Mind Control Artificially Rooted in the Natural – Wendy Hoffman – Conference Transcript

Artificially Rooted in the Natural
Wendy Hoffman

Many of us wonder why recovery from criminal mind control takes so long and is so painful and consuming. This workshop explores one aspect of the difficulties we experience. Perpetrators don’t pull mind control programs out of the blue. They have studied and continue to study what is natural to human emotions, behaviors and motivations. Their mind control tactics stem from those observations. Perpetrators artificially root their commands in the natural tendencies of the human brain, personality and soul, such as dissociation, the need for love and many others. The purpose of this workshop is to help survivors understand some of the unwanted potency of programming and relieve some of the shame and suffering they may feel as they go through their recovery, or even decide whether to start their investigation of themselves, their brains and hearts.

Wendy Hoffman has published three memoirs, The Enslaved Queen (Karnac Books, 2014, new edition by Aeon Books, 2019), White Witch in a Black Robe (Karnac Books, 2016, new edition by Aeon Books, 2019) and A Brain of My Own (Aeon Books, 2020). The Enslaved Queen has been translated and published in Germany (Asanger-Verlag, 2021). Her book of poetry, Forceps, was also published (Karnac books, 2016) along with a book of essays, From the Trenches, written with Dr. Alison Miller (Karnac Books, 2018, re-issued Routledge Books, 2019). Her fourth memoir, After Amnesia, is published on the SmartNews and Survivorship websites (2022). It also has been translated into German. https://ritualabuse.us/smart/wendy-hoffman/

This presentation may be difficult for survivors to read.  Survivors may want to work with a safe support person while reading this. All accusations are alleged.


Wendy Hoffman
copyright Wendy Hoffman 2023

This is about generational criminal mind control. Some aspects of this life of abuse may apply to non-generational cults.

Survivors wonder at how long it takes to recover from criminal mind control. They enter the healing process with such hope and determination and work hard. However, they find the process takes longer and is more interminable and painful than they anticipated.

This presentation explores one aspect of the difficulties we experience and about how perpetrators make it difficult for us to dismantle our mind control.

My purpose is to help survivors understand some of the unwanted potency or programming and relieve some of the shame and suffering they may feel as they go through their recovery, or even decide whether to start their investigation of themselves, their brains and hearts.

At the end, I will briefly summarize some of the many methods they use. For now, I concentrate on one of the methods that has not yet been sufficiently addressed.

Perpetrators don’t pull mind control programs out of the blue. They have studied and continue to study what is natural to human emotions, behaviors and motivations. Their mind control tactics stem from those observations. Perpetrators artificially root their commands in the natural tendencies of the human brain, personality and soul, such as dissociation among many others.

Victims are not to blame for being programmed. Programmers intrude on and use what is natural in human nature. That they steal what is natural in you does not make it your fault. Do not accept their blame.

Satanic researchers test newborns constantly to determine their inborn traits—whether they are more victim than perpetrator, giver or taker. Those traits show up in people (and animals) in infancy. Animal trainers know this. Then programmers are ordered to work within the confines of what comes more naturally to their victims. Sometimes humans show conflicting traits early: for example, they may be extremely loving ( observed how lovingly they look at parents) and extremely selfish (not willing to share candy, for example). Mind controllers would then use both those traits in this victim’s programming or try to amplify one and decrease the other. Instead of helping them to become better, they control them so that they are worse. They may then come out with a mind-control-specimen (formerly a human) who is extremely selfish and grabbing and only has flashes of love on occasion. But whatever the person’s natural tendencies, here genetic and not yet fully environmental, those tendencies can never be fully silenced. They will emerge every now and then no matter how programmed the person becomes. They cannot destroy completely, not completely, what is inherent. For example, take a male who has been programmed to be a killer or assassin. Even such a person will have, for example, flashes of compassion.

