Internet Research Resources on Memory, DID, Ritual Abuse, FMS and Mind Control – old list

Internet Research Resources on Memory, DID, Ritual Abuse, FMS and Mind Control

This was originally a handout for a presentation I gave at the The 6th Annual Northern California Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Conference in Davis, CA , 4/8/00.

This list for survivors and co-survivors of ritual abuse, incest and/or mind control. This list is from S.M.A.R.T., P. O Box 1295, Easthampton, MA 01027-1295 USA, E-mail: available via US Mail or e-mail. Please do not copy or re-use without permission. All rights reserved. Copyright 2000 S.M.A.R.T.

Please note, some of these urls no longer exist.

Our listing these resources does not necessarily constitute our endorsement of them. Resources mentioned in this resource list are mentioned for educational value only. Using these resources may or may not help your recovery process, so use caution when reading anything or contacting anyone mentioned in this resource list. These resources may be triggering, so please use caution while reading them. All accusations are alleged.

Books and resources on memory

Memory, Trauma Treatment, And the Law Brown, Scheflin and Hammond (D. Corydon), 1998, W. W. Norton (0-393-70254-5), 1-800-233-4830 or

Memory and Abuse – Remembering and Healing the Effects of Trauma C. Whitfield M.D. Health Communications, Inc 3201 SW 15th St, Deerfield Beach, FL.33442-8190.

Diagnosis and Treatment of MPD – by F. Putnam, MD, Guilford Press, 72 Spring St. NY 10012 (for information on DID and misdiagnosis of DID patients)

Traumatic Amnesia: The Evolution of Our Understanding From A Clinical and Legal Perspective, Dr. Charles Whitfield (Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, 4(2), 3-34, 1997), E-mail: (Eileen King), 202-289-2174.

Trauma and Memory: Clinical & legal understanding of traumatic amnesia (Chapter 12) in Burgess, Ann W. (ed): Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nursing. Appleton & Lange, Stamford, Ct., 1998, pp 171-186. C. Whitfield, M.D.

Veracity of recovered memory: (the first page (.com) links to other pages of interest also) “The Validity of Recovered Memory: Decision of a US District Court”

It has archives of corroborated cases of recovered memory, some from legal proceedings, full-text articles and abstracts on recovered memories, 22 peer reviewed studies on amnesia and child abuse, 24 publications on traumatic amnesia in Holocaust survivors, etc.

Here is some data from the peer-reviewed studies:

“The recovery of memories in clinical practice: Experiences and beliefs of British Psychological Society practitioners” Andrews, Bernice; Morton, John; Bekerian, Debra A.; Brewin, Chris R.; Davis, Graham M.; Mollon, Phil The Psychologist 1995 May, Vol. 8, pp. 209-214 ” “…recovery from total amnesia of past traumatic material involving both CSA and non-CSA experiences is (not) uncommon”” … our large-scale survey confirms and extends previous research…. Memory recovery appears to be a robust and frequent phenomenon.”

“Recall of childhood trauma: A prospective study of women’s memories of child sexual abuse.” Williams, Linda Meyer U New Hampshire, Family Research Lab, Durham, US Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology 1994 Dec Vol 62(6) 1167-1176 In a study of 129 women “with previously documented histories of sexual victimization” A large proportion of the women (38%) did not recall the abuse that had been reported 17 years earlier.” Women younger in age when abused and women “molested by someone they knew were more likely to have no recall of the abuse…Long periods with no memory of abuse should not be regarded as evidence that the abuse did not occur.”

“Recovered memories of abuse among therapy patients: A national survey.” Pope, Kenneth S.; Tabachnick, Barbara G. Independent practice, Norwalk, CT, US Ethics & Behavior 1995 Vol 5(3) 237-248, “According to the therapists, about 50% of the patients who claimed to have recovered the memories had found external validation, a percentage that coincides with that obtained in the Feldman-Summers & Pope, 1994 study”

Corroboration of Child Abuse Memories by Leonard Holmes, Ph.D. 4/13/98, “Studies report 50-75% of abuse survivors corroborating the facts of their abuse through an outside source.”

Dissociation and the Fragmentary Nature of Traumatic memories: Overview and Exploratory Study. Bessel A. van der Kolk & Rita Fisler is at

Abuse, Memory, Science, Therapy, Ethics & Malpractice by K. Pope, Ph.D.

Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 4, 2, 1997, Brunner/Mazel.Inc. c 1997, TRAUMATIC AMNESIA: The Evolution of Our Understanding From a Clinical and Legal Perspective by C. Whitfield, M.D. at

“How People Forget: The Truth About Delayed Memory” by Becky Bradway originally pub. in “Coalition Commentary,” pub. by the National Coalition Against Sexual Assault; for info. call (217) 753-4117, at

“Dissociation, Trauma, & Recovered Memories, a Collection of Useful Internet Links and Other References” is available at

Articles on trauma are at: or add “pg6.htm” D. Baldwin, PhD, Eugene, OR USA, 541-686-2598

J. Herman, author of “Trauma and Recovery” replies to Ethan Watters “Doors of Memory” (Jan./Feb. ’93) in Mother Jones

Showing the connection between MPD/DID and severe abuse:

The Spectrum of Dissociative Disorders: An Overview of Diagnosis and Treatment by Joan A. Turkus, M.D. is available at A Major studies have confirmed the traumatic origin of DID (Putnam, 1989, and Ross, 1989), which arises… as a result of severe physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse. Poly-fragmented DID (involving over 100 personality states) may be the result of sadistic abuse by multiple perpetrators over an extended period of time.”

“Child Abuse And Multiple Personality Disorder,” P. Coons, M.D., Dept. of Psychiatry. Ind. Univ. School of Medicine, Ind., IN 46223, “The syndrome of multiple personality is associated with a high incidence of physical and/or sexual abuse in childhood.”

DID: Research and Pseudoscience by S. Dallam RN, MSN,FNP, Treating Abuse Today, Vol. 8 No. 3 May-June 1998, “The authors conclude (about a different article): “This study establishes, once and for all, the linkage between early severe abuse and (D.I.D.)”

“The Body Keeps the Score: Memory and the evolving psychobiology of post traumatic stress,” by Bessel van der Kolk,

Information with allegations and information about FMSF:

Messing With Our Minds, an article by Husayn Al-Kurdi, “with (alleged) links to CIA mind control experts and accused child abusers, the false memory movement turns “blaming the victim” into a science.” The article mentions West, Orne, Singer, MK-Ultra, the Freyds, Underwager and Wakefield, Loftus, etc., at:

False Memory Syndrome : A False Construct by Juliette Cutler Page at has information about recovered memory and information about several FMSF members or former members not commonly known.

“Lost in a Shopping Mall — A Breach of Professional Ethics,” Crook and Dean, has an article by Michele Landsberg, Toronto Star, 11/13/93, called “False Memory Label Invented by Lobby Group.”

“The Highly Misleading Truth and Responsibility in Mental Health Pratices Act: The “False Memory” Movement’s Remedy for a Nonexistent Problem,” by Judith M. Simon,

“The False Memory Debate: Social Science or Social Backlash,” Judith L. Herman and Mary R. Harvey, /mag1/p5h-mem3.html

False Memory Syndrome Facts (not an FMSF sponsored site) at

Copies of “Lost in a shopping mall – A breach of professional ethics” and “Logical fallacies and ethical breaches” are now available. Send an E-mail request to and ask for an attachment–or provide a mailing address and copies will be mailed to you. – Ground Lost: The False Memory/Recovered Memory Therapy Debate by Alan W. Scheflin Psychiatric Times November 1999 Vol. XVI Issue 11

from, “Is There a False Memory Epidemic? by Stephanie J. Dallam, RN, MSN, FNP”

New Research Casts Doubts on False Memory Syndrome, Monday, March 13, 2000, By Patricia Reaney

Proving the existence of SRA/MC and RA/MC:

“Cultural and Economic Barriers to Protecting Children from Ritual Abuse and Mind Control,” Catherine Gould, Ph.D. Dec. 1995, http://members.tripod .com/~Curio_5_/gould.html Here are some quotes: “Among 2,709 members of the American Psychological Association who responded to a poll, 2,292 cases of ritual abuse were reported (Bottoms, Shaver, & Goodman, 1993).

“Evidence also continues to accumulate that the ritual abuse of children constitutes a child abuse problem of significant scope.” (Studies and numbers are listed.) “Finkelhor, Williams and Burns (1988)…substantiated reports of sexual abuse …involving 1,639 … child victims…” Other reports of possible ritual abuse include: Kelly (1988; 1989; 1992a; 1992b; 1993) 35 day care victims, Waterman et al.(1993) 82 children, Faller (1988; 1990) 18 children, Bybee and Mowbray(1993) 62 children, 53 children seeing others being ritually abused, Snow and Sorenson (1990) 39 children reporting ritual abuse, in Utah, and Jonker and Jonker-Bakker(1991) 48 victims of ritual abuse.” “..58% of the ritual abuse cases in the Finkelhor(1988) study that went to trial resulted in convictions. In the Kelly (1992b) study, convictions were obtained in 80% of the ritual and sexual abuse cases combined.” “convictions were obtained in 11% of all ritual child abuse cases studied by Bottoms et al. (1991; 1993).”

Measuring the Impact of Media Exposure and Hospital Treatment on Patients Alleging Satanic Ritual Abuse by Frank Leavitt, Ph.D.

A Consolidation of SRA and False Memory Data by James Quan is available at

Ritual abuse home page at . Has lots of links and info.

Our home page at has many links also.

Presidential Report on Radiation, March 15, 1995 testimony of MC victims, video tape of the government hearing: Missoulians for a Clean Environment, P O Box 2885, Missoula, MT 59806

The Interim Report of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (about MC and RA experiments) Superintendent of Documents, stock # 061-000-00819-5, for $9.00. US Govt. Printing Office, P O Box 371954, Pitts., PA 15250-7954.

legal information:

Archive of News Reports and Ritual Murder Cases and Appellate Documentation of Ritual and Satanic Cases at: /~Curio_5_/ra.htm

Information on the CIA/Canada case is at It discusses the case of Orlikow, et al. v. United States, a litigation for the Canadian victims of CIA brainwashing experiments. “The payment of nearly a million dollars to the CIA’s victims by the governments of the United States and Canada” because of the federal suit.

One of 23 inmates involved in LSD experiments at Kingston’s Prison for Women from 1960-63.” 991218NEW01c_Cl-PRISON18.html (this article may be triggering)

Journey Into Madness by Gordon Thomas, discusses the CIA’s long history of allegedly sponsoring torture and medical abuse. The book discusses in part the alleged roles of Allen Dulles, William Casey and Dr. Ewen Cameron. Bantam Books, 66(*)6 5th Ave, NY, NY 10103, ISBN 0-553-05357-4.

Mind Control Victim Awarded $1 Million at:

Law and Social Inquiry – Journal of the American Bar Foundation, Volume 22, Number 3, Summer 1997 has an article called “Suppressing Memory” by Lynne Henderson (The University of Chicago Press) “it would be an injustice to declare all recovered memory unreliable and to adopt a legal rule precluding testimony based on such memory.”

The Law and Mind Control – a Look at the Law and Government Mind Control Through Five Cases: CIA vs Sims, United States vs Stanley Orlikow, et Al vs United States, Kronisch vs United States et Al Heinrich, et Al vs Sweet, et Al by Helen L. McGonigle, Esq. at: or via E-mail from SMART.

There are a variety of excellent articles for survivors and lawyers at: and resources.html

On mind control techniques:

“The Battle for Your Mind,” by Dick Sutphen, “Persuasion and Brainwashing Techniques Being Used on the Public Today,” is at

On how to avoid being mind control and conference safety:

see SMART issue #30 for how to recognize and avoid mind control and propaganda techniques:

On how to avoid and recognize cults:

PARC-VRAMC has an article called, Avoiding Cultlike Groups by K. Sullivan, 6 pp. $3, PARC-VRAMC, PMB 129, 5251 Hwy 153, Hixson, TN 37343, E-mail: