wanted to hear about it,” she explains. “As we saw in the royal commission, a lot of people giving testimony spoke about trying to speak out as a child. Many were punished, they weren’t believed and their concerns were dismissed or minimised….

Fighting the Good Fight Against Online Child Sexual Abuse
Several websites popular with sexual predators were thwarted last month after a determined campaign by groups dedicated to eliminating the content. It was a rare victory in an unending war. By GABRIEL J.X. DANCE DEC. 23, 2019

In late November, the moderator of three highly trafficked websites posted a message titled “R.I.P.” It offered a convoluted explanation for why they were left with no choice but to close.
The unnamed moderator thanked over 100,000 “brothers” who had visited and contributed to the sites before their demise, blaming an “increasingly intolerant world” that did not allow children to “fully express themselves.”
In fact, forums on the sites had been bastions of illegal content almost since their inception in 2012, containing child sexual abuse photos and videos, including violent and explicit imagery of infants and toddlers.

The sites managed to survive so long because the internet provides enormous cover for sexual predators. Apps, social media platforms and video games are also riddled with illicit material, but they have corporate owners — like Facebook and Microsoft — that can monitor and remove it.
In a world exploding with the imagery — 45 million photos and videos of child sexual abuse were reported last year alone — the open web is a freewheeling expanse where the underdog task of confronting the predators falls mainly to a few dozen nonprofits with small budgets and outsize determination.
Several of those groups, including a child exploitation hotline in Canada, hunted the three sites across the internet for years but could never quite defeat them. The websites, records show, were led by an experienced computer programmer who was adept at staying one step ahead of his pursuers — in particular, through the services of American and other tech companies with policies that can be used to shield criminal behavior.

But the Canadian hotline developed a tech weapon of its own, a sophisticated tool to find and report illegal imagery on the web. When the sites found the tool directed at them, they fought back with a smear campaign, sending emails to the Canadian government and others with unfounded claims of “grave operational and financial corruption” against the nonprofit.
It wasn’t enough. The three sites were overwhelmed by the Canadian tool, which had sent more than 1 million notices of illegal content to the companies keeping them online. And last month, they were compelled to surrender.
“It’s been a wonderful 7 years and we would’ve loved to go for another 7,” the sites’ moderator wrote in his final post, saying they had closed because “antis,” short for “anti-pedophiles,” were “hunting us to death with unprecedented zeal.”
The victory was cheered by groups fighting online child sexual abuse, but there were no illusions about the enormous undertaking that remained. Thousands of other sites offer anybody with a web browser access to illegal and depraved imagery of children, and unlike with apps, no special software or downloads are required.
The three shuttered sites had hidden their tracks for years using the services of Cloudflare, an American firm that provides companies with cyberprotections. They also found a hosting company, Novogara, that gave them safe harbor in the Netherlands — a small country with a robust web business and laws that are routinely exploited by bad actors.
Cloudflare’s general counsel said the company had cooperated with the nonprofits and law enforcement and cut ties with the sites seven times in all, as they slightly altered their web addresses to evade targeting. A spokesman for Novogara said the company had complied with Dutch law….

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