Thus what is not completely destroyed can become the germ of healing and recovery. We are not marionettes that someone else pulls the strings on. Even when mind controlled, we are not completely just puppets. No matter how hard they try and advance their brutal methods, they cannot succeed completely. That is why so many of us are allowing memories to spring up from our dissociated brains and begin to understand who we are and what has been done to us. And how to undo their damage and how to help others, including children, including our own children and grandchildren.

A look at particulars:

1. DISSOCIATION: Satanic perpetrators did not invent dissociation. They knew it exists and is a natural tendency of the human brain. Even without clinical training, we all know about leaving ourselves out of fear. When people feel powerless, they leave themselves.

Many normal people are capable of dissociation, or leaving your awareness and in your mind going to a different place. Normal people with ordinary lives watch the nightly news and find it too horrible to know, to be true. They go somewhere else in their minds and forget or diminish what they were just told.

We might not have known the terms dissociation and association but we knew about forgetting and remembering even when we were not allowed to know anything of what had happened to us. Everyone knows about leaving their bodies. A medical person injects you and you find your spirit on the ceiling. Just entering a dentist’s office can cause you to leave your body. You become so afraid of a burglar, break-in, mugger, anyone that your hair stands up on your scalp and neck and you are beside yourself. How old is that cliche ‘beside yourself’? Wikipedia dates it back to Ancient Greece (15:11, April 6, 2010). You visit a concentration camp, slavery housing, prisons and you find yourself no longer in your skin. Perpetrators use every ounce of this natural human tendency and take it to a cruel extreme. They plant personalities and commands in victims’ brains, seal them with electricity and drugs, for example, and have them forget or dissociate. Nonetheless, these personalities or parts can be called out whenever the perpetrators want, while inside-manufactured parts remain isolated and don’t know about one another.

Why do they over-torture, over-drug, over-torment, over-lie while they program their innocent victims? Because they want only one part of the brain—the part they are working on right then—to be so overwhelmed that it obliterates awareness of all other parts of the brain. All the other pieces of the brain recede, and they only have awareness of the overwhelmed part. That is also how the brain would function in normal life. People can become so upset that all they think about is that distress. They may go about their tasks and actions in an oblivious state. You have seen normal people in acute grief not knowing what they are doing, performing actions in a robotic way. Perpetrators use that reaction to overwhelm victims. For example, in a scene from the former TV show “All in the Family,” Edith is grocery shopping and is so upset about something that she is not aware of having put groceries in her cart. She went through motions with no memory.

To counter the programming: Try to be aware of when you are leaving your body, responding to a signal outside yourself, becoming an aspect of yourself that you would not endorse. Try to increase your awareness of yourself even as others are trying to make you forget or dissociate. Pinch your skin or snap a rubber bank around your wrist or slap your thigh to help you stay in your known self. Slight pain can bring people back to the self.

2. EMPATHY: Children have empathy unless it has been beaten and abused out of them. Children who have not been corrupted have empathy for other children, adults, animals.

Programmers intentionally deplete their victims of empathy. Satanists worship a god of hate and a religion of hatred. You can’t hate and have generalized empathy at the same time.

Many programmers are conflicted. Some enjoy the power they experience over others and stealing others’ brains. They prefer that to being victims themselves. Master programmers, the ones who tackle hard cases, are innovative and design mind control programs, had had all their empathy tortured out of them and are cold to their core and violent. They are so frigidly cold, it is frightening that humans can end up like that. They may be good at pretending to be empathetic to their victims but they are not. They view their victims as a crop. They are good at wearing masks.

Counter: Despite all this, people need empathy and understanding. You won’t find it among satanists. It’s best to give it to yourself. Ultimately, you’re the person to count on and as an adult, you can give all your tortured parts the kind care they need and deserve.

3. TRUST: We’re born with the need to trust, and we trust until we’re abused and deceived and realize the people we’ve trusted are not trustworthy. Infants may be faster at knowing whom not to trust than adults. Animals know too.

For some, trust becomes distrust in the womb. The mother may receive recurrent electroshock beginning in the sixth month of pregnancy. Its physical pain makes her leave awareness of the fetus temporarily. The mother does not choose to leave her unborn child but has to momentarily because of the torture. Stretched skin is particularly sensitive. Mothers who know what to expect and are determined not to abandon their unborn children may be capable of not leaving. The fetus experiences the departure as abandonment and does not know whether the mother will return. That insecurity is exactly what perpetrators want to create. This pattern set up in pre-birth and perhaps early infancy can establish a pattern for life, especially if the child remains in the same family.

After that treachery, the ability to trust vanishes. For example, how do you love if you can’t trust?

Then comes a big decision: Do you trust anyone or no one? If you decide to trust anyone, how do you know that person is safe? That is the kind of worry that surrounds surviving victims’ lives. Even people from so-called ordinary world can be duped. Look at leaders of countries who have duped so many. Leaders in every field can be satanists. Ordinary citizens aren’t systematically tortured from birth or before with electroshock and drugs and abuses, but they too have fallen under the spell of chronic, absorbing lies that prevent the brain from thinking things through and knowing what it knows.

Counter: Survivors in recovery have to work very hard to trust and often trust the wrong people. It takes a long time to know whether someone is trustworthy, and they haven’t had many models of trustworthy people to base a comparison on. Be cautious and go slowly. Even if someone is tooted as a famous expert, that doesn’t mean the person deserves your trust.
It is painful and hard to realize someone you trust and love is an enemy. Even if you’ve been raised by people who abused you, it’s hard to realize that new people in your life are also untrustworthy and mean you harm. But it’s better to know so that you can start to protect yourself and not fall into a deeper pit. And pits do grow deeper and deeper if not stopped.

4. SELF-ESTEEM: We are born with it. We’re born with enough self-esteem to demand nutrition, hydration, comfort and comforting. That is why infants make such a racket when they are hungry, thirsty, want to have their diapers changed, need real love and soothing. Young, we also think that everything that happens is to our credit or our fault. Depending on what happened in the womb, self-esteem can be fragile and vulnerable to what is said to us.

Programmers do everything they can to decrease their victims’ self-esteem. They make sure our self-esteem is diminished by how our family treats us, what happens during programming and in rituals where self-esteem is chronically assaulted. They want their victims to be complete puppets and for that you need no or little self-esteem.

Let me tell you right now, you are wonderful and deserve the best. You do not deserve to be tortured and taken over and deprived of who you are. In all perpetrators’ programming, they will find a way to blame you for what is happening to you. For example, if a father is discovered raping his daughters, he might say that they were so adorable, they made me. Or a father raping sons might say “He’s weak. I have to make him stronger.” Or a mother continually hurting her children might accuse them of trying to make her die sooner. “Don’t you think I’ll be dead soon enough?” she might say. This kind of twisting and blaming galls victims, and they find it also in ordinary life. You are not to blame. They are lying. Try and see through their satanic tactics. They are not on your side. They are trying to destroy you. Don’t let them.

At the same time, satanists make their victims into grandiose beings who think they are more important than other people and are insensitive to others. They use flattery and build self-importance in vulnerable victims—everyone can be vulnerable to that. Therefore the healing process is two-fold.

Counter: Build up your own degraded self-esteem. Reconsider yourself. Think of your strengths. Despite perpetrators’ constant belittling of you and their tortuous mind control to deflate who you are and what you are capable of, honor yourself. Remember stray comments by strangers and safe people noticing positive aspects of you. Don’t buy what perpetrators want you to believe about yourselves. As Mr. Rogers would say, “You are special.” He talked to those who needed him with his messages. That is us. Not the overly entitled. Leave people who put you down and find those who honor you. Honor yourself.

At the same time, decrease your grandiosity as you become aware of it and gain a more realistic appraisal of who you are in this world. It may seem difficult to give up, but the truth heals and lies don’t.

5. THE NEED TO TELL: Perpetrators want their victims not to talk. That is all important to them: secrecy, silence. They have discovered that their best way to ensure secrecy is to have their victims not know. Over the generations, they perfected dissociation. After the discovery of electricity, it became even easier to make victims’ brains blank and fragmented. Yet victims have a burning desire to tell and to tell their own horrific stories. They want to tell even if people don’t want to hear and outsiders turn away.

The book the Seventh Million, the Israelis and the Holocaust, by Tom Segev and translated by Haim Watzman, talks about how sealed in silence Holocaust survivors were, a silence sealed by horror and the world’s not wanting to know. With the Nuremberg trials, the world suddenly listened and was aware. Survivors began talking. Public support gives survivors of horror permission to tell their stories. The Holocaust is well known now, though even the title of this important book under-reports how many were really murdered. Organizations that put on conferences to help survivors know and speak are our version of the trials, even though they are infiltrated. Safe therapists also give permission and encouragement to talk and consequently break imposed silence.

Counter: The best remedy is to give yourself permission to tell and write about your story. Journal frequently. You don’t have to be good at writing. Just write it down or draw pictures or make up songs. Tell.

6. DUALITY: Going in two directions at once is not unusual for humans. We can be kind and mean, generous and selfish, truthful and deceptive, for example. You can see this duality in normal people as well. It is clear in people who create. At times of grief and depression, their work may express joy and in good times, their work may evoke sadness. Perpetrators naturally latch onto this duality-trait in human nature and use it to their own advantage. They insert programs into their victims’ brains, and their victims find themselves acting or feeling in opposite ways at different times. For example, there is the ‘die-don’t die’ program, which commands victims to suicide or stay alive. Those two directions can pull against each other. If they want you alive, satanic programmers will trigger the ‘don’t die’ program, etc. Many other opposite programs exist, such as ‘eat-don’t eat,’ ‘sleep-don’t sleep,’ ‘look normal-don’t look normal,’ ‘show anger, don’t show anger;’ remember what happens to you, forget what happens to you,’ ‘save yourself, don’t save yourself,’ figure things out for yourself, always need a leader to tell you.’

Counter: Be aware that duality programming may exist in you if you are a survivor of these abuses. Be aware when you feel pulled in opposite directions. Try to choose which direction you want to go and not let programmers decide for you. Be aware that programmers and masters who give the commands are trying to take you away from yourself and your own choices. Be suspicious if you feel suicidal. Try to find the program that had been triggered. Attempt to find out why. Is it a bomb-like command placed on a memory that you’ve just retrieved?

7. COMMUNITY: Another natural need people have is for community. People were designed to live in groups, neighborhoods, communities, families. Satanists design their members’ lives so that they have people around them—but the people who are around them are mind controlled satanists. These satanists mean to harm victims either because they are assigned to or because their own sadistic nature or both. They assign different rolls to members: for example, a spouse may be a handler, a doctor, a torturer; a therapist, a programmer; a child, a reporter. These jobs are not unusual, in fact they are standard. Victims are required to attend frequent rituals for many purposes, one being for a sense of community. They want their members to feel part of this satanic, destructive community and rituals celebrate that. They also encourage their members to feel superior to outsiders. During these rituals, participants are made to attend orgies, eat human flesh and sometimes participate in murder. That is how they make people feel contaminated and unfit to join any normal-world community. It is all worked out in advance. They even have retirement communities where older people are allowed to rest but may be called out to solve any crises that may arise, as they often do.

Even when victims try to break away, they may still be surrounded by unknown satanists and not realize that they are being betrayed. Or it’s possible that the people are successful in breaking away but may not be able to establish themselves as members of a new community. They are more or less free but now living fairly isolated. Many would prefer to be free and alone than living a satanic life among knowing or unknowing, which means dissociated or conscious satanists. Some do break away and live in safety. Happily, some are able to free themselves from abusers, join healthier communities and even start families. They carry the scars from their pasts, but everyone does, even the ones with normal lives.

Counter: Don’t hate yourself or be angry at yourself for wanting to be part of a group. It is a natural tendency and part of human nature and need. Given all the abuse you may have suffered, it is admirable that you still care enough about people to want to join them. I hope you will find safe people to join. If not, it is better to be alone than with highly destructive perpetrators who want at best to thwart you.

8. FAMILY: Mind control victims sometimes don’t want to hear anything bad about their families. They just don’t want to know. If you are in that phase of your healing, you may not want to read this section. Then skip over it and go on to the next section. But if you are a survivor of criminal mind control that is generational, if your family has been doing this sort of thing for generations, then it would be difficult if not impossible to change the direction of your lives without a knowledge of how your family operates.

Family is an organism made up of many parts formed into a whole unit. Animals live in hierarchical herds, birds in flocks, fish in schools. Family serves a basic animal need for companionship and survival. They want and need leaders. When a horse is kicked out of the herd, it may not survive. There are too many predators for a single animal to survive. Humans are animals, and we need family and leaders too. Our hope and perception of family were destroyed early in life. But family must be a deep human need, for we seem to seek it out no matter what. Some may not be able to find new family. Then you make the decision to choose freedom or a family of origin. Mind controlled families that stay prisoners do not change, no matter how much you hope they will. Some people who go into recovery and choose freedom rather than being part of a satanic family have usually felt different or even alienated from their families even before recovery. They knew in their heart and instincts that something was very wrong there. Some have tried recurrently during childhood to run away. This situation is not like war, where a member of the family was killed in action. In recovery, you leave one planet and go to another unfamiliar one. There is the pain of leaving a living family you are not part of.

Counter: It is ironic and very human that parts of satanic family life are usually destructive and violent, yet surviving victims find it hard to leave. Many explanations exist for this such as mind control, but it also testifies to how deep the need is for family and the hope for love. In satanic families, if there is love, it is mixed with hate. You will not find the kind of love you are searching for there. Look elsewhere. In a mind controlled, unhealed family of origin, you have to remain a marionette with someone else pulling your strings. Free, you get to be who you really are, though with scars.

9. FALLING IN LOVE: Humans are built to fall in love. But in satanic mind control cults, marriages are planned. Some are a form of punishment, when they pair ill-matched people. Some have to marry people they would otherwise hate. Some are to produce heirs of a developed blood line. Those children will be even more trapped than others. Satanic cults are focused on bloodlines that have been developed over the centuries to product just the kind of robot they want. Victims may have two ordered marriages: one for ordinary life and one for the secret cult life. Both marriages may be satanic. Their front parts may be programmed to think that the ordinary life one is good, and aspects of some marriages may be good despite it all. Or they may enlist a non-cult person as a front. A victim can think the marriage is good. A spouse may become a handler or a handler may become a spouse. A child is also sometimes given the role of handler, and before than of reporter and spy. That is another way all aspects of freedom are taken away from surviving victims.

Counter: These marriages are not good for the soul or the offspring. Try to get away from these spouses and counter the mind control they use on you to force you to stay in or marry into satanic mind control cults. The more you know about your mind control, how it happened, where and who did it, the easier it will be to make good life choices. Try also to remember the words they used on you to make you do certain acts. And how they brought out certain parts of your inside brain. Remember also the torture and threats they used. The information is all in your brain. Parts wants to talk. When more free, if you find yourself making poor choices, don’t be hard on yourself. You are a beginner and just need practice and experience in forming your own future.

10. DESIRE TO PLEASE: Be aware of whether the people in your life are taking advantage of your innate desire to please others. Also notice whether you are giving much much more than you’re getting. Notice if you’re trying too hard. That may be a sign that you’re mind controlled to do it. In the beginning controllers may give something, but as soon as you’re trapped, they will revert to their true selves, which is only to take and take big. Perpetrators like to work their victims to exhaustion.

Counter: Relationships should be equal or nearly equal. Assess whether you are giving more and even much more than you are receiving. Correct that. The balance is not good. Find the programs placed in you to be excessively compliant.

11. PROTECTION: Humans have an innate urge to protect children and animals. In mind control cults, starting at young ages perpetrators are trained to hurt children and animals. They train parents and those meant to protect to hurt children and not see when other people are hurting these children. When parents realize what they are doing, they may be overcome with grief and guilt.

Abuse makes children feel insecure and uncertain of adults and themselves. In real religions and healthy communities, ones that have not been corrupted, and good families, where there is not abuse, there are blessings and permission to go forth and succeed in the world. There is a feeling of security and assurance. All that has been stripped away in satanic cults.

Counter: All that is tainted, contaminated, destroyed but you can get a lot of that back by scraping and finding out the truth about your lives and then taking action. You can make amends to your children and help them not become perpetrators. You can start seeing what is happening right in front of you.

12. THE NEED FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE: Humans crave honesty and fairness and all that had been thwarted our whole lives, mostly in the satanic world we may come from but also in the normal world. Surviving victims get into trouble by having such strong wishes for people to be good and caring. We overlook dishonesty because we want the opposite so much. Wanting it doesn’t make it happen. Dissociating from it doesn’t make it go away. In fact it could make it worse because then perpetrators know they are not being called out on what they did. They don’t want to own their crimes, and it’s best if you don’t make that easy for them.

Perpetrators pretend they are not hurting victims, twist what happened and make it into nothing or their fault. Those traits are not exclusive to satanic perpetrators from mind control cults, but that way to act is a norm in that world. When people in ordinary life act like that, it can produce rage in surviving victims of mind control. You then have the choice of telling the offending person how you feel or squashing the emotions and thoughts. It’s up to you. If you say what you think, you’re taking a giant step toward health. Your health is what your perpetrators do not want. If you tell satanic perpetrators what you think, you may be informing them that you are getting healthier and attempting to break free. They may then come down harder on you. It may be better to work toward freedom quietly, if you can.

Counter: Try to be aware when you are being manipulated. Do not accept the blame that perpetrators put on you. The blame belongs on them. Free yourself of their condemnation. Calmly express your anger but try not to let them know that you are at a new level of awareness.

OTHER DANGERS: While trying to get free, surviving victims may be accessed and reprogrammed. Perpetrators disguised as helpers reinforce barriers to their victims’ sections and personalities and hide other ones in other places in the victim’s brain. Consequently, we have a constantly changing brain that is hard to keep up with.

To insert mind control, programmers use deprivations (food, water, sleep, love, learning), drugs to create amnesia, electroshock to create barriers within the parts and sections of the brains they invade, near-constant torture, plus emotional and spiritual pain. Perpetrators threaten to hurt victims’ loved ones if they do not stop attempting to learn what is inside their own brains. If perpetrators are successful, you won’t know what is happening to you. Your front parts are designed not to have a clue. Your inside parts won’t know what is happening to other inside parts and won’t be able to communicate with you. That is satanists’ goal.

Other forces to keep you a slave are that people in major positions in society are satanists. That includes helpers, medical, educational, financial, religious, legal representatives, law enforcement, therapists, and many many others. They pretend to help but they hurt you badly. Some are agents working for you and working for the enemy as well.

They have endless ways of disappointing our trust. In the beginning, shrewd as ever, they spotted the power position in the world and infiltrated them with their own robotic ‘people.’ Eventually they had possession of so many power-positions, owned them, that they were a force in the world. That is how the world became in deeper water than ever.

Do not trust indiscriminately and try to conquer the ‘trust’ program that may be operating in you. The most relevant for our healing, the one you may have the most known contact with, is to discover whether your therapist is a satanist or a double agent. There are many safe therapists in this field but not all are. For example, if your therapist is not helping you discover current abuse that you may be enduring, try and find out why. Does that person not know about mind control, or is that person so aghast by evil that he or she blocks awareness and acknowledgment, or is that person too afraid or an enemy? Gather your strength and ask the very important question: Did or does that person participate in the abuse, actively or passively? Did they attend rituals or your mind control programming sessions? Did it take place in their offices? Ask these questions even if you may not want to know the answers. It is okay to ask your internal parts those questions. Your inside parts want to answer. You can also ask who in your personal world is not safe and who is safe. If they give you an answer, you’ll know, if they are able to answer truthfully.

If they are plants working for the enemy and writers and teachers too, then they usually mix good information with bad information. Some of what they teach is not accurate. Unfortunately, tragically, some of the best known ‘experts’ in the field are satanists in disguise. What makes them experts? Their inside knowledge. They grew up being abused. They know what makes perpetrators abuse and victims dissociate. Although they know, they haven’t changed sides. They befriend, then deceive. Some surviving victims are surrounded by unknown satanists and don’t realize it.

The ones who pretend are becoming more skillful. They are, of course, trained. But there are glimpses that may give you clues. Sometimes, even when they wear their thickest masks and act their warmest-false-selves and are in their most hidden destructive roles, sometimes even then you get a glimpse, an inkling. In female perpetrators, you may get a flash of a deep-freeze-coldness, and in males, an impulsive violence that has been created in these unfortunate perpetrators whom you think of as helpers. If that happens, try to hold onto what you see. Try to resist turning your head away. Because in that moment, you may be seeing the truth.

Beware when you perceive even a hint of disdain and contempt for survivors. They hide it well, but sometimes it pops out, or it may even pour out in their teachings. Try not to close your eyes to these important glimpses. Your safety may depend on your seeing and knowing.

If you discover that your therapist (or doctor, lawyer, priest, pastor, rabbi, whatever, accountant, financial adviser, friends, colleagues, cleaning person, anyone) is a satanic agent, then you have to think about the one who referred you to that person. The satanic organization is like a network of ants that you see on sidewalks. Each ant has its job and they work in unison. Each remains focused on only what it has to accomplish. These human perpetrators may pretend not to like one another, but they work together as a disciplined team. Ask yourself who referred you, how did you find this person, whom did they send you to? Then the whole system of intrigue can collapse. They’ll send others to infiltrate your life, but you’ll be far more aware and on guard this time around.

Another negative force is the ordinary, normal world. Many if not most ordinary people living in their normal world don’t care about satanic mind control victims. They may be afraid or indifferent or not believe it happens. You may on occasion be surprised but don’t count on their helping. Their lack of concern colludes with evil.

Every now and then, you may find a person from the ordinary, normal world who wants to help and who almost understands. However, someone in that person’s family will usually stop them. But every now and then, there is someone who does not fold under family’s pressures.

Even though this highly unified system is rigged against us, and we who are trying to break free of our mind control and chains are pretty much alone—all that doesn’t mean that we’ll lose. The fight and striving are a noble means. They matter. Some of us may achieve it, and they will help others step into freedom and into truly being alive.

CONCLUSION: Do not beat yourself up emotionally for taking years, decades, the rest of your life to become who you are. You have a lot working against you. Just to buck the threats and lies imposed on you takes enormous strength and dignity. Be kind to yourself and understanding. Use your considerable intelligence. If something sounds wrong to you or it seems like someone is lying and misleading you, pay attention. You may be right. Don’t abandon yourself and your mind as you have been abandoned.

You are not only fighting enemies. You are also fighting to retake your basic instincts that satanic perpetrators are depriving you of.

You have the hardest job—harder than outside people could ever realize. You are more courageous than anyone could ever know